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June 30, 2024

877: ACTION SATURDAY (reignite your social media with the Jay Z post!)

Feeling invisible on social media? What if there was a quick tactic to reignite your online presence and command attention? Join our host Brian Lofrumento on this Action Saturday as we unlock the power of the "Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself" post. Inspired by Jay-Z's legendary lyrics, this episode will teach you how to remind your audience who you are, what you do, and why they should care—all in less than 10 minutes. Whether you're a social media ghost or a regular poster, this strategy can make you unforgettable amidst the ever-changing algorithms.

Discover why this type of post is the go-to social media move of so many people and learn to craft a compelling reintroduction that showcases your mission, hustle, and unique story. Hear firsthand how this technique works wonders for both seasoned entrepreneurs and newcomers alike. We’ll explore why this isn't just a one-time trick but a recurring strategy to keep your network—be it friends, peers, or family—engaged and informed. Tune in and get ready to reignite your online game with a fresh, engaging approach that ensures you're always top of mind.


00:00:00.962 --> 00:00:01.524
Hey, what is up?

00:00:01.524 --> 00:00:20.120
Wontrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world, it's Brian LoFermento here, host of the Wontrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and this is a super simple and super actionable Action Saturday that, honestly, should take less than 10 minutes for you to do, and you never know what can come about from doing this action.

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Because you all probably know, if you've looked me up on social media, whether it be Instagram or Facebook, you already know that I'm actually not very keen on social media.

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I personally don't use social media all that much in my own life.

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I do not use it at all in business, which I know it's a little bit unusual for a content creator, but it's because we have such a loyal and awesome audience All of you who tune in from over 150 countries.

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Obviously, we've been doing it for a long time, so this audience hasn't happened overnight, but I have built an audience, not on social media, and so I'm just as guilty as so many other people when it comes to not posting that frequently, and the shame about that is obviously social media is one of those ways that we all keep in touch with each other these days, and so if we are not posting, I know that when I'm not posting.

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A lot of people are probably not thinking about me, or even if they are in a really wishful world, even if they are thinking of me, they're probably just saying, oh, I wonder what Brian's up to, but they have no idea because I'm not showing up consistently.

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Well, actually I'm not even showing up at all.

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I make like a few posts every single year.

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So today's action I don't want to sit here and tell you post on social media.

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Instead, I want to steal a page from Jay-Z's book and I want to leverage it's one of my favorite lyrics of all time when he starts out that one song where he goes.

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Allow me to reintroduce myself.

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And that's what we need to do on social media, which is why this week's Action, saturday I want to focus on that.

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It is indeed my favorite post, my favorite type of post that I see from both friends and fellow entrepreneurs alike.

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It's something that a lot of people leverage when they've been off of social media for a long time.

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And the cool thing about this action is that, even if you do use social media all the time consistently, or if you don't use it ever, or if you are a seasoned entrepreneur and you're 10 years into your business, or 20 years into your business, or, let's say, you're just starting out.

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There is always an appropriate time.

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You need no excuse to do this reintroduction post, and I love seeing people do it on their social media accounts, because the truth is, thanks to today's algorithms, we don't even see each other's posts all the time.

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I have so many friends who are near and dear to me in so many different ways whether they're college friends that I was very close to during school, or Los Angeles friends, or Florida friends, or entrepreneurial friends or even family.

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I don't see all of their posts because the algorithms push other things.

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I actually see more.

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I see more posts from pages and from brands than I do from my actual friends, and so this post always performs well.

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This allow me to reintroduce myself post, and this is fun because, even if you're sitting there thinking, well, brian, why am I going to reintroduce myself?

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When I do show up on social media?

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Because it's your chance to tell people and remind people all the different things that you do, all the great work that you're up to, what you're hustling on, who you can help, what you care about, what your mission is, what your story is, what makes you you.

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That's the fun part about this.

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Allow me to reintroduce myself post, and so this is something like I said.

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You don't just have to do it once.

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You can do it once a quarter.

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You can do it probably once a quarter is about the max frequency Once every six months.

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For sure you should do it every single year.

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It's just a really good excuse to remind people hey, I'm here, here's what I'm up to, here's what I care about, here's my story, here's what makes me me, here's who I love helping and here's some cool things that I'm up to, and you don't even have to have a call to action.

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That's the other aspect of this.

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Allow me to reintroduce myself post that I really enjoy.

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So, like I said, it should be a fun post.

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It's just an update from you to the world to reintroduce yourself, and even people who don't need a reintroduction to you, they will appreciate seeing that in you.

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They'll appreciate seeing your updates and seeing what you're thinking about and what you're caring about.

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So it's a win-win for all of us and it really is just great, wholesome, easy content for all of us to put on social media, whether it's Facebook, instagram, linkedin, tiktok, whatever it is that you're on.

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Just make a reintroduction post.

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You should have fun with it.

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People will have fun seeing it and this is going to be my kick up the butt.

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I'll be doing it this week as well.

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So if you're looking for an example, go find me on Instagram, my Instagram.

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It's super easy to remember.

00:04:55.521 --> 00:04:57.002
It's I met Brian.

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Now that you met me on the show, just find me on Instagram.

00:04:59.185 --> 00:05:02.831
I met Brian Super easy to remember, super easy to spell.

00:05:02.831 --> 00:05:03.932
It's Brian with an I.

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So at I met Brian, I'll see you there.

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Otherwise, do this action for real.

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It's only gonna help you.

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You never know who's gonna see it and share it with a friend and say, hey, weren't you talking about you needed a new website, or a copywriter or a marketing strategist or a lawyer, whatever it is that you are.

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You never know who they're going to share it with, and also, you never know who's actually going to see it and say, oh my gosh, I actually needed this.

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I was just talking about this the other day.

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So that's it for me in this Action Saturday Pound that subscribe button, because we'll be right back here tomorrow with a solo Sunday episode, as well as new episodes, as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Entrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.