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July 1, 2024

878: It's half time! (IMPORTANT SIX MONTHS AHEAD...)

Have you ever felt the urgency of time slipping away? Inspired by Brian's mom's wisdom that "time passes anyways," this episode focuses on the halfway mark of the year and the crucial importance of taking action now. This episode underscores the power of quarterly reviews and goal setting, reminding you that no matter how the first half of the year went, the next six months are brimming with potential. Each new day is a fresh opportunity to make strides toward your dreams.


00:00 - Maximizing Time for Success

11:54 - Supporting Guests and Interaction Opportunities


00:00:00.059 --> 00:00:01.004
Hey, what is up?

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Welcome to this episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

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As always, I'm your host, brian Lofermento, and today is June 30th, which means that half the year is gone.

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That's why, in today's episode, we're talking about the most important consideration in all of life, which is time.

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I'm excited about this one.

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Let's dive in.

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Honestly, I cannot believe that half the year is already gone.

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There's so many elements of time that we're going to talk about today.

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None of it is going to be rocket science, but all of it is going to be the reality of what we must confront, with six months of the year gone and six months of the year to come.

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And first things first, it has been a long time, literally years, since I've talked about one of my favorite concepts having to do with time, and this is something that my mom has echoed to me my entire life.

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She's taught it to me and then she's echoed it to me literally my entire life when it comes to time, because she has always said, since I was very young, and she continues to say it to this day time passes anyways, time passes anyways.

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That's why, as much as I talk about, we shouldn't need the calendar as a motivator.

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We shouldn't lean on the calendar to make sure that we're focused, but the calendar is a real life indicator of time passing, and what does that life lesson from my mom really mean?

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That time passes anyways?

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Well, here's the thing.

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I've been guilty of it in real life recently.

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There's this thing that I've really needed.

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It's just a tech thing that I need for one of the gadgets that I own, and the thing is not available on Amazon.

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So what have I done when it comes to ordering it?

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I just haven't ordered it, because if something's available on Amazon, it is available the same day or the next day at the absolute latest, and that is so clutch and it makes me very.

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It's Amazon's the first thing that I turn to when I need to order something, and so if something's not available on there and I see that the shipping delivery time is an estimated up to 14 days, I just say gosh, it's never going be here, I'm not gonna order it anyways.

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Well, guess what you already know?

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The spoiler alert is that that time is going to pass anyways.

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If I don't order it today, two weeks is still gonna happen, whether I've ordered it or not, and so those 14 days will pass.

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And so, silly me, it's been a few months that I've not ordered this part.

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I finally did, and it should be here tomorrow, fyi.

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So that story has a happy ending.

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But it is a real life, silly and low indicator of the time passing.

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But the same is true for even the bigger things in life.

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If you've been waiting to start your business, well, guess what?

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Six months of this year it already passed.

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The time passed anyways, whether you were taking action or not.

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And that's the real lesson.

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Behind the time passing anyways, that's the real lesson.

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Behind the calendar flipping into halftime for the rest of the year as we slide right from Q2 into Q3, is that open recognition of hey, six months passed.

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Do you have six months of progress up to this point?

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If you wanted to learn a new language and you started it six months ago, you would already be six months closer to your goal.

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And I know.

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Learning a new language, starting a business, picking up a new hobby all of these things take a significant amount of time.

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We could also rope health and fitness into this.

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Going to the gym All of these things take a lot of time to see results.

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But guess what?

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The time is going to pass anyways.

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So, knowing that the time is going to pass we just saw six months pass Are we going to start today for the thing that we hope to achieve?

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Because, even if it takes three years, if we start now, we're going to be that much closer to where it is that we want to be.

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And so that's the first part of time that I wanted to talk about in this halftime speech here in 2024.

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The other thing that I really want to talk about is there's something beautiful and not so beautiful about the passing of time, particularly here at the halfway point in 2024 or in any calendar year.

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I also, by the way, for me it's not just the halftime point of the year that I like to do this.

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I like to do this sort of introspection and reflection at the end of every quarter.

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I am a big fan of quarterly analyses, quarterly refocusing, quarterly goals.

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I just think that there's so much we can do in 30, 60, 90 days and we can pound that three months at a time and we just sprint three months super focused.

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There's so much that we can accomplish.

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But here we are going into the second half of this year, and I wanna remind you that the first half of this year, if you didn't do what you wanted to do and what you promised yourself you were going to do, it doesn't matter anymore.

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It doesn't matter.

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You get to wake up tomorrow, on the first day of the second half of this year, and start taking action.

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The first six months no longer matter.

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And guess what?

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The same is true for you if you've crushed these first six months, if you're thinking to yourself well, brian, I have been doing all the things that I've wanted to do.

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I have been tangibly moving forward in the first six months.

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Guess what?

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It also does not matter.

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The first six months are now exclusively in the history books, and so all we can do with this second half of the year is we can show up.

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Whether we showed up or not in the first half, none of that matters anymore, and that's what I think is so cool about time.

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If you've been crushing, maybe you're thinking well, it's not so cool because, wait, I still have to wake up and I got to do this all over again.

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Another six months of work, of focus, of progress, of discipline, of consistency.

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Yes, all of that is true, and so the good news is, though, we can always make this day, or tomorrow, day one, ideally today.

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Don't keep putting off for tomorrow what can be done today.

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But we can always make that day one.

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We can always start our month, our time period, our whatever, on day one.

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And this is a big reminder for us, and I think that too many people let these calendar months just pass by and let time pass us by very unintentionally, without stopping to think, without stopping to focus, without stopping to reorient, without stopping to set those goals and build in those non-negotiables.

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And I think back very frequently to that episode I did with Kevin Cape.

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I don't know what episode it was, but he talked so much about non-negotiables and what I took away from that conversation is I know the non-negotiables that I both have in my life and that I want to have in my life, but I also know that, even as much as I say they're non-negotiables, there are days, there are weeks, there are months at a time where, for one reason or another, those things are not priorities and I ignore my own so-called non-negotiables.

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Well, the cool thing is that's okay.

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Whatever you did or didn't do in the first six months, it's a giant reset button.

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Now Q3 is here and your Q3 earnings, your Q3 income statement is yet to be written.

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You can make it an incredible quarter, you can make an incredible second half of the year, or you can slack off, and so we get to choose.

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That's the power of time is that we get to choose what we do with it.

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I know that this has been an increasing theme here on the show over the past few weeks in particular.

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We've talked about tracking your time, we've talked about improving your productivity, we've talked about all of these things, and it's because, ultimately, really, the only resource that is limited in this life is time.

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You can always make more money, you can always make more friends, you can always have more fun, you can always have more ideas.

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There's all these things that we can do a heck of a lot of things with, but you'll never be able to make more time, and so if there's one thing in particular we're going to be the most disciplined about, the most focused and intentional about, it needs to be time.

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It needs to be time, and this first six months flying by second half of the game ultimately, that's what's going to decide what kind of year this was for you Whether you're losing going into halftime, whether you're winning going into halftime.

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None of that stuff matters because there's a whole second half still to be played, and I've used this analogy in the past on this show, talking about winning the day, winning the week, winning the month, winning the year, winning a life, and that is, you don't need to win 12 months out of the year to win the year.

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You could lose five months, you could lose six months and still win the year, but that doesn't happen if you just let time pass.

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We need to be super intentional and super controlled and strategic about how we are using our time, because I'll tell you what six months from now.

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I already know this and you, longtime listeners of the show, you already know this as well that six months from now, really about five months from now I'm going to have a lot of very focused content about this year past.

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What did you make of it?

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What do you want to do differently in next year?

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But the truth is, if you want to have favorable answers, answers that make you smile, answers that make you proud, answers that get you closer to where you want to be, when we start having those conversations at the end of this year, those things start right now.

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This is where this is it?

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The game is happening, we're halfway through this year and this is where you start to make those decisions of am I going to win this year?

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So it's.

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I think it's a really important reflection.

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I think it's a really important decision point for us here.

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As the calendar flips from one quarter to the other, from the first half to the second half, to a brand new month, to the second half of the year, it's a really pivotal time for us to decide what do we want to make of it, and the good news is it's our choice, it's up to us, and it doesn't matter how great or not great you did in the first half.

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All that matters is what you're going to do with the six months ahead of us.

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So, of course, we're gonna be here to support you every single step and almost every single day of the way.

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We are coming at you as always, with five episodes a week every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday.

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So make sure you pound that subscribe button.

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And I just wanna tease real quick this week's episodes Three of the most brilliant people that I've had the chance to sit down with lately and I know I say this every week because literally every single guest that we have on is incredibly brilliant in so many ways, so I'm really excited for you to learn from all of them.

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We've got a strong focus this week on lead generation, on marketing, on converting, on business strategy and expansion.

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This is really this first week of episodes here in the second half of this year.

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It's going to challenge your brain to think in a really expansive way when it comes to your marketing and your sales and your business growth.

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So all of that is to say I'm super excited.

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Thanks for tuning in.

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As always, pound that subscribe button and we'll see you right back here to kick off the new month tomorrow with a brand new episode, and, as always, every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast hey, it's Brian here.

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And thanks for tuning in to yet another episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

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If you haven't checked us out online, there's so much good stuff there.

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Check out the show's website and all the show notes that we talked about in today's episode at thewantrepreneurshowcom.

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And I just want to give a shout out to our amazing guests.

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There's a reason why we are ad free and have produced so many incredible episodes five days a week for you, and it's because our guests step up to the plate.

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These are not sponsored episodes, these are not infomercials.

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Our guests help us cover the costs of our productions.

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They so deeply believe in the power of getting their message out in front of you, awesome wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, that they contribute to help us make these productions possible.

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So thank you to not only today's guests, but all of our guests in general, and I just want to invite you check out our website because you can send us a voicemail there.

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We also have live chat.

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If you want to interact directly with me, go to thewantrepreneurshowcom.

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Initiate a live chat.

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It's for real me, and I'm excited because I'll see you as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.