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July 6, 2024

882: ACTION SATURDAY (give it ALL away w/ Austin McCulloh!)

Ready to revolutionize your marketing strategy? Join us this Action Saturday as we welcome back Austin McCulloh, the mastermind behind ReplyAssist. Austin shares transformative insights into cold outreach and the powerful principle of giving away secrets while selling implementation. From his rich experience in lead generation for financial advisors to his successful entrepreneurial ventures, Austin offers practical advice that could be a game-changer for your business.

Discover why avoiding transactional interactions, offering free value, and perpetual learning are crucial to staying ahead of the curve. Tune in as Austin provides a golden LinkedIn connection request script that has worked wonders for him. Packed with actionable tips and real-world examples, this episode will help you elevate your approach to marketing and audience engagement. Don't miss out on Austin's actionable wisdom!


Austin McCulloh is the Founder & CEO of ReplyAssist, which is a LinkedIn prospecting software for Financial Advisors that is based out of Chicago, IL.

Austin's current 7-year journey in entrepreneurship began as a licensed Investment Advisor Representative before shifting focus to lead generation for Financial Advisors. Through his marketing agency, Austin McCulloh Advising, he generated over 53,000 leads for past clients, which helped lead to the agency being successfully acquired in early 2023.

Over time, Austin saw many Financial Advisors spending significant time on prospecting & facing constant rejection while seeing minimal results. This prompted him to create ReplyAssist, providing a much-needed solution to the entire financial services industry.





00:00:01.020 --> 00:00:01.522
Hey, what is up?

00:00:01.522 --> 00:00:16.350
Wontrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world, it's Brian LoFermento here, host of the Wontrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and this is an Action Saturday episode with a guest that you all absolutely loved from this week the very brilliant Austin McCullough.

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He was our guest in Monday's episode, episode 879, where he honestly brought the heat.

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He did not hold back in episode 879, where he talked brought the heat.

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He did not hold back in episode 879, where he talked about cold outreach.

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It's something that, if I could pinpoint one skill in one marketing strategy that I wish I knew earlier in my entrepreneurial journey, it's cold outreach, and Austin is the master at it because he is the founder and CEO of Reply Assist, which is an incredible tool.

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Quite frankly, if you want to learn how to do cold outreach, reply Assist, which is an incredible tool.

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Quite frankly, if you want to learn how to do cold outreach, reply Assist is a LinkedIn prospecting software for financial advisors.

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It's based out of Chicago, illinois, but I'm going to spoiler alert it's not just for financial advisors.

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You definitely want to hear Austin's advice and check out Reply Assist.

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Austin's current seven-year journey in entrepreneurship began as a licensed investment advisor representative before shifting focus to lead generation for financial advisors.

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Through his marketing agency, austin McCullough Advising, he generated over 53,000 leads for past clients, which helped lead to the agency being successfully acquired in early 2023.

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So this is someone who not just talks about it, but he actually does it.

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And what's really cool about Austin is he doesn't hold back, and that's why I love what he chose for today's Action Saturday episode.

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This is an insightful one.

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I can't wait for you to learn from him.

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Take it away, austin.

00:01:34.700 --> 00:01:35.182
Thanks, brian.

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I think a really good Action Saturday topic is what I learned from Alex Ramosi, which is to give away the secrets and sell the implementation, which means give away as much value as you can for free and do not hold back on any of your knowledge or anything that you know.

00:01:49.971 --> 00:02:00.704
So I know this is a big topic and this is a really big concern for a lot of business owners, especially in posting content, and so I want to go over three key points that have been impactful for me on this topic.

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And then I want to go over an example where I give away the secrets.

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Actually, it's the same one that I gave away on the podcast recording.

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One, do not be transactional with what you know.

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People want to follow you and your brand because you make their life better in some way, whether it's through entertainment or education, and you're less likely to make their life better when you withhold information from them.

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Two, I used to worry about giving away free value.

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I used to worry about that a ton.

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I thought it would make me less valuable to my audience, but I've actually seen the opposite play out.

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It's allowed people my audience to see me as an authority, because they now know that I'm competent, and just so you know, most of your audience won't actually act on the secrets that you put in your content.

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No matter how good the secrets are, most people would rather have something done for them because, from a human psychological standpoint, having something done for them is just less effort on their part.

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Even if they have all the skills and knowledge required to do the task, they would still rather have somebody else do them.

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I've seen that play out in my own content.

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I'll give away things that I don't want to talk about publicly, that I think could be really beneficial, that I could charge for.

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But I don't do that and, trust me, not everybody's acting on it.

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Not everybody who views the content is.

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And then point three if you're giving away your secrets, you're always one step ahead of everyone consuming your content because you are learning more while they are learning what you are teaching them.

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For example, with me, I typically will post content for the upcoming week, so I'm always at least a week ahead of anybody consuming my content.

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So while they're consuming it, I'm consuming new content and I'm putting other content out there.

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So you're always at least one step ahead.

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So the example that I went through in the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast was the LinkedIn connection request script that I actually am using currently.

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That is working out really well for me.

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So that reads and, by the way, before I start reading it, keep in mind this is going to sound really choppy because I want to include any punctuation marks in there.

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Okay, so I'm going to describe that as I read it.

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It starts it's good seeing you actively use linkedin.

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Comma first name that's where the software plugs in the first name hyphen this is a great platform for advisors.

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I reach out to financial advisors so I say advisors.

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Then you return down two lines, so there's a space in between the two sentences, by the way, and I spell btw instead of actually spelling it out.

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Hyphen one period.

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That's for number one Glad you are in Missouri.

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And then in parentheses I'm from Iowa.

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Exclamation point Two can't promise.

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I don't have anything to promote.

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And then in parentheses I say I think I can be a resource to you.

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Comma, but I can promise I'll be respectful by not being pushy.

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So I'll go through this script again so it's not so choppy, and then I'll also break it down as well.

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So here's the actual script word for word it's good seeing you actively use LinkedIn first name.

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This is a great platform for advisors.

00:04:54.589 --> 00:04:56.353
By the way.

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One, glad to see you're in Missouri.

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I'm from Iowa.

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Two can't promise I don't have anything to promote.

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I think I can be a resource to you, but I can't promise I'll be respectful by not being pushy.

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The reason why a script like this works so well is because it mentions that they're active on LinkedIn, which they are, because they see my connection request.

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It has their name, their first name, which is more personalized, and then it also talks about how LinkedIn is a great platform for advisors.

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So I'm referencing their job title, then I go on to say they're in Missouri and I'm from Iowa, so I'm showing the relatability.

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And then the last bit is I say I can't promise I don't have anything to promote, because I'm being honest and transparent, that I have something to promote to them, but I don't want to be pushy about it, which allows them to lower their, their uh barrier to any type of salesperson reaching out.

00:05:38.382 --> 00:05:52.451
So, as a recap before getting into the ending, um, you see, like a recap before getting into the ending, you see, like I'm fine giving away my secrets to you even as I read through that script, which is a good script, which I've tested a lot over time, because even with a great script like that, you still need to go out and implement it.

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And at Reply Assist my business, we're in the implementation business, not the knowledge giving business.

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To wrap things up, if you want to learn more about my business, reply Assist or myself, you can go to our website, replyassistcom.

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Look us up on social media at reply assist, or look up austin mccullough anywhere online.

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I make it very easy to find myself, as well as the business.

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And that's today's action saturday episode.

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So it's now.

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So now it's time to take action.

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Thank you for being you and thanks for being awesome.

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Appreciate you and your time.