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July 20, 2024

892: ACTION SATURDAY (eavesdrop!)

Ever wished you could read the minds of your ideal customers? Imagine tapping into their unfiltered thoughts and conversations without them even knowing. In this Action Saturday our host Brian Lofrumento unveils his favorite daily strategy: eavesdropping on your target audience. Discover how silently observing discussions on platforms like Facebook Groups and Reddit can provide invaluable insights into what truly matters to your customers.


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Hey, what is up?

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Wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world.

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It's Brian LaFermento here, host of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and this is an Action Saturday episode.

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Honestly, it's one of my favorite actions.

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I do this literally every single day.

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It just so happens that I like to do this action, so it comes easy to me.

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I'm always interested to see what other people are saying, because today's action, quite simply, is eavesdropping.

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That's today's action Saturdays.

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I want you to eavesdrop on what your ideal customers and clients are talking about.

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I intentionally say eavesdrop because I don't want you to be a part of the conversation.

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I want you to find your ideal customers and clients in their natural habitats, talking about what they want to be talking about, not through the lens of trying to give you the feedback that you're looking for through a survey or customer research or anything like that.

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I want you to see what they talk about amongst themselves, and so I'm going to give you three places that I love to eavesdrop on my ideal customers and clients conversation.

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So those three places are one Facebook groups.

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Facebook groups are such an amazing place to eavesdrop because people are always pouring their hearts out inside of private Facebook groups, so it's all about just figuring out what those groups are and joining them, and you don't have to be an active participant.

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That's the fun part about eavesdropping is you just get to sit there like a fly on the wall and listen and look at what other people are talking about.

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And so, for example, let's say, I mean, let's just use so.

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Much of my business is all about serving entrepreneurs.

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Obviously, I'm always looking for content to bring to you here on this podcast.

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We're always looking at what types of guests that we can recruit that will be valuable for you, the listeners.

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So I am a member of a lot of different entrepreneurial Facebook groups, and I don't use Facebook.

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By the way, I'm not very active on social media.

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It's something that I confess quite frequently here on the air.

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It's something that we always talk about investing in, but it's just not something I'm personally into.

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It's not something I personally enjoy, and so I do have accounts, though, and on Facebook, I log in and I just click straight through to the groups tab.

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I don't even look at my newsfeed.

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I don't see what my friends and family are posting.

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I literally just go to groups, and I'm a member of all these groups where entrepreneurs are asking questions, engaging with others, sharing their lessons, really just revealing their innermost thoughts.

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So I love Facebook groups.

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Whatever, whoever it is that you serve, whatever your ideal customer or client base is, you'll find them inside of Facebook groups.

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So devote some work to finding those Facebook groups and joining them and then let the eavesdropping begin.

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The second place that I love eavesdropping is on Reddit.

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I'm a big Redditor.

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I love lurking on Reddit.

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I do not post on Reddit, but I love eavesdropping there because there are subreddits for literally everything.

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I, for example, I'm a member of the tennis subreddit, the entrepreneur subreddit, the Tesla subreddit, the Florida subreddit, the California subreddit, the Los Angeles subreddit, the Florida subreddit, the California subreddit, the Los Angeles subreddit, the Boston subreddit, the Boston Celtics subreddit, the Manchester United subreddit.

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So all day long I can, whatever tickles my fancy and whatever I want, to eavesdrop and see what other people are talking about.

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I can very simply go into that subreddit.

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And so for you, if let's say you're a social media agency and you want to see what other people are talking about, there's a social media subreddit.

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Well, actually, there's a bunch of social media subreddits, so you can go see what people are talking about there.

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Now, yes, a percentage of them will be your so-called competitors, but I think you can learn a lot there.

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You can see what they're talking about.

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But a lot of people will be coming onto Reddit.

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People ask questions on Reddit.

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People ask questions on Reddit.

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They have conversations not only the threads themselves, but all the replies, the comments, that conversation you want to be there, eavesdropping on what people are talking about in your industry.

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And then the third and final source and it's not to say it's not limited to these three sources that I'm sharing with you.

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You know, these Action Saturday episodes are meant to be super quick, super digestible and super actionable for you to go forth and take action on your own.

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But I do want to share these three sources with you.

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The third one I think it's one we don't talk about often enough, and that is product reviews.

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I am a sucker for going onto Amazon, finding a book about a topic that I wanna learn more about and scrolling right on down to the reviews and see what people are critiquing the good stuff, the bad stuff, the stuff they wish was there.

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I love eavesdropping on that real life feedback that they're giving within this domain.

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So it can be a physical product, doesn't have to be books.

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That's the beauty of it.

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Whatever your industry is, there's either books or products on Amazon about that thing and you can see that real human feedback, unsolicited.

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It's not things you're asking for, you're not framing it and positioning them to hopefully just tell you what you want to hear.

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These are just real life people giving real life feedback and having real life conversations.

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So get out there and eavesdrop.

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We, as entrepreneurs, we put so much pressure on ourselves to have all of the answers, but the truth is our customers and clients they're the ones with the most valuable feedback and insights and perspectives and thoughts and stories and conversations.

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So I hope you're out there catching those conversations, listening to them.

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It all starts from eavesdropping, so get into that habit.

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Step one, find out where they are in those Facebook groups, those subreddits, maybe those Amazon products and then step two, start listening to the conversations.

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That's it for this Action Saturday episode.

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It's a fun one, it's something you can bake into your daily or weekly content consumption and I'll see you right back here tomorrow with another Solo Sunday episode.