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July 27, 2024

897: ACTION SATURDAY (find your unique differentiators w/ Heidi Hattendorf)

Discover how to harness your unique strengths and stand out in today's noisy digital world with expert insights from Heidi Hattendorf, our featured guest in Episode 894. With 25 years of marketing expertise ranging from Fortune 50 giants to nimble startups, Heidi returns to share actionable strategies on how to articulate your unique value proposition. Learn to identify your key differentiators, understand the problems you can solve for your clients, and leverage your personal style to make a lasting impact. 

This Action Saturday episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs and business leaders looking to propel their ventures forward. Heidi breaks down her approach into three essential steps: defining your strengths, understanding your clients' needs, and showcasing your unique approach. Get practical tips on how to gather input from your team and customers, and why your leadership traits can set you apart. Tune in to cut through the noise, connect with your audience, and build a marketing strategy that highlights what makes you and your business truly unique.


Heidi Hattendorf is a renowned marketing executive turned entrepreneur, leveraging over 25 years of experience and expertise leading Marketing and GTM teams in SaaS and tech in Vice President/CMO roles. She has driven significant revenue growth and EBITDA for brands ranging from Fortune 50 companies to medium-sized SaaS to agile startups. Heidi's experience includes a decade of global leadership based in Europe. A sought-after speaker and innovator, Heidi holds two patents and has been recognized with multiple awards in marketing and business leadership. As a certified business coach, she also provides companies with personalized guidance, leading to improved profitability and scalable growth. Heidi is based in South Florida with clients spanning the globe, benefiting from her comprehensive expertise and dedication to their success.



00:00:01.022 --> 00:00:01.584
Hey, what is up?

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Wontrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world, it's Brian LoFermento here, host of the Wontrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and you are in for a treat in this Action Saturday episode, because we have got the incredibly brilliant Heidi Hattendorf coming back at you for this Action Saturday episode.

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You heard her and I know so many of you loved her, in this Monday's episode, episode 894, where we talked about really tangible and intentional marketing strategies, and what I think is absolutely incredible about Heidi I'm going to say this publicly is she is brilliant because her advice not only is incredible from a theoretical perspective, but she knows how to put this stuff into action and execution, not only for herself but all of her clients.

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And she's bringing that back because this Action Saturday, finally, someone is going to completely transparently share with you how to figure out your unique differentiators.

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It's a term we throw around in business a lot, but Heidi's going to give us that actionable insight and strategy here today.

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Just to give you a quick summary of who Heidi is, to remind you after Monday's episode Heidi is a renowned marketing executive turned entrepreneur, leveraging over 25 years of experience and expertise, leading marketing and go-to-market teams in SaaS and tech.

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In vice president and CMO roles.

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She has driven significant revenue growth and earnings for brands ranging from Fortune 50 companies to medium-sized SaaS companies to agile startups.

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Her experience includes a decade of global leadership based in Europe.

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She's a sought after speaker and innovator.

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You're in for a treat today, honestly take it away, heidi.

00:01:35.019 --> 00:01:35.621
Thanks, brian.

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I appreciate the intro and opportunity to be here on Action Saturday.

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Hi there, thank you for tuning in and prioritizing yourself and your business.

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Whether you're here as an entrepreneur, an aspiring one, or adding value as part of a business, grab your coffee or smoothie, settle in and let's get to it.

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Today, I'd like to build on the importance of differentiation and unique value as a fundamental part of your marketing and go-to-market strategy.

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This will help you to propel your business forward.

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Specifically, what makes you different?

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What makes your business different?

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Why should someone choose you over the other choices in the market?

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In today's noisy digital world, it's more important to be quickly understood, to stand out.

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Let's laser focus on one big action Articulate what makes you and your business unique.

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You can think about this in three ways.

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The first way is to articulate your strengths.

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What do you bring to the market?

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What are you really good at and what is your business better at than anyone?

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Focus on your strengths as one of your key differentiators.

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An actionable idea here is to make a list of your top strengths and write them down.

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Ask your team and your customers for their input to get a well-rounded view.

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This exercise can provide insights you might not have considered.

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The second way is to look at this what problems and challenges do your potential clients face that you can help solve?

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Tailoring your unique value proposition to meet the specific needs of your target audience is crucial.

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It's also important to look at what the market needs.

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Be sure to spend time talking to your customers and prospects to understand their biggest challenges and what problems they're trying to solve, as well as how can your strengths address these issues and challenges, once you've identified your strengths and the problems you're going to help solve.

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Also consider a third element your unique approach.

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Too often, we think about the technology we bring the saleable solutions, but not always about our personal style, leadership and personality traits.

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How do these human elements set you apart?

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As Oscar Wilde said, be yourself.

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Everyone else is taken.

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Your unique approach and personal touch can be a significant differentiator.

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Certainly, there are further elements and steps, but these are crucial starting points.

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I've helped many businesses cut through the noise to clearly articulate their unique value and stand out From there.

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We've created marketing plans and go-to-market motions that all tie back to how they can help their clients.

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Today's Action Saturday is a strong starting point.

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I'd love to continue the conversation and learn more about you and your business to click into developing your story and your unique value proposition.

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To get real results, you and your business want to be heard, understood and connect with your clients.

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So connect with me on LinkedIn, visit my website at HeidiHattendorfcom and let's continue the conversation to apply to your business and your personal brand.

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In the meantime, have a great actionable Saturday everyone.