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Aug. 3, 2024

902: ACTION SATURDAY (selfie videos!? YES!)

Sending a selfie video can turbocharge your follow-up game and skyrocket your business interactions! Ever wonder why your emails go unnoticed or your pitches fall flat? This Action Saturday episode has the golden ticket—learn how to stand out in a crowded inbox and make your follow-ups impossible to ignore. Host Brian Lofrumento shares his tried-and-true method that injects personality and energy into your messages, making them more engaging and memorable.

Get ready to overcome the initial discomfort and discover step-by-step instructions on creating and sending impactful selfie videos. From what to say to how to deliver it, Brian breaks it all down. Plus, he offers invaluable tips on using platforms like Loom to seamlessly integrate video into your emails. Imagine the transformative power of a follow-up that showcases your face, voice, and enthusiasm—turning cold contacts into warm connections. Tune in and elevate your follow-up strategy today!



00:00:00.119 --> 00:00:00.842
Hey, what is up?

00:00:00.842 --> 00:00:29.689
Wontrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world it's Brian LoFermento here, host of the Wontrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and this is an Action Saturday episode where I'm going to reveal to you one of my favorite tricks, one of my favorite things to do when I'm following up with anybody in business, and I genuinely hope that you have at least a few people that you need to follow up with in your business, because if you don't, well then the truth is, business doesn't happen alone.

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You better have people that you need to follow up with that you want to follow up with this follow-up list.

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It could contain, maybe, potential customers and clients, collaborators, so-called competitors, people in your space that you in some way want to network with or connect with.

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It could be podcasts that you're pitching.

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I can tell you this as a podcast host myself.

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I get 20 pitches at least per day in my email inbox.

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Every single day that I wake up, I've got at least 20 pitches and guess what?

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None of them stand out.

00:01:01.027 --> 00:01:18.388
Very few of them are in any way different, especially because there are so many agencies out there these days that are just pitching the same guests to the same podcasts, and every single day, I get a different one of their clients pitch to me and they all have the exact same template, the exact same PDFs.

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They have all the same things.

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So if you're pitching for or you want to follow up with a press contact whether it's a podcast, a media outlet, a newspaper, a TV station, whoever it is the point is that hopefully, you have a list of people that you want to and that you need to follow up with, because this Action Saturday episode is sharing with you my favorite follow up trick, which is send someone a selfie video.

00:01:43.120 --> 00:01:47.043
Yeah, you know, there's a lot of ways to follow up with people in this world.

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You can simply send them an email, you can shoot them a phone call, if you've got their, their phone number, you can shoot them a text, you can leave them a voicemail.

00:01:54.730 --> 00:02:09.736
There's a lot of ways to follow up, but what I have found is that it is so hard to ignore a follow-up If you see the person's face, if you hear their voice, if you can feel their energy, which video is incredible at doing for us.

00:02:09.736 --> 00:02:23.247
And the truth is, it's going to be uncomfortable If you don't yet have this in your sales, in marketing, in follow-up repertoire and it's your first time sending someone a selfie video, then it's going to feel uncomfortable.

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It's supposed to feel uncomfortable it's your first time doing it, but the truth is, the more you do it, the more comfortable it gets.

00:02:30.183 --> 00:02:34.923
And you might be thinking well, brian, what exactly am I going to say or do in this selfie video?

00:02:34.923 --> 00:02:38.372
Well, here's the thing you can make the selfie video as simple as you want.

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The selfie video doesn't have to do the heavy lifting.

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The email that you send it with or the text message that you send it with, that can do the heavy lifting, but the selfie video should be as simple as hey.

00:02:48.854 --> 00:02:52.270
Whatever the person's name is, it's Brian here, just wanted to check in.

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I know that our email chain, or whatever our correspondence has been, may have fallen down your inbox or your to-do list, because I can imagine that you're super busy.

00:03:00.681 --> 00:03:12.167
So I just wanted to pop in here, say hi, hope you're having a great day or a great week or a great month, whatever's appropriate and to reinvigorate the conversation or to revive our conversation, looking forward to connecting.

00:03:12.167 --> 00:03:13.128
That's it.

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It genuinely is that simple.

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And you might be thinking to yourself what do I do with this selfie video?

00:03:19.337 --> 00:03:21.562
What are the logistics of sending it to the person.

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Well, if you are going to email it, you obviously can't embed a video in an email and you could just attach it.

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That's one way to do it, but then they're not going to see your face, they're not going to feel your energy, they're not going to see it moving when they open the email.

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It's just going to be an attachment.

00:03:38.746 --> 00:03:49.106
You know we're all a little bit iffy about attachments these days, so what I find the best thing to do is go to loomcom, sign up for a free loom account, upload your video there.

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Loom will actually give you an embed code so that you can embed that video in the email.

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Now it is a clickable link.

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It will take them to where that video is hosted on loom, but it's a really sweet and user-friendly user interface.

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But what's really cool about loom embeds is they give you an embed code that contains a GIF.

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So we all know those GIFs.

00:04:09.848 --> 00:04:11.712
They move, they have movement to them.

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It will automatically create a GIF based on your videos that when they open that email that contains your selfie video, they see you there and they see that it's a video with a play button, and when they click it it takes them straight to the video where they can play it.

00:04:25.240 --> 00:04:28.069
Now, the other cool thing about Loom is that you're going to have metrics.

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You're going to get those analytics back on if they clicked it, if they watched it, how much they watched.

00:04:33.170 --> 00:04:35.620
They can comment, they can react with an emoji there.

00:04:35.620 --> 00:04:48.529
It's a really great and personable way to revive any and all communications, whether it be with a potential client or customer, someone you've sent a proposal to, someone that you just want to network with, someone that you want to collaborate with.

00:04:48.529 --> 00:04:50.932
This is a very powerful way.

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It's a simple action.

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It should take you less than 10 minutes.

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Get over those nerves.

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I know it's going to be uncomfortable, but just get out there and do it.

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That's it for me today.

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00:05:04.983 --> 00:05:05.728
Because I don't want to talk anymore.

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I want you to get out there and take some action.

00:05:06.814 --> 00:05:07.177
I'll see you back.