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Sept. 1, 2024

923: What you've been up to WILL be revealed!

Ever wondered how the changing seasons can redefine your perspective on time and action? This episode invites you to explore the powerful transition from "training season" to taking decisive steps in your life and business. Inspired by our host Brian Lofrumento's recent adventures in Miami's dynamic Wynwood neighborhood and a motivating mantra he encountered there, we'll discuss why keeping score — whether against others or yourself — is crucial for your personal and professional growth.


00:00 - Time, Results, and Taking Action

13:34 - Consistent Podcast Schedule and Support


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Hey, what is up?

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Welcome to this episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

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As always, I'm your host, brian LoFermento, and this is crazy because it is September 1st for this Solo Sunday episode, and I'm so excited because that means that fall is officially just a few weeks away and you all know how much I love the calendar and love seasons and love all the fresh energy that these transition moments in the calendar year bring for us.

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So today I don't know where we're going, but we're definitely going to talk about time.

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We're going to talk about your results.

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We're going to talk about some important things.

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I'm excited about this one.

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Let's dive in.

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You are a longtime listener of this show.

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I'm talking about multiple years, which I know.

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There's a heck of a lot of you out there, and I'm so grateful for literally each and every single one of you.

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We actually have a guest coming on in Q4 of this year who initiated her journey in listening to Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur after picking up the book of Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur, which is obviously the book that kickstarted this entire movement that I wrote and published all the way back in 2015.

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And the only reason why I'm bringing up this show's history is because, if you have been a longtime listener, then you already know that this time of year, with fall on the horizon, I get all sorts of feels, and I love bringing those feels to the air, because I think the calendar is such a gift to us, because time is the most powerful force in the world when it comes to giving us perspective.

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And so here we are.

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Happy September to all of you.

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It's something I say a lot here on this show is that time is absolutely flying by, and it's absolutely true.

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We all know it's literally the scarcest resource that any of us will ever get to experience in our lives.

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It's the one resource that we cannot get more of.

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We can always get more money, we can always get more food, more water.

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All these things are things that we can figure out, and how do we allocate them, how do we get our hands on them, but the thing that we can't get more of is time, and so I think it's really important for us to put time into perspective and not just let the year happen to us.

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I think we need to be really intentional about how we spend that year, and with Fall on the Horizon, I was in Miami recently and, quite frankly, I've been in Miami a lot throughout the course of 2024.

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I have found a very deep and passionate love for the city of Miami.

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There's so many incredible corners of that city to explore.

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It's one of my favorite American cities.

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Of course, los Angeles is always going to have a special place in my heart, having lived there.

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This podcast was actually started back when I still lived in Boston, so obviously Boston is incredibly important to me.

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But there's something special about Miami, especially if you go to the Wynwood neighborhood it's a neighborhood called Wynwood Then you will find art everywhere, literally everywhere.

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It is impossible for your eyes to be open in Wynwood and not see art, art.

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I don't care, even if you're saying well, brian, I'm going to look down at the ground.

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Well, guess what?

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The ground is covered in art.

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It is truly amazing.

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The sidewalks are absolutely covered in art.

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The walls if there are walls anywhere in Wynwood, they are covered in art.

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It is such an incredible place to just see creativity at play in a really cool urban environment.

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And so, as I was walking down the sidewalk, I was reading all the different things that people write there, and a lot of influencers have their Instagram handles, but the one thing that it just.

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It was there quite a bit.

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I would walk, you know, a minute and see it again, walk another half block and see it again, walk another block and see it again.

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And it was just this stamp, essentially, that said training season's over, training season's over.

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That got me so fired up, because I love the fact that it acknowledges that, yeah, there's such a thing as training season and it's over.

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You're not always in training season.

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I know that we as entrepreneurs, we are always doing certain things, we're always learning, we're always growing.

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These are lifelong pursuits, but training season's over, for one reason or another.

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That lit a fire up my butt.

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That really motivated me to say where am I acting like?

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I'm in training season Because it's time to get in the game.

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It's time to actually start keeping score.

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It's time to actually start leveling up and competing at the highest level, and I don't always.

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We talk about competing, and I use a lot of references to sports and all of that very frequently.

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Competing doesn't always mean against others.

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Competing can also be against yourself, but at the end of the day, one thing that really separates competition, at least in my eyes, is keeping score, and so that's the beauty of training season is that there is no score.

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You're just training for some future competition or some future endeavor that you're embarking on, whereas seeing that artwork of training seasons over reminded me and forced me to look inward.

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And then, driving back across the state of Florida, which is such a cool drive, through Alligator Alley and through the Everglades, which obviously is the home to a lot of alligators, it is really cool to think about all of the things that withstand the test of time and how much world is out there.

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And I don't think it's ironic or coincidental that when I got back to good old Tampa, florida, a city that I've known to come and love over the past few years, is that when I opened Instagram, I saw a post from my beloved Boston Celtics, who I'm going to see this fall, which I'm very excited about, and the Celtics caption was a picture of all of their players in training season, because right now the NBA is gearing up for the start of their season in October, which is just next month.

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But here's why I'm bringing this up, because the caption that the Celtics wrote for that training season post was the fall will tell what the summer was doing.

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The fall will tell what the summer was doing.

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I have to tell you that hit me in conjunction with training seasons over.

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It really reminded me about the importance of being intentional with our time, because here's the thing we are racing to the end of 2024.

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We absolutely are.

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We're going to have a heck of a lot of content talking about squeezing the most out of this year and, most importantly because we always love looking forward is setting yourself up for success in 2025.

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And, as the Celtics pointed out, the fall will tell what the summer was doing and, unfortunately or fortunately, you're the only one that can answer this for you.

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Unfortunately or fortunately, your results over the next four weeks of summer, over the next three, four months, including September, over the next four months of this year, the results have already somewhat been determined.

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If you've been eating unhealthy for eight months already this year, then chances are you are less healthy than you were to start the year.

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Well, guess what?

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Three or four months of focused action?

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Hopefully it can, but chances are it's not going to be enough to undo the damage that you've done, because your fitness results today are not the result of what you did today.

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They're actually not even the result of what you did yesterday.

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They're actually not even the result of what you did this week.

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They are the result of all of the things that you've done this year.

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They are the result of all of the things that you've done for the past year or two years or three years.

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And this is why I think letting time put life into perspective for us is so important, because we all want to crush this week, we all want success this week, but, as the Celtics pointed out, the fall will tell what the summer was doing.

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Everyone's gonna see that end result when the Celtics take to the court and the NBA season starts up again and the Celtics clinch banner 19, let's go, I'm already on that bandwagon.

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Everyone's going to see those results.

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What they will not see is all of the work, the hard work, the sweat, the tears, probably the pain, all of this stuff that went unnoticed during the summer.

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And that's what I think is important for us to put into perspective is, if we're serious about success in 2025, it starts now, and I do that episode every single year, usually around the beginning of Q4.

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And I do I do an episode that says next year starts now, and that is so at the core of what I wanna talk about today and I feel like those two gentle nudges from the universe of training season's over and the fall will tell what the summer was doing.

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Is that sign of you better be playing, you better be making forward moves and gains and progress, because this stuff, it's gonna start showing up really quickly, really soon, because you can't just keep training.

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You need to start competing and your competition you're competing, not your competition like other people the act of you competing is going to reveal not what you're doing today, but what you've been doing, and I think that's so important for us to not only reflect on but to take control of.

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Because if people are looking at you know what I love using this podcast as an example.

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I use it all the time because at this point, 923 episodes in I get a lot of comments from people being like that's crazy, that's incredible that you did that.

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And the truth is, the only reason why we got to episode 923 is because of a decision I made in 2016.

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And we're still talking about it eight years later.

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And so we didn't get here overnight.

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We didn't get here with me recording this one episode.

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We didn't get here the day that I ordered my microphone on Amazon, what we're showing off, the benefits that we're reaping now.

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Thousands of listeners all over the world cumulatively more than a million people who have downloaded and listened to episodes over the past eight years.

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All of this stuff happened because I started putting stuff into the real world.

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Training season was over and now we're starting to see the results of what the summer was doing.

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So I had no idea where we were gonna go today.

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I just knew that when I saw training seasons over in Miami, I had to in some way work that into our content here.

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And then getting back and seeing the Celtics post that the fall will tell what the summer was doing, it really made me think, gosh, these two things are related and both of them are a big kick up the butt that we all need, racing to the end of Q3 of saying, hey, our results this fall, this Q4, they're going to be based on what it is that we have been doing and what we choose to do from here, literally from today, the clock is already ticking Training season's over.

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We need to start making those moves because the results are going to start showing up in the fall, in the winter, in Q4, especially to kick off 2025.

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So hopefully you needed a kick up the butt.

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I know that I did in so many different ways.

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I feel like we all always do to kick up the butt.

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I know that I did in so many different ways.

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I feel like we all always do.

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Every kick up the butt for me is very much appreciated, so hopefully this hit you where you needed it to after a really awesome week of content.

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Honestly, I was so grateful to have three amazing guests on this past week.

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Garrett Daly, zach Derhawken and Gemma Cullen all did incredible things and just shared so many real life insights.

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The realness, the authenticity like these conversations light me up, because I get to interact with all of these guests before and after we hit record and it's their real selves.

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They're really showing us the way that they think, the way that they've learned these lessons.

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So, similarly, you're in for a real treat.

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This week We've got three incredible guests hitting the airwaves to kick off our September content.

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Tomorrow, you're going to hear from the very awesome Jen McFarland.

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I love Jen's energy, the way that she thinks, the way that she serves people, when she talks about utilizing technology, which is something all of you listeners always ask us about, which is why we're bringing Jen onto the show tomorrow.

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But what I think you're really going to get inspired by is towards the end of our conversation.

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We talk about the way that she structures her offers.

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She, so transparently, is going to show you how she serves her clients, and I know it's going to give you ideas for your own business.

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And then on Wednesday, we have got Brian Jones coming on here.

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Now Brian absolutely rocks it when he talks about leadership skills, with a big emphasis on skills, because this is someone who is firmly of the belief and I know that the proof is in the pudding.

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You're going to see it in the analogies he shares in the questions he just on the fly, shares real questions that we can start practicing to improve our leadership skills.

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It's all about leveling up.

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When we view it as a skill, we can work on it and we can get better.

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And then on Friday's episode gosh, I had so much fun with Andrew Ronchetto.

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You all are gonna absolutely love him.

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He's doing some really different things at the intersection of technology, holistic wellness, personal development.

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Gosh, the way that he views coming up with solutions as entrepreneurs, I think, in so many ways shows the empowerment that we have to be those change agents.

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So this is just a little bit of a teaser.

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Honestly, I'm super excited for this entire month of content.

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I know all the great stuff that our team has put together for you, so pound that subscribe button.

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We'll see you, as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

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Hey, it's Brian here, and thanks for tuning in to yet another episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

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If you haven't checked us out online, there's so much good stuff there.

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Check out the show's website and all the show notes that we talked about in today's episode at thewantrepreneurshowcom.

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And I just want to give a shout out to our amazing guests.

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There's a reason why we are ad free and have produced so many incredible episodes five days a week for you, and it's because our guests step up to the plate.

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These are not sponsored episodes.

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These are not infomercials.

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Our guests help us cover the costs of our productions.

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They so deeply believe in the power of getting their message out in front of you, awesome entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, that they contribute to help us make these productions possible.

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So thank you to not only today's guests, but all of our guests in general, and I just want to invite you check out our website because you can send us a voicemail there.

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We also have live chat.

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If you want to interact directly with me, go to thewantrepreneurshowcom.

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Initiate a live chat.

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It's for real me, and I'm excited because I'll see you, as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entreprene.