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Sept. 14, 2024

932: ACTION SATURDAY (craft a SUCCESS GUIDE for your customers and clients!)

What if the key to happier clients and reduced product returns is something as simple as a success guide? Discover how creating a tailored success guide not only enhances customer satisfaction but also optimizes their journey with your product or service, ensuring they achieve the results they’re looking for.


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Hey, what is up?

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Wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world it's Brian LoFermento here, host of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and this is an Action Saturday episode that.

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I'll be honest with you, when I analyze the landscape of all the things that we talk about marketing-wise, I don't see us, within the world of entrepreneurship, talking about today's action enough, and this is something that came quite later on in my entrepreneurial journey.

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But thing that came quite later on in my entrepreneurial journey.

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But I will say that once I took this action, once I implemented this across all of my businesses, I only heard great feedback from this and I only had happier clients and customers since rolling out this action, and this action is all about creating a success guide.

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Now, we talk very frequently, not only in these Action Saturday episodes or my Solo Sunday episodes, but especially with so many of our amazing guests, especially those ones that are focused on operations.

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We talk very frequently about having an onboarding process and when we talk about onboarding, there's a lot of different people that we onboard in our businesses.

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We can onboard new employees which, if you think about it, if you're a brand new employee to a company, don't you hope that there are some resources and tools put together for you to succeed at your new job or in your new role.

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Of course you do Well.

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If you extrapolate that the same is true for all of our customers and clients is that when they buy from us, they say that almighty yes, that we've been working towards that, we've been working for that we're so excited about.

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That's the moment in which we need to set them up for success.

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So that's why I think it's incredibly important for all of our businesses to have a success guide, whether you have clients and you have a high-touch concierge style of service, one-on-one or you sell a product or you sell an online course, whatever it is that you sell I literally mean today's Action Saturday episode to apply universally across the board, because I think every single business benefits from having a success guide, and I actually I'll give you a tangible example.

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Recently, I bought a ring light from Amazon because, heck, we're all entrepreneurs and we can never have too many ring lights, and I always think it's amazing when so many of these e-commerce brands on Amazon, within the package, they have a success guide and they say hey, here's the three ways that you can get started with our product.

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Here's the five real life applications that we've seen it used for.

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I, as a customer, I absolutely love that.

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It makes me one less likely to return that product, which, in the world of Amazon and e-commerce, that's a super important metric for them to optimize towards, and also, as someone who now has that product, it's going to give me ideas and it's going to set me up for success, because the goal for every single one of us, as business owners, is that people actually use our products and services.

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When I was once upon a time selling online courses, what I was always thinking is okay, creating an online course is great, selling an online course is great.

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However, the most important metric is that people actually use this course, and so that's why, when I started creating these success guides or roadmaps you can use any term that you want to describe the document that you're going to create I would get it in the hands of new clients and new students and really optimize their success journey.

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I think it's such an important consideration that, when we talk about our onboarding flows, we don't always think about this one document.

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In the world of marketing, there's a lot of documents we think of.

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We always think about lead magnets, we always think about our marketing funnels and all the copy that goes with it and all the email autoresponders that go with it.

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But this is one document that I see being overlooked so very frequently, which is why it's made its way onto today's Action Saturday episode.

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So this episode only does something for you and your business and your customers and clients if you actually put pen to paper, create a success guide.

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It can even be something as simple as doing it in a Google Doc and you simply send them the link to the Google Doc when it is that they sign up for your product or service.

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Keep it simple, but, above all else, take that action and start setting your customers and clients up for success.

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That's it for me today, and I'll tell you what.

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Today is actually the podcast's eighth birthday.

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It has been eight years since we launched episode one, all the way back in 2016.

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So I'm super excited about that, which inevitably means that I will be talking about it in tomorrow's Solo Sunday episode.

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So make sure you pound that subscribe button, because I'll see you right back here tomorrow.