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Oct. 12, 2024

952: ACTION SATURDAY (reconnect with your personal values w/ Christine Watson)

What happens when an entrepreneur loses their spark, and how can reconnecting with nature reignite that passion? Join us as we welcome back Christine Watson, the inspiring founder of Resilient Nature LLC, who shares her transformative journey back to her roots and offers valuable insights for fellow entrepreneurs. With over 25 years of expertise in leadership development, Christine has navigated diverse industries from finance to education and now brings her wisdom as a certified forest therapy guide to our listeners. Her story of overcoming burnout by realigning her daily routine with her core values, including her deep connection with nature, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of self-care and personal values in entrepreneurial success. 

Christine's candid reflection on her experience highlights the dissonance she felt when her life veered away from her personal values, and how rediscovering the harmony of nature rejuvenated her spirit. As someone who believes that everyone is a leader, Christine emphasizes keeping personal values at the forefront to achieve resonance in work and life. She challenges us to reassess our own values and invites us to explore practical tools she personally uses to stay aligned. Let Christine's story inspire you to create a life where your personal values fuel your entrepreneurial journey.


Christine Watson is the Founder of Resilient Nature LLC, with 25+ years of experience in leadership development focused on effective communication. Growing up in Montana, she believes everyone is a leader, regardless of title, guided by her grandfather’s wisdom: “Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time.” Her heart-centered leadership programs emphasize people at the center of success.

Christine's diverse industry experience spans finance, manufacturing, food processing, non-profits, and higher education. She is an Authorized Partner of Everything DiSC, a Personal Resilience Practitioner, and a Certified Professional in Talent Development. A certified Forest Therapy Guide, she envisions a world where joy, connection, and nature's wisdom thrive.




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Hey, what is up?

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Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world.

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It's Brian LoFermento here, host of the Entrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and this is an Action Saturday episode.

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Just to remind you about Christine, if you didn't catch her full episode, which was episode 950, christine is the founder of Resilient Nature LLC, with 25 plus years of experience in leadership development focused on effective communication.

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Years of experience in leadership development focused on effective communication.

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Growing up in Montana, she believes that everyone is a leader, regardless of title, and she was guided by her grandfather's wisdom, who said everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time.

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Her heart centered leadership programs emphasize people at the center of success.

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Her diverse industry experience spans finance, manufacturing, food processing, nonprofits and higher education.

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She's an authorized partner of Everything Disc, which is a personality assessment tool that we've talked about before on this show.

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She's a personal resilience practitioner and she's a certified professional in talent development.

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What I think is really fascinating is she's also a certified forest therapy guide, where she envisions a world where joy, connection and nature's wisdom thrive.

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We're going to get so much more of that wisdom and it relates a lot to what we talked about on Wednesday.

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So take it away, Christine.

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Thanks, brian.

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As an entrepreneur, one of my biggest challenges is finding time to take care of myself.

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My days are filled with planning, meetings, research and connecting with others, and, as a leadership development consultant, I'm always looking for solutions that help leaders build strong teams through resilience and relationships.

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Not too long ago, I found myself in the challenging situation of feeling like I had lost my spark.

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Each day felt like I was wading through way steep sand, struggling to pull one foot in front of the other.

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This is not like me.

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I'm often the person whom people seek out when they need a pick-me-up.

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I've been called a human sparkler, so I asked myself what's happening here.

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As I sat down to reflect on my situation, I realized that over the last 30 to 45 days, my daily routine had shifted.

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My daily routine had shifted, and it was a significant shift.

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Without me even realizing it.

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The weather had been hot and humid, with gray skies and a lot of rain for weeks on end.

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I responded to the weather by dutifully sitting at my desk, working longer hours and staying indoors.

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Desk, working longer hours and staying indoors.

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The personal impact I experienced from this shift in routine was my lack of connection with nature.

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By confining myself to the indoors, I was missing a critical component of my well-being.

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I realized what a huge benefit daily time spent in nature provides for me.

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The feel of the air, even if it's hot and sticky, and the sounds of the birds' scents from my garden and the sight of nature's beings enjoying their life made me remember the positive impact this has on my life.

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I then wondered what else may have shifted in my regular routine without me realizing it.

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I decided to revisit my personal values, since they're at the heart of why I do what I do.

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Guess what I found?

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It was right there.

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My values include connection with nature.

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Yes, in addition to family, joy, curiosity and adventure, nature is one of my top five values.

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How could I have missed this?

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This was a clear reminder to me that when I'm not living in accordance with my personal values, I experience dissonance.

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Personal values I experience dissonance.

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So why am I telling you this story about my nature-loving native plant gardening pollinator-induced nirvana?

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Well, I'm sure that this story may not resonate with everyone, but my message is one of living according to your personal values and making sure you find time to incorporate them into your daily routine.

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As entrepreneurs, it's easy to put everyone and everything else ahead of our own needs.

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We have deadlines to meet, connections to make, bills to pay and a never-ending to-do list, not to mention the I didn't know I'd have to do that category as an entrepreneur, by keeping your personal values front and center in your daily routine, you will experience resonance rather than dissonance in your work.

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Perhaps it's been a while since you've conducted a personal values assessment, and that's okay, because I have a tool for you.

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This is something I like to review twice a year just to make sure I'm staying on target.

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Things change and it's okay when our top values shift.

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I've created a core values activity that I use with leaders, and by spending 15 minutes reflecting on your core values, you can ensure that you are headed in the right direction.

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Invest in yourself by downloading my core values activity and spend 15 minutes today to ensure that you're on the right path.

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Just remember if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.

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That's today's Action Saturday episode.

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So now it's time to take action.