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Oct. 20, 2024

958: ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER (this is embarrassing from 23 year old me)

Taking that leap into full-time entrepreneurship presents both thrilling opportunities and unforeseen challenges. Picture my 23-year-old self, a mix of naivety and boldness, announcing the start of a journey with boundless ambition. Together with my business partner, we dared to carve out success in the world of search engine optimization and marketing. This episode is a testament to the unpredictable twists of entrepreneurial life and the courage it takes to embrace them. 

Reflecting on my journey, I talk candidly about the shift from conventional career paths to launching NewGen Consultants. Fueled by passion, early successes were marred by the reality of burnout and client management struggles. Yet, through introspection and experiences at transformative events like Camp Good Life Project and a Mindvalley event in Costa Rica, I discovered profound lessons. These soul-searching ventures reshaped my perspective, emphasizing the necessity of learning from failures and continually seeking personal fulfillment. This episode is an invitation to appreciate the essence of taking action and growing through entrepreneurial challenges.

Success in entrepreneurship, much like life, is about adaptability and resilience. I shed light on how each step—whether a triumph or a setback—ushers in new opportunities. It's not about predicting every outcome but staying active and optimistic, layering successes, and moving through setbacks with faith in the journey. By maintaining an open mind and heart, you can harness the momentum during good times and navigate the challenges with unwavering persistence. Join me in exploring how these principles can guide both business endeavors and broader life experiences, encouraging a commitment to personal growth and adaptability.


00:00 - Transitioning to Full-Time Entrepreneurship

07:57 - Navigating Entrepreneurship Challenges

15:45 - The Power of One Thing

22:18 - Supporting Entrepreneurship Podcast Through Sponsorship



00:00:00.342 --> 00:00:01.346
Hey, what is up?

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Welcome to this episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

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As always, I'm your host, brian LoFermento, and in today's episode, I'm going to play something that's actually pretty embarrassing for me.

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You're going to be hearing from 23-year-old me in the first ever video that I recorded of myself with regards to quitting my job and becoming a full-time entrepreneur.

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There's also going to be some lessons in this one, so I'm excited about this one.

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Let's dive in, all right.

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So if I sound a little bit different to you in today's episode, it's because I'm actually recording this one as I'm driving, because I'll tell you what it's Q4, travel season is upon me.

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I've got so many cool trips coming up in the next few months and, as a result of that, I'm going to be more mobile.

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There's going to be a lot more content created, a lot more episodes while I'm on the move, so, hopefully, this travel microphone that I picked up recently sounds really good and, along those lines, I've just had such an incredible start to this quarter.

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I've been talking to so many amazing entrepreneurs and, yes, so many of you entrepreneurs that also reach out to our show via our website, our live chat, or you drop me an email or an Instagram DM.

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So many of those conversations have been incredible and one topic keeps coming up, and I'm going to give a big shout out to Kyle Hudson, who's the CEO and founder of Stacklist, which Stacklist is one of the coolest companies I've come across recently.

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What Kyle and his team are building and what they've already rolled out into the world and how big he really views that solution is incredible.

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So if you want to check out Stacklist, go to stacklistapp, because it 'll give you something to look forward to for the beginning of next year, because I'm so excited for Kyle to come on the show and for you to hear all the great things that he thinks about as an executive, as the leader of a really pioneering and innovating company.

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There's so much goodness in that.

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But the thing that keeps coming up in those conversations and why I bring up Kyle is because, as I was introducing him for the episode that you'll hear in the new year, the words came to mind of one thing leads to another, and the reason why I thought about that is because when I look at the entire scope of Kyle's career whenever I have guests come on the show, for example I don't just look at their current business.

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I love looking at their LinkedIn.

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I love looking at their professional background.

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I love looking at their LinkedIn.

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I love looking at their professional background, and Kyle's such a really good example of having a career where one thing led to another.

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He probably had no idea a decade ago heck, he probably had no idea five years ago that he was going to be working on a solution which ended up becoming an incredible product that's changing not only the way people save links online and share links online, but really the way that they organize their lives.

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He probably had no idea that that's what was coming, and I think that's the entire point.

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We talk so much within entrepreneurial circles about all the twists and turns and how success is never a linear path, and we always hear those things, but it's harder to embrace it.

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It's harder to live that way in the moment, and so that's why here in today's solo Sunday episode this past week so you all know my birthday was last week and it just put me into introspective mode and, as a result of that, I always like to flip through old pictures and old videos and just scroll through social media and see the things that I was thinking about in years past and on YouTube it was so funny.

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This is actually the first YouTube video that I ever uploaded.

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It's actually unlisted these days.

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So for one reason or another, I decided the world shouldn't even see it, and it's because it's totally embarrassing From a production standpoint.

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It's totally embarrassing From a music perspective.

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I'm so sorry.

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I'm going to play the video for you in just a second, but it was when YouTube had just rolled out the ability to put music onto your videos.

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So I'm so sorry for how loud the music is and how much it distracts from what it is that I'm saying, but also for me personally.

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I'm just like gosh.

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I think it was pretty clear, like I felt like I was making this monumental claim to the world and putting my stake in the ground, of saying I'm starting this search engine optimization and marketing agency here in Boston and this is the thing I'm going to be working on.

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And and I know how that story ends in hindsight I did that for two years alongside a business partner of mine.

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We did really well.

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We scaled it to six figures in our first year of business and it's crazy because we were two 23 year olds, we had never run agencies before.

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In fact, my business partner and I.

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We had never even worked in agencies, so everything about agency life and clients was so new to us, and so it's funny looking back hearing the things that I was saying and the things that I was thinking.

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But what I really want you to realize in a second when I play this video for you, is how much it sounds like.

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Even then, I fully embrace the fact of like I believe this is going to work and I fully do, and I'm very excited to be working on this, but the truth is, I don't know where it's going to take me, and I'm going to be working on so many different things and so many different projects, and I'm just going to be out there doing things and taking risks.

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So that's a little bit of a primer for this video that came up on my youtube from when I was 23 years old, so I'm gonna play it for you right now.

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Dear friends and family, four years ago I launched Premiership Talk, a company founded on the belief that one college kid's words could attract a worldwide audience of soccer fans to engage in a two-way conversation about the world's most popular game.

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After far surpassing my hopes and dreams, with PremTalk my eyes were opened to so many new possibilities.

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Through the various contacts that I met throughout the journey, to the amazing places and projects that I came across, I became aware of a whole world outside that escapes the normal 9-5 realm.

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A year ago I graduated from college wide-eyed and excited about life in the real world no more papers and no more assignments with no meaning and no impact on the world around me.

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I've been extremely fortunate to find a job that I love In the worst economic recession of my lifetime.

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It has given me fantastic pay, rewarded me intellectually as I got to see firsthand the many troubles that healthcare is facing, and challenged me to grow as an individual and a member of the business world.

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Now I wanted to make this video to tell you all about my decision to leave it all behind.

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Today I decided to hand in what should be my last ever two-week notice.

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In January, I launched a company that has renewed my passion in the local community, small businesses and people in general.

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New Gen Consultants is the source of that renewed passion and vision and, on the back of its promising success, I've decided to pursue it as a full-time endeavor.

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Combined with pushing New Gen Consultants forward, I'll be working with a business partner to launch some truly unique and high potential online businesses that have the ability to change the way we, as people, interact with each other, our surroundings and the business world that we live in.

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Effective July 20th, I'll be on my own with regards to making a living, making ends meet and living the lifestyle I want to live With.

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That said, I'm extremely excited about connecting with all of you on a whole new level.

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I'm looking to expand my network as much as possible, reignite personal connections with friends, family and business partners, and prove that life goes way beyond the usual 9-to-5 grind.

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I plan on leveraging my independence to have business meetings that I've always wanted to have, visiting friends and family that may have grown distant in geography, and exploring all there is to see while the rest of the world plays it safe in their monotonous day-to-day routines.

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Understandably, this is all a huge risk Student loans, car payments, cell phone bills, credit cards and all sorts of fund creditors are sure to keep me honest, meaning it won't be a walk in the park.

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Rest assured.

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I've never been so hungry and determined for success.

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The main driving force of my decision was the realization that talk truly is cheap.

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For months, I've been building up my vision and sharing my passion with others, but I came to realize that without action, I'll never make anything happen.

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As Walt Disney once said, the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

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I'm more dedicated than ever, more determined than ever, and will be working harder than I've ever worked in my life.

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I'll be working hard to meet as many new people as possible and make myself more available to ideas, visions and new opportunities.

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We live in a changing world, where the internet is dispelling many of the myths that are so ingrained in our heads.

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Billion dollar companies are started in basements, social revolutions are started by teenagers and almost 3 billion people worldwide are connected with a touch of a button.

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Even with that, so many of us are terrified of jumping into the new world.

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We've always been told to get a good job and go to work for the man every day.

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While this is all noble concept, I'm eager to explore the different road, one where time has even more meaning.

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Personal connections make or break you, and financial and geographical freedom mean something.

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Words can't quite express my excitement at jumping into this wide network of possibilities.

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The support I've received so far in my life has been nothing short of extraordinary.

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As I begin this new journey, all I'm asking for is more of the same.

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A positive support system and belief makes anything possible.

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Yes, this is a huge risk.

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It's a lot to throw away for some dreams, but that fear only drives me further, makes me work harder and makes me more determined to prove myself.

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I'm looking forward to embarking on this new journey and challenging myself in new ways.

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Besides working more hours than I've ever worked before in my life, I'm looking forward to getting more involved in charity efforts, making more personal connections, expanding my mindset and seeing places most of us only ever dream of.

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I invite you all to follow me along on this journey, and, as such, I'll be setting up a website where you can track my progress, see my successes and failures, and interact on an ongoing basis.

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Even more than that, though, I invite you all to join in.

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Please feel free to reach out to me on my cell phone, via email at vwillpervento, at gmailcom or on Facebook.

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I look forward to sharing my journey with you all, and I thank you all for your support.

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Okay, so now we're back to present day me without that very distracting music.

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But what's the purpose of this?

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What's the purpose of me sharing this video with you, of unearthing this video after so many years?

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What's the purpose of us talking about this in today's Solo Sunday episode?

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Well, here's the thing.

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So frequently, I talk about the fact that starting any business is is better than waiting and researching and and looking for the perfect business to start.

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And it's because, as I said at the beginning of this episode, one thing leads to another.

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And so when I hear that video again, I think about what I was going through at that period in my life, personally and professionally.

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I think about what I learned with that particular business new professionally.

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I think about what I learned with that particular business New Gen Consultants.

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I think about all the great lessons that I learned.

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I think about all the difficult lessons that I learned, because there were a lot of things we did right in that business, but there were a lot of things that went wrong.

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In fact, it's the first time in my life I can very confidently say this, and actually it's probably the most extreme time period in my life.

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I can very confidently say this, and actually it's probably the most extreme time period in my life where I burned out, and that's difficult.

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Burning out is very difficult and I had read about it in business books and I'm full of energy all the time, and so for me as an extreme extrovert, as someone who has a ton of energy, I thought to myself well, burnout just means you're exhausted, I imagine, like burnout means that you're not excited about what you're doing.

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I'm always excited about what I'm doing, but the truth is I got so burned out and in so many ways I was not happy.

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I especially towards the end of that business.

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I was not happy with life.

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I was not happy with my business, even though from most measurements of business success we were crushing at that time we had some of the best clients.

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I really enjoyed a lot of the clients that we were working with, but I didn't enjoy the scope of the work.

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I didn't enjoy the way that we structured our client engagements and we were on the hook.

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I remember driving down to Rhode Island on Christmas Eve to fix a client's email server, which was a bit outside of the bounds of what we did with our agency, but it was just.

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It was the environment that we created with our clients.

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We didn't know how to manage clients, and so when I look back at that, I can very viscerally remember what it felt like, what everything was like at that time period in my entrepreneurial journey, and I'll tell you what it led to is I just took a giant step back.

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My business partner and I agreed we let's close our doors, let's not do this anymore, let's finish our existing projects and let's just do what we need to to exit.

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And we both went our separate ways.

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And for me personally, I'll tell you where this story went is it went into some really deep soul searching.

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It's when I went to Camp Good Life Project, hosted by Jonathan Fields, who is, for sure, one of the most brilliant entrepreneurial and business minds on planet earth.

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He's a New York times bestselling author.

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He's interviewed you pick any of the, the gurus, the, the personal development leaders who you've ever learned from and who have you've read their books.

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Jonathan Fields knows them, has interviewed them, has been interviewed by them.

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This is someone who's super impactful.

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And so I just went camping with 200 other entrepreneurs in upstate New York.

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We saw the Northern Lights, we made s'mores by the fire, we played a heck of a lot of tennis Shout out to Nat Harward, as always, because he was there as well, a fellow entrepreneur and obviously one of my best friends in the world.

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And so I did a lot of soul searching.

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I went to Costa Rica, went to an event hosted by Mindvalley, which is super selective.

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It was invite only.

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You had to interview just incredible entrepreneurs and leaders from all different industries.

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And that soul searching made me realize one day, holy cow, I really want to write a book.

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I've got a book inside of me.

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And so, because at that point I had amassed so many business lessons and experiences where I wasn't talking from a place of theory, I was talking from a place of theory.

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I was talking from a place of having grown my first business, a soccer media company, to something really successful that reached three and a half million readers every single month around the world.

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We became one of the most read soccer websites on planet earth and we won awards from the English Football Association.

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I was flying to England and interviewing players and managers and some of the biggest names in the world of sports.

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I went from that really great experience in managing a staff of 20 people to flaming out and burning out and falling out of love with my business.

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And so I took all of those lessons and packed them into my first book, which became Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur.

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And strangers all over the world were finding that book and obviously I was also promoting it as well and after waking up to emails from complete strangers all over the world, I decided a year later, let's launch the podcast, let's turn Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur into the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast and let's reach more people, let's serve more people.

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And here we are almost 1000 episodes in listeners in over 150 countries.

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We're a top one and a half percent show on planet earth across all categories, and it's crazy how one thing leads to another and it's so easy to say in hindsight and that's really what I want to emphasize in today's episode is that we all have heard this advice before.

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I'm not saying anything to you today that's going to make you be like gosh, brian, yeah, I've never heard that before.

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But what I really hope to show you is that these experiences, when I explain to you how terrible of a place I was in, how burned out I was, back in 20, I guess this was 2015, I think is the time period or 2014, 2014 or 2015.

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When I think about those things, little did I know that one thing led to another.

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It's so wild to me that, in hindsight, that really terrible experience me being in the lowest of my lows truly it was the worst time period of my life.

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I can so comfortably say that Maybe 2021 would be up there as a rival, but for sure I mean it's in the debate as one of the two worst time periods of my entire life.

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And with that said, think about all the things that were born from it.

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I had to go through those things.

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Those things led me to other things, and I think that that's what we forget in those moments.

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Is that sure?

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We can't plan our failures, we can't plan our successes.

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We can't plan what's going to come next.

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We can wholeheartedly work on the things that we believe in in the present and we can focus on the present, but we have to have that faith and that attitude and that mindset of one thing's going to lead to another.

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That may mean that this present thing is going to be the ticket to everything I've ever hoped and dreamed for, but you have to have that faith and that belief and that optimism and that unshakable resilience, mental resilience, and fortitude to understand the fact that, one way or another, one thing always leads to another.

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And so there's one giant disclaimer laced behind all of these things that we're talking about in today's episode, and that one giant disclaimer is you have to be taking action.

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One thing cannot lead to another if you're not actually doing things.

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And so that's why, when I think about we're really going back to my beginning days of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast and really the entire ecosystem, starting with the book, and for me, when I think about even just the simplicity of the title Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Thank you so much for joining me there and for me, all things that we talk about here on this podcast whether it's the solo Sunday episodes or, of course, our action Saturday episodes, which are extraordinarily action focused, or all of the amazing conversations that I have with these incredible entrepreneurs the thing that you'll realize is that they never had all the right answers.

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They never knew what was going to come next and and you know, know what's also really important they never knew if what they and they never know both past and present tense.

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They never know if what we're working on is going to work out or not, but what we do know and what we do embrace is that one thing leads to another, and I think that that's such an important thing for us to remind ourselves In the moments where things are going really great, is we have to be open to those possibilities, we have to have our eyes open, we have to have our minds open.

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In some cases, we have to have our hearts open and we have to say look, things are going really great and I know that great things lead to other things.

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Where are those opportunities?

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Am I open to them?

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Am I seeing them?

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Am I jumping on them when they present themselves?

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And in those worse moments, in those moments where things aren't working for us, we similarly need to remind ourselves that one thing leads to another, and that same set of questions that I just asked you are your eyes open?

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Is your mind open?

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Is your heart open to all of these other things?

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That one thing leads to another on, because these are the important considerations for us and that's why it's part strategy.

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Truth be told, when you've got that momentum, it's probably one of the biggest mistakes that I made as a 19 year old entrepreneur.

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When I started my first business the soccer blog is I didn't realize when you've got momentum, gosh, you need to keep building that momentum Gosh, you need to keep layering more things on top of the good things that are already working.

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When you find something that works, 10x down on it, go deeper, go harder, go stronger.

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All of those things are so important.

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And then in those moments of despair, in those moments where it feels like nothing's working, you don't just get paralyzed by that, you don't just start analyzing things, you don't just start saying, oh my gosh, I can't do this, this isn't working.

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I need to make smarter decisions, I need to research things first.

00:19:38.207 --> 00:19:43.355
No, just keep doing, because as long as you're in the game, one thing leads to another.

00:19:43.355 --> 00:19:46.821
So I know that these are just words.

00:19:46.882 --> 00:20:11.422
For me here as I'm driving down the road in Florida, I know that these are just words, but really, what I hope for with today's episode is that you embrace it as a mindset and you let this help you and you let this encourage you and you let this really build up that mental resilience, that optimism, that faith, that hope, that belief that I would argue we all need.

00:20:11.422 --> 00:20:26.810
Business is just a microcosm for life, the stuff that works when it comes to leading a good life and being a good person and leading a life of impact.

00:20:26.810 --> 00:20:31.383
All those same things also apply to business and vice versa.

00:20:31.383 --> 00:20:59.467
So I hope this episode finds you where you need it this week, because whether you're riding a wave of really great success and momentum here, as we are really getting to the fun part of the calendar year, really getting to the fun part of Q4, whether you're in that situation where you're feeling great about it, or you're in those moments of doubt and pessimism and despair and pain and burnout, remind yourself that one thing leads to another.

00:20:59.467 --> 00:21:00.776
We can't predict it.

00:21:00.776 --> 00:21:05.212
It's going to look to everybody else like it makes sense in hindsight In the moments.

00:21:05.212 --> 00:21:06.838
That doesn't make us feel any better.

00:21:06.838 --> 00:21:13.240
But we've gotta have that faith and we've gotta keep persisting and, most importantly, we need to keep taking action.

00:21:13.240 --> 00:21:15.458
That's it for me in today's Solo Sunday.

00:21:15.458 --> 00:21:26.650
I hope that this car format I hope that it's cool for you because it's just so much easier as I'm on the go, especially with travel season here to just continue to create great content and bring it to you.

00:21:26.650 --> 00:21:31.702
Because, let's face it, this year we expanded to five days a week and we are not going anywhere.

00:21:31.702 --> 00:21:39.595
That number is absolutely not dropping because we are on a roll and we're so committed to serving every single one of you in your entrepreneurial journey.

00:21:39.595 --> 00:21:49.459
So make sure you pound that subscribe button because we'll see you, as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

00:21:50.480 --> 00:21:55.890
Hey, it's Brian here, and thanks for tuning in to yet another episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

00:21:55.890 --> 00:22:00.039
If you haven't checked us out online, there's so much good stuff there.

00:22:00.039 --> 00:22:06.458
Check out the show's website and all the show notes that we talked about in today's episode at thewantrepreneurshowcom.

00:22:06.458 --> 00:22:09.259
And I just want to give a shout out to our amazing guests.

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There's a reason why we are ad free and have produced so many incredible episodes five days a week for you, and it's because our guests step up to the plate.

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These are not sponsored episodes.

00:22:20.077 --> 00:22:21.655
These are not infomercials.

00:22:21.655 --> 00:22:25.161
Our guests help us cover the costs of our productions.

00:22:25.161 --> 00:22:36.116
They so deeply believe in the power of getting their message out in front of you, awesome entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, that they contribute to help us make these productions possible.

00:22:36.116 --> 00:22:44.622
So thank you to not only today's guests, but all of our guests in general, and I just wanna invite you check out our website because you can send us a voicemail there.

00:22:44.622 --> 00:22:45.954
We also have live chat.

00:22:45.954 --> 00:22:50.579
If you want to interact directly with me, go to thewantrepreneurshowcom.

00:22:50.579 --> 00:22:51.982
Initiate a live chat.

00:22:51.982 --> 00:23:01.426
It's for real me and I'm excited because I'll see you, as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.