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Oct. 26, 2024

962: ACTION SATURDAY (have an FAQs section!)

Could a simple FAQ section be the game-changer you've been missing on your business website? Join our host, Brian Lofrumento, on this Action Saturday episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Podcast as we explore why every entrepreneur needs a well-crafted FAQ section on their website. As a company that sees countless pitches and visits numerous websites, we can confidently say that a clear and concise FAQ section is often the key to standing out in a sea of buzzwords and vague promises. We’ll dive into the practical steps for crafting these vital questions by leveraging the power of AI and getting unexpected insights from family and friends, even if they aren’t your typical customers.


00:00:00.240 --> 00:00:08.519
Hey, wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the world, it's Brian Lofermento here, host of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast, and this is an Action Saturday episode.

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That, honestly, is so simple.

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It's an action that 100% of us should take in our own businesses and it's something that really struck myself and the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur team, because we see a lot of entrepreneurs' websites.

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We go to a lot of business websites.

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A fun fact about this show is every single guest that you hear here on the air has been hand chosen by us.

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We proactively, we're crawling LinkedIn, we're looking at other podcasts, we're looking at content online social media and we're finding awesome entrepreneurs who are doing really great work and we actually reach out to them to invite them to come on the show and as part of that process, of course, we do a lot of research on every single guest that comes on.

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And, on top of our proactive outreach to potential guests, I also, as a podcaster, I receive 20 to 30 pitches in my inbox every single day from potential guests and these are all awesome entrepreneurs.

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But I've got a confession about why this sparked our Action Saturday episode here today Because way too often myself and the team behind the scenes we always drop into Slack and we go can anyone tell what the heck this person does?

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What does this person do?

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What is their business all about?

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And so of course, there's a lot that goes into messaging and copywriting and positioning and branding All of that goes into it.

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But those are all big topics and that's why we bring on incredible guests to talk about those topics.

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But today's Action Saturday is even simpler, because one thing that can immediately clarify so many of these questions is to have a frequently asked questions website or in frequently asked questions section on your website.

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It's that simple.

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Come up with a list of frequently asked questions.

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It could be five to 10 questions, questions that if you put your prospective customer or client hat on and you imagine that you are one of those people, what questions would you have about your business?

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What questions would you have about the way you operate?

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What questions would you have about the actual service offering and process and guarantee and timeline.

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What are all of those things?

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Because you know that I like to make your job a heck of a lot easier, my strong recommendation this week is that if you're really struggling when you sit down to come up with these frequently asked questions, you don't have to have these answers yourself.

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You can give your website URL to an AI model and say hey, come up with a list of frequently asked questions.

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Or you can simply ask your family and friends.

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This is a rare case.

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Typically, I say be cautious about advice from family and friends.

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This is a rare case.

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Typically, I say be cautious about advice from family and friends because they're not your ideal customers.

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But the cool thing is, because they're not your ideal customers, they probably don't fully understand your business or your industry or what you do, and so in this case, they're actually really great sources of insights into the types of questions that people have.

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I frequently bounce things off of my non-entrepreneurial friends and be like hey, I'm working on this.

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Like, what are your thoughts?

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And I take all of that with a massive, massive grain of salt the largest grain of salt on planet earth.

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And the reason is because, of course, they don't have the full context.

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But I think that's the point behind today's Action Saturday is to start filling in the context, Because, as someone who sees a lot of entrepreneurial websites, I promise you it can be so confusing.

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A lot of people use the same types of buzzwords.

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Everybody's business is innovative.

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Everybody is offering fractional this and this services.

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These days, Everybody is offering the same types of things and it's really hard as an end consumer to figure out what's this person do.

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What are they all about?

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What's the process?

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What's the timeline?

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If I decide to work with them, how does that work?

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What does it look like?

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All of these things are very important to have on your website.

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Now it's complicated to weave all of this into your website copy without ending up with a novel, and that's why I love the simplicity of an FAQ section.

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We have it on our website.

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If you go to thewantrepreneurshowcom it's thewantrepreneurshowcom you'll see a little video of me pop up in the lower right and it just says say hi.

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If you click that, not only can you live chat with me, but you'll also have access to our FAQs there and I can see the analytics of all those FAQs and the traffic that they get and what types of questions that people are clicking on and what they're interested in, and we further refine those.

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But the truth is you don't even need that high tech of a solution.

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You can just have it at the bottom of your website, no matter what your website looks like today.

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Just add a new section.

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Call it frequently asked questions, list the questions and type the answers.

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I promise you it's going to give very important clarity to everybody who comes across your business.

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Super simple action, super impactful and no matter where you're at in your business and your website.

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It fits in with what you're already doing, because a frequently asked questions website can be as out of thin air as it needs to be.

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It doesn't need to be any prep.

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You don't have to weave it into your existing copy or your messaging.

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We all know that it's its own section.

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So get out there, take action, implement this in your business and start providing that clarity to everyone who comes across your work.