Craft directionally right decisions that propel your entrepreneurial and personal journey forward as we explore this simple approach. What if your next step, even amidst uncertainty, could lead you closer to your dreams? Join our host, Brian Lofrumento, as we unpack the art of taking action that aligns with your goals, even as initial ideas or strategies evolve. As we gear up for a fresh start alongside the milestone of our 1000th episode, the conversation focuses on navigating uncertainties and embracing the power of real-world feedback to refine and adjust your approach for continuous progress.
00:00 - Making Directionally Right Decisions
08:25 - Taking Directionally Right Actions
14:16 - Empowering Entrepreneurial Guests
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Hey, what is up?
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Welcome to this episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.
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As always, I'm your host, brian Lofermento, and in this Solo Sunday episode, I'm gonna share with you something that I've been thinking about a lot lately, and that is all about how do we make the right decisions, how do we choose the right thing to do, the right path for us, the right strategy, the right thing to work on.
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I'm excited about this one.
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Let's dive in.
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So it is that time of year here at the end of every single calendar year.
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This is when I get very introspective, very reflective.
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I really orient my sales ahead of the new year and I want to maximize my outcomes from this year, because I've been doing a lot of work to make this year as successful as possible, and also I want to roll a lot of those successes right on in to the new year, and so that's why a lot of my content, typically at this type at this point of the year, I always say it's a somewhat corny phrase, but gosh, do I mean it?
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And that is next year starts now, and so that's why I'm already thinking about so many different decisions that I'm currently making, that I've been making, that I want to be making in the new year, and with decisions, of course, comes a few questions, one of which is is this the right decision?
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Is this the decision that moves me closer to my goals?
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Is this something that's aligned?
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Is this something I can maintain?
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We ask ourselves all of these important questions and that's why, at the root of all of it is, of course, we want to be making the right decisions, we want to be working on the right things, we want to be doing the right things, we want to have the right strategies that are actually going to work and set us up for success.
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And so, even if I go to the very basics a lot of emails that I get from you wantrepreneurs, who you may not even have a business just yet and I always love those emails we are the wantrepreneur to entrepreneur show, so both sides of that coin, I really enjoy offering you insights and sharing stories and experiences from my own journey, and so that's why, if you do want to reach out to me via email, my direct email address is hello at imetbriancom Super easy to get a hold of me.
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Hello at imetbryancom.
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And when it comes to a lot of the entrepreneurs, a lot of the questions that I face is, brian, what's the right business that I should start?
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What's the right business model?
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What's the right pricing strategy?
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What's the right product or service?
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What's the right way to position it?
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What's the right way to market it?
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What's the right way to sell it?
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I could literally give you 5 million examples.
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You know, over the span of 988 episodes, I've gone into so many of these topics and, at the root of it, what I've been thinking about a lot recently is what I'm going to call this is what I've internally been labeling it in my head.
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Head is directionally right decisions.
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Directionally right decisions.
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And what do I mean by that?
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And why do I want to do an entire Solo Sunday episode about directionally right decisions?
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Well, here's why.
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It's because so often in life, in business, in relationships, in health, in wealth, we don't know the answer to a thousand things.
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I mean there's so many question marks and we can never be certain of any outcome.
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To be honest, you don't know whether it's a relationship, a business, finances, health.
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You don't know a lot of things.
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You don't know how long it's going to take.
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Let's use fitness as the example.
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You don't know how long it's going to take to get in shape like you want.
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You don't know how long it's going to take to improve your muscle mass or to cut fat, or to improve your running average times, or whatever it may be.
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You have no idea how long it's going to take.
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You have no idea what's going to get you there the quickest.
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You have no idea what the best routine is for you.
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You have no idea how you're going to feel tomorrow and what recovery time you're going to need.
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You have no idea how long it's going to take to build up that habit.
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There's so many unknowns and a lot of people get paralyzed and their way of navigating these unknowns is to read, consume, plan, orient, study, consume, content all of these things.
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It's something that we all know.
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We've all done it.
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Not a single one of us is exempt from this thing that we're talking about here today, and especially when I hear entrepreneurs say what's the right business to start, honestly, I found myself over the years switching that advice.
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I used to have some kind of standard advice that I would offer them, but really my advice these days is just start any business.
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Truth be told, because I know personally, whatever business it is, that you come out of the gates with probably not going to be the same business six months from now.
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Definitely not going to be the same business six years from now, and it's probably not going to be the same business a year from now, because when you start, you're going to get the most valuable thing that we can all get in all of our businesses, and that is real world feedback.
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When you try selling your product or service, you're going to start learning things way quicker than you could possibly learn without actually doing the thing.
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And so it's because of all this uncertainty, and especially for me, as I'm lining up 2025, gosh, I'm going into the new year with a lot of business answers.
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We've had an incredible year behind the scenes at the entrepreneur to entrepreneur podcast.
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Episode 1000 is coming up this month, which is absolutely crazy to me.
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Honestly, I'm so excited about it.
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Nobody on planet earth, except for one person, knows what I've got in store for episode 1000.
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So that's going to be a fun one, but even beyond that, I know that there are so many uncertainties about the new year.
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There's so many uncertainties about how we're going to be switching things up after episode 1000 because spoiler alert there will be some announcements from us this month, and we're really excited about that because almost all of them are geared towards serving you, the entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who tune in way more deeply than we ever have before.
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And so, with all of this uncertainty, that's why I settle on directionally right decisions, because when it comes to again, I'll go back to fitness.
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When it comes to fitness, you and I don't know the perfect fitness routine, but you know, what I do know Is that if we eat a salad for dinner tonight and we get a 30, 45, 60 minute whatever, however long of an exercise or workout in tonight, we win.
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It doesn't matter if it was perfect, it doesn't matter if it's the thing that is the most strategically executed plan, it doesn't matter if it's the thing that's gonna get us there fastest, but what I do know is that, in this period of uncertainty, that eating a salad or eating healthy in any capacity, it doesn't have to be a salad, but eating healthy and exercising today is a directionally right decision.
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No matter what, those two things are going to get me closer to where I want to be, and so that's why I call those directionally right decisions, whether they're the most efficient or the most strategic, or the most informed or the most optimal things or not, it doesn't matter, because directionally, they only get me closer to my goal.
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I will only improve as a person if I eat healthy and if I exercise.
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That's it, end of story.
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It truly is that simple, because instead of looking for a home run, instead of looking for the perfect strategy, instead of being paralyzed you know that analysis by paralysis phrase that we throw around so often in business instead of that, we are simply saying well, I don't know what's right, but I know that if I do these two things gets me closer to my goal, sends me in the direction that I want to go in.
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There's so many examples of this within the world of business.
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I don't know what the perfect way of attracting more customers and clients is, but I do know that if I reach out to 25 people this week, that would benefit from my products and services.
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Even if my outreach isn't perfect, even if I have no idea how to close a sales call, even if I have no idea how to position my product or service, even if I have no idea on a lot of things, I know that, having 25 conversations this week with people who I so deeply want to serve with my business.
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I know that doing that moves me closer to my goals, moves me closer in the direction of the outcomes that I'm interested in.
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It is never bad to have conversations with your ideal customers and clients.
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It is never bad.
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It never moves you away from your goal to have more conversations with the people that you're committed to serving.
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Again, it does not mean that doing those actions is immediately going to maybe not even immediately.
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It doesn't mean it's going to deliver the outcome that you're looking for at all, but what it does mean is that when you make that choice, when you have 25 conversations this week with your ideal customers or clients or the people that you're committed to serving with your products or services, just those conversations, I guarantee to you.
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There's so few guarantees in business and in life, by the way, but I guarantee to you that if you have those conversations this week or this month, whatever your timeline is, you'll be better off and that is a directionally right decision.
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That is a directionally right action.
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It's not the perfect action and you probably won't execute it perfectly.
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None of us will ever execute it perfectly.
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That's the complete spoiler alert in all things business and life but it will make you better off, even if you do it in small doses.
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I'm not expecting of myself or of you that we are instantly going to eat perfectly and exercise regularly If that's not already in your repertoire, that's not already your habit.
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It's going to be incredibly difficult to snap your fingers and make that happen instantly, but every single time you make the directionally right choice or decision or take the directionally right action of eating a healthy meal and exercising, you get better, and so that's what I really enjoy.
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It's something that I've been thinking about a lot lately and just reflecting on is in those moments where, you know, as I've been traveling for the holiday season and I've got some more travels coming up and I'm going to be on the move quite a bit throughout this winter time, my laptop and I go oh gosh.
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You know I'm not really feeling inspired to get into something big right now because there's so many things on my plate and I'm about to be on the go.
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I'm in transition right now.
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It's a solid reminder of you know what.
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Just do something that's directionally right, that's it Doesn't have to be the perfect thing, doesn't have to be something that I had already had on my to-do list or on my big list of projects that I'm currently working on.
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Just do something that's directionally right, because when you make a habit out of one asking yourself what is a directionally right decision or action right now, then you start building up that awareness which is key for any improvement project or optimization project or key to you moving forward in the direction of your goals.
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So first is that awareness you have to ask yourself that question.
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But then two, even if you do it every once in a while, you're going to get incrementally better, and of course I'm not going to hammer this point home today.
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We all know that getting incrementally better is the key to success.
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It's the path to success and it starts with.
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Well, it starts not with perfect action.
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It starts not with perfect decisions and perfect actions, but it starts with directionally right choices.
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Directionally right decisions and directionally right actions.
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Imperfect action.
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It's really summing it up there.
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We throw those words around a lot in the world of business, of take imperfect action, but what I really have been thinking about more lately is those directionally right actions, things that, no matter what they make me better off.
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Going on somebody else's podcast always results in something better for me, whether it results in exposure or business, I don't even care Because, quite frankly, I always meet someone amazing my fellow podcast host.
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I love going on other people's shows and, of course, I love having people on my show and even just talking things out with a fellow entrepreneur.
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I always end up better off.
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Those are the opportunities that I always happily pursue.
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Having a virtual coffee with an entrepreneur that I respect only ever makes me better, only ever lifts my mood, gives me ideas, gives me clarity, leads to who knows what, could lead to another connection, could lead to me connecting somebody else, and then they do really cool things together and put more good into the world.
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I have no idea, but what I do know is it's a directionally right decision, it's a directionally right action, and so that's why I think, as we round out 2024 and race into 2025, the question isn't what's the right thing to do.
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The question isn't what's the best strategy or the best thing to do.
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It is, very simply what are the actions or decisions or choices that move me in the direction of what it is that I want?
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And that's a simpler question to ask, and, it is for sure, a simpler question to answer, because there's a lot of things that could move you closer into the direction of your dreams.
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So that's it for me today.
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That's something I've been thinking about a lot lately Directionally right decisions.
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Ask yourself that.
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I'm super curious to hear where it takes you.
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So, as I said at the top of this episode, don't be shy, reach out to me directly.
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Hello at imetbryancom.
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Otherwise, pound that subscribe button because, holy cow, we are only ramping up our content Ahead of episode 1000,.
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We've got some incredible guests coming on the air and that is all going to be right in line with some big announcements that we've got from episode 1000 and beyond.
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So make sure you pound that subscribe button because we'll see you, as always, every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.
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Hey, it's Brian here, and thanks for tuning in to yet another episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.
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If you haven't checked us out online, there's so much good stuff there.
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Check out the show's website and all the show notes that we talked about in today's episode at thewantrepreneurshowcom.
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And I just want to give a shout out to our amazing guests.
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There's a reason why we are ad free and have produced so many incredible episodes five days a week for you, and it's because our guests step up to the plate.
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These are not sponsored episodes.
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These are not infomercials.
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Our guests help us cover the costs of our productions.
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They so deeply believe in the power of getting their message out in front of you, awesome entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, that they contribute to help us make these productions possible.
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So thank you to not only today's guests, but all of our guests in general, and I just want to invite you check out our website because you can send us a voicemail there.
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We also have live chat.
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If you want to interact directly with me, go to the wantrepreneurshowcom.
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Initiate a live chat.
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It's for real me and I'm excited because I'll see you, as always every monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and sunday here on the wantrepreneur to entrepreneur podcast.