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Sept. 27, 2024

941: LEVERAGING finance and cash for growth + the power of PERSISTENCE w/ Andrew Spira

Ever wondered how one man's journey from addiction could lead to a multi-faceted empire spanning real estate, finance, and reputation management? In this episode, we sit down with Andrew Spira, an inspiring entrepreneur and coach who transformed his life after a wake-up call at 17. You'll hear how Andrew overcame personal trauma and addiction to launch his first business by 18, finding immense success during the COVID-19 pandemic. His story is not just about business acumen but about resilience, faith, and the relentless quest for personal growth.

Andrew's journey wasn't smooth sailing; he faced significant challenges and even relapsed at 23. However, this only fueled his determination to succeed, emphasizing that true entrepreneurial success lies in simple business fundamentals and personal integrity. He discusses crucial insights into overcoming labels, the importance of faith in his journey, and how basic principles often pave the way to wealth. We also explore his adventurous lifestyle, spontaneous travel escapades, and the strict routines he maintains to manage his global ventures effectively.

Beyond business, Andrew is committed to giving back. He shares the heartfelt mission behind his nonprofit,, which supports individuals battling addiction and those lacking basic life skills. From securing jobs and housing for recovering addicts to offering personal guidance, Andrew's philanthropic efforts are as commendable as his business achievements. Tune in to discover how persistence and a positive mindset can lead to life-changing opportunities, and get inspired by Andrew's unwavering commitment to making a difference.


Andrew Spira is a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker with a powerful story of transformation and resilience. His journey from overcoming personal challenges to building a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio and successful businesses makes him an ideal guest for podcasts focused on personal growth, entrepreneurship, and overcoming adversity.



00:00 - Transformation and Redemption

08:13 - Finding Success Through Faith and Identity

19:12 - Entrepreneurial Growth and Lifestyle Choices

28:15 - Global Travel, Routine, and Philanthropy

31:40 - Providing Basic Life Skills and Support

37:39 - Acknowledgment and Gratitude



00:00:00.160 --> 00:00:01.122
Hey, what is up?

00:00:01.122 --> 00:00:04.331
Welcome to this episode of the Entrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

00:00:04.331 --> 00:00:13.271
As always, I'm your host, brian Lofermento, and we have got a treat for all of you listeners here today, because we are joined by an incredible entrepreneur.

00:00:13.271 --> 00:00:28.134
That, I think, epitomizes pretty much everything that it means to be an entrepreneur, from the successes to the setbacks, to the challenges, to life getting in the way so many things that are going to leave us feeling all sorts of fired up, encouraged and inspired by today's guest.

00:00:28.134 --> 00:00:29.304
Let me tell you all about him.

00:00:29.304 --> 00:00:31.086
His name is Andrew Spira.

00:00:31.480 --> 00:00:35.671
Andrew is an entrepreneur, speaker, coach and recovered drug addict.

00:00:35.671 --> 00:00:42.563
Yes, there's so much to his story that this is someone who's so generous and transparent in the way he shares it, so we're going to learn a lot from him today.

00:00:42.563 --> 00:00:46.527
His life story is a compelling tale of transformation and redemption.

00:00:46.527 --> 00:01:00.420
At 25, inspired by his own struggles with addiction, andrew turned his life around becoming a seasoned real estate investor, developer and business mogul.

00:01:00.420 --> 00:01:04.033
Spira's life took a dramatic turn when he realized the detrimental impact of drugs on his own life and so many communities across the globe.

00:01:04.033 --> 00:01:11.563
Today, andrew oversees investments in residential real estate finance and a reputation management company, among other business ventures.

00:01:11.563 --> 00:01:18.986
This is someone with a brilliant strategic business mind that really has such a keen eye for growth and opportunities.

00:01:18.986 --> 00:01:25.930
Andrew is a powerful advocate against drugs, actively working to prevent others from falling into the recurring cycle of addiction.

00:01:25.930 --> 00:01:37.546
His story serves as a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and the potential for change, as well as all the ingredients that come with being an entrepreneur Resilience, hard work, consistency, determination.

00:01:37.968 --> 00:01:39.171
I'm excited about this one.

00:01:39.171 --> 00:01:40.603
I'm not going to say anything else.

00:01:40.603 --> 00:01:43.620
Let's dive straight into my interview with Andrew Spira.

00:01:43.620 --> 00:01:46.242
Anything else, let's dive straight into my interview with Andrew Spira.

00:01:46.242 --> 00:01:50.909
All right, andrew, you've got a lot to live up to today, but first things first.

00:01:50.909 --> 00:01:52.512
Officially welcome to the show.

00:01:53.894 --> 00:01:54.814
Good morning, thank you.

00:01:55.495 --> 00:01:57.256
Heck yeah, it's so great for you to be here.

00:01:57.256 --> 00:02:03.097
I'm super excited personally to hear your story and all the insights that you've picked up along the way, which I know are abundant.

00:02:03.097 --> 00:02:05.447
But first things first take us beyond the bio.

00:02:05.447 --> 00:02:06.189
Who's Andrew?

00:02:06.189 --> 00:02:11.185
How'd you start transforming your life and then also doing all these incredible things within the world of business?

00:02:12.387 --> 00:02:13.449
Yeah, okay.

00:02:13.449 --> 00:02:14.592
So Andrew.

00:02:14.592 --> 00:02:23.794
Andrew is a male, obviously, who grew up in Sydney, particularly around the eastern suburbs.

00:02:23.794 --> 00:02:25.911
Many people would know the eastern suburbs.

00:02:25.911 --> 00:02:26.643
Many people would know the eastern suburbs.

00:02:26.643 --> 00:02:27.063
If you don't.

00:02:27.063 --> 00:02:29.311
It's close to the Bondi Beach area of Sydney.

00:02:31.879 --> 00:02:35.989
Started off at a young age I lived in a normal family setting.

00:02:35.989 --> 00:02:48.366
Unfortunately, my dad he lost all his money when I was quite young and my mum subsequently ended up leaving him and my mum subsequently ended up leaving him and I think you know that my parents getting divorced at a young age.

00:02:48.366 --> 00:02:52.092
That had a bit of an impact on me.

00:02:52.092 --> 00:03:02.739
It was a fairly nasty divorce and then going forward, you know my mum had her own struggles with addiction.

00:03:02.739 --> 00:03:07.307
You know I was introduced to drugs at a fairly young age, 13, 14.

00:03:07.307 --> 00:03:09.754
And I ended up becoming a drug addict when I was 14.

00:03:10.520 --> 00:03:12.168
Ended up actually on the street.

00:03:12.168 --> 00:03:16.324
I know a lot of people say on the street, but on the street is a big thing, it's not easy.

00:03:16.324 --> 00:03:23.508
It's walking up and down King's Cross trying to sleep at the hospital if you can, trying to sleep at a hotel if you've got a couple hundred bucks on.

00:03:23.508 --> 00:03:41.552
You Ended up on the street for a couple of years, ended up getting into some trouble when I was 17, which gave me a bit of a shock to the system, got clean and then at the age of 18, I started my own business in the loan space, particularly around broking business loans.

00:03:41.552 --> 00:04:10.269
And yeah, I was one of the fortunate people that my business really took off during COVID, managed to acquire a lot of real estate during that period I bought some, I guess, very special properties around the eastern suburbs of Sydney and, yeah, at the moment currently running a group of fintech businesses in Australia, new Zealand and the UK, we're doing SME micro lending.

00:04:10.269 --> 00:04:53.851
So that's kind of my forte SME micro lending, which is just giving back to vulnerable men and women around and get a job or they can go and get a rental property and live on their own and get out of the environments they're in.

00:04:54.740 --> 00:04:57.187
Yeah, I really love and appreciate that overview, Andrew.

00:04:57.228 --> 00:05:09.625
It's so clear that not only do you have your hands in so many incredible projects and business ventures that make the world a better place that we're definitely going to get into all of those but what I really appreciate about your story is how you truly start at the beginning.

00:05:09.685 --> 00:05:19.209
It starts in childhood for you and you talking about the impact that your parents getting divorced and, obviously, your mom's own challenges that you then on went on to experience yourself.

00:05:19.209 --> 00:05:27.490
And what I find fascinating in having these conversations with amazing entrepreneurs and business minds like you is that we see the world a bit differently.

00:05:27.490 --> 00:05:29.601
Entrepreneurs were a bit of a different breed.

00:05:29.601 --> 00:05:50.860
I'm curious where along the way because you did start your business at an extraordinarily young age, as a teenager where along the way did you realize you know what I've had, this life and my circumstances are, whatever they've shaken out to be, but I don't believe that we should live the way that the world traditionally trains us of working for 40 years, retiring, working for the man or the system.

00:05:50.860 --> 00:05:53.670
When did you realize you think differently and see the world differently?

00:05:55.401 --> 00:05:58.149
Look, there's actually that's a good question there's a textbook moment.

00:05:58.149 --> 00:06:00.161
I'm 16.

00:06:00.161 --> 00:06:06.057
I just bought a heap of iPhones cheap and I'd resold them.

00:06:06.057 --> 00:06:07.742
I think I made like three thousand dollars.

00:06:07.742 --> 00:06:10.310
And I'm sitting at the cosmopolitan 16 years old.

00:06:10.310 --> 00:06:13.922
Um, I'm sitting at the cosmopolitan in double bay.

00:06:13.922 --> 00:06:20.423
Uh, I just ordered a glass of wine, I just ordered a schnitzel and I thought, okay, I'm gonna have an interesting life here.

00:06:20.423 --> 00:06:25.221
You know, like I'm 16 years old, on the street, uh, and I was already started.

00:06:25.221 --> 00:06:25.968
Like you know, I was hust, was already started.

00:06:25.968 --> 00:06:32.024
Like you know, I was hustling and whatever I could, you know, stuff off Gumtree, stuff off eBay, and just trying to make a profit out of it.

00:06:32.024 --> 00:06:33.327
So there was a pivotal moment.

00:06:33.327 --> 00:06:37.889
I remember just sitting there staring straight ahead and I thought this is not normal for a 16-year-old.

00:06:37.889 --> 00:06:39.480
I'm going to have an interesting life.

00:06:39.480 --> 00:06:41.524
So that was a pivotal moment for me.

00:06:42.326 --> 00:06:47.555
I love that, especially that really tangible story that you can probably still feel to this day.

00:06:47.555 --> 00:06:48.826
You immediately thought of it.

00:06:48.826 --> 00:07:00.293
I want to ask you this because I remember years ago I spoke at an event in Eastern Europe and one of the people in the audience she asked me she's like well, brian, I want to start my business, but I'm a mom and that's holding me back.

00:07:00.293 --> 00:07:04.903
And I remember sharing with her my perspective back, and I remember sharing with her my perspective.

00:07:04.903 --> 00:07:11.788
I come from an immigrant family here in the States of well, you can succeed or you cannot succeed because of the fact that you have kids, or you can succeed because of the fact that you have kids.

00:07:11.788 --> 00:07:16.266
How do you flesh out the life circumstances that were handed to you?

00:07:16.266 --> 00:07:18.735
Did those become your advantage, andrew?

00:07:18.735 --> 00:07:22.266
Were they a setback that you had to first recover from and get over?

00:07:22.627 --> 00:07:26.490
Talk to us about your attitude there had to first recover from and get over.

00:07:26.490 --> 00:07:28.360
Talk to us about your attitude there.

00:07:28.360 --> 00:07:33.163
There's a lot of ways to respond to that.

00:07:33.163 --> 00:07:43.370
I think I've always been a very spiritual and religious person and I do believe in what you put out is what you get, and I'm a big believer in God and also not overcomplicating life.

00:07:43.370 --> 00:07:53.598
So I truly believe that if you put all your effort into something, um god will not stop you from being successful in running a business.

00:07:53.598 --> 00:07:54.983
You know he will not let you go.

00:07:54.983 --> 00:07:57.334
You know most people's let's go, let's go back a step.

00:07:57.334 --> 00:08:00.264
Most people's biggest fears are what happens if I run out of money?

00:08:00.264 --> 00:08:06.666
I, like, I truly believe you will not run out of money as long as you are doing the right thing and putting all your effort into your business.

00:08:06.666 --> 00:08:07.509
It just won't happen.

00:08:08.490 --> 00:08:09.593
Yeah, amen to that.

00:08:09.593 --> 00:08:12.872
I absolutely love that because I think it's so key for all of us.

00:08:12.872 --> 00:08:22.165
Faith it's the key word behind religion, behind spirituality, behind a lot of things is having that faith, and especially when it comes to business, we can't see these things until we actually achieve them.

00:08:22.165 --> 00:08:24.588
We have to have that faith in order to get there.

00:08:24.588 --> 00:08:36.105
Which leads me to ask you this question, andrew, because as I research all of the great things that you're up to, part of me really wants to get inside your head to understand identity and how that has shaped for you along the years.

00:08:36.105 --> 00:08:43.769
Because obviously, having that label of a drug addict whether you sat with that label or not, obviously it's part of your story and part of your past.

00:08:43.769 --> 00:08:46.293
Where did that label go?

00:08:46.293 --> 00:08:49.058
What did you do with it when you started that first business?

00:08:49.058 --> 00:08:54.604
So many people get held back of saying, well, I'm not an entrepreneur, I'm not a business owner, so people won't take me seriously.

00:08:54.604 --> 00:08:56.068
You blasted through that.

00:08:56.068 --> 00:08:58.202
Talk to us about the role of identity in your journey.

00:08:59.346 --> 00:09:06.522
Yeah, look, this is a little bit sad, sad answer to this question.

00:09:06.522 --> 00:09:07.543
I was a bit traumatized.

00:09:07.543 --> 00:09:07.865
I still am.

00:09:07.865 --> 00:09:09.528
I think that's why I have been able to be so successful.

00:09:09.528 --> 00:09:11.913
You know those rough years between 15 and 17,.

00:09:11.913 --> 00:09:14.124
They've definitely shaped my life.

00:09:14.124 --> 00:09:25.282
You know, no matter how much therapy I do or any, you know, any progression I make, I'm always referring back to that time in my head, even if I'm not speaking about it out loud.

00:09:25.282 --> 00:09:33.428
I'm thinking about, you know, being on the street or scrounging around for, you know, a bed somewhere, and I just don't ever want to go back to that.

00:09:33.428 --> 00:09:34.873
So that's what drives me.

00:09:35.960 --> 00:09:38.062
You know, in terms of the label of an addict, I was young.

00:09:38.062 --> 00:10:04.222
I was a drug addict from 14 to 17 and I got clean for five years, from 18 to 23 or thereabouts and, you know, I thought I'd grown up and, unfortunately, I relapsed in 2022 and I was 23 years old at the time and, you know, I think all that, all that stuff I was suppressing.

00:10:04.222 --> 00:10:05.426
I hadn't dealt with it.

00:10:05.426 --> 00:10:07.370
You know, I was clean.

00:10:07.370 --> 00:10:08.600
I wasn't doing so well.

00:10:08.620 --> 00:10:32.075
I was making lots of money in my business really good money, like you know, a few million a year, doing not much work at the time and I relapsed and you know, getting clean from that relapse I ended up spending 18 months on drugs every day and getting clean from that relapse has, I think, shaped me into a man and made me into the person I am now.

00:10:32.075 --> 00:10:37.850
I think over the last 12 months I've become a bit more of a, you know, a grown up.

00:10:37.850 --> 00:10:39.094
I've turned into a man.

00:10:39.094 --> 00:10:44.743
My body's definitely gone through some changes and I think you know I've outgrown the drugs.

00:10:44.743 --> 00:10:56.456
You know and I've dealt with a lot of my previous issues, which I think is quite common for people who have been through traumatic situations that they tend to get over it between the ages of 25 to 30 or grow out of it.

00:10:57.240 --> 00:10:59.787
Yeah, it's interesting to hear the perspective on that especially.

00:10:59.787 --> 00:11:01.851
I know a lot of listeners ears are going to perk up.

00:11:01.851 --> 00:11:12.616
We've got entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all across the world at different stages in their journey and hearing you know, making millions of dollars a year that they imagine that that's going to solve all the problems for us.

00:11:12.616 --> 00:11:21.520
But along the way they get obsessed with looking for that secret pill, the magic pill that's going to give them the strategy or the tactic that's going to take them there.

00:11:21.520 --> 00:11:27.828
I want to ask you about that business education, because obviously it's something that you have your hands in a lot of successful businesses these days.

00:11:27.828 --> 00:11:29.105
You've got a whole portfolio of them.

00:11:29.105 --> 00:11:31.307
You obviously went to the School of Hard Rocks.

00:11:31.307 --> 00:11:33.006
You've mentioned the streets a few times.

00:11:33.006 --> 00:11:35.047
Where did this education come from?

00:11:35.047 --> 00:11:38.326
The actual business acumen, where did you start picking that up along the way?

00:11:41.220 --> 00:11:41.421

00:11:41.421 --> 00:11:46.303
You know I'm going to answer this like everyone on that podcast answers it.

00:11:46.303 --> 00:12:02.667
I was just doing what I had to hustle from a young age, you know and I truly do fall into that category, you know every because I was so desperate and I wanted to escape the environment I was in when I was an early teen or mid-teen years.

00:12:02.667 --> 00:12:05.611
I was just trying to make money however way I could.

00:12:05.611 --> 00:12:12.650
So you know if I was buying and selling phones, if I was buying, you know, pre-workout supplements and selling it to kids, you know like it was.

00:12:12.650 --> 00:12:14.365
You know I was a kid as well.

00:12:14.365 --> 00:12:17.197
You know it was all types of anything I could make money out.

00:12:17.258 --> 00:12:37.005
I could, and I think that sort of it gave me exposure to older people, I guess at a young age, you know, outside of the school environment, and I think that made me mature early and also gave me some basic, fundamental principles to apply to business.

00:12:37.005 --> 00:12:42.105
You know business isn't people overcomplicate it and you know what I'm realizing, particularly these days.

00:12:42.105 --> 00:12:45.884
I'm exposed to a lot more wealthy people these days.

00:12:45.884 --> 00:12:51.623
You know most of them are getting rich out of a very simple process.

00:12:51.623 --> 00:12:53.366
You know 99% of them.

00:12:53.366 --> 00:12:56.725
You know you don't overcomplicate it, just stick to the basic principles.

00:12:56.725 --> 00:12:57.589
That's what I will say.

00:12:58.110 --> 00:13:03.350
Yeah, I want to go deeper there, because it's my favorite Albert Einstein quote If you want to impress someone, make it complicated.

00:13:03.350 --> 00:13:05.465
If you want to help someone, make it simple.

00:13:05.465 --> 00:13:11.682
And, andrew, I think it's so clear in all the things that you do and all the ways that you show up in service to others is that you love making it simple.

00:13:11.682 --> 00:13:25.373
So let's talk about some of those principles, because one of the founding things behind this podcast many years ago was I always wanted to rip my hair out at the newer entrepreneurs who obsess about their logo, their website, if they're using WordPress or Squarespace.

00:13:25.373 --> 00:13:33.144
Obviously, none of these things are the keys to success.

00:13:33.144 --> 00:13:33.748
Andrew, what are some of those?

00:13:33.748 --> 00:13:36.200
If we strip away everything, what are some of those core principles that have helped you launch into all the things you do?

00:13:37.220 --> 00:13:41.370
Well, again, I'm going to give you the answer everyone tends to give on this.

00:13:41.370 --> 00:13:44.645
It's sales and marketing, and I think that's what I'm really good at.

00:13:44.645 --> 00:13:49.222
I'm really good at particularly marketing, um and getting direct sales.

00:13:49.222 --> 00:13:52.253
Um, that's what I'm good at.

00:13:52.253 --> 00:13:55.381
Uh, the biggest thing you know when you're working with someone is trust.

00:13:55.381 --> 00:14:00.419
Um, if you breach someone's trust, as far as I'm concerned, the relationship's over.

00:14:00.419 --> 00:14:04.106
So always make sure you're solid, um, stick to your agreements.

00:14:04.347 --> 00:14:13.070
If you can't stick to an agreement, let someone know straight away and try and negotiate some sort of compromise.

00:14:13.070 --> 00:14:15.961
That's a big thing that I've learned to do the last couple of years.

00:14:15.961 --> 00:14:19.089
If I've got an issue, I'm upfront about it.

00:14:19.089 --> 00:14:19.990
Can I sit down with you?

00:14:19.990 --> 00:14:20.740
Can I have a meeting?

00:14:20.740 --> 00:14:21.542
Can we discuss it?

00:14:21.542 --> 00:14:24.447
Most people are reasonable.

00:14:24.447 --> 00:14:27.614
If they're not reasonable, you know, don't deal with them anyway.

00:14:27.614 --> 00:14:40.791
So, yeah, it's being trustworthy, being honest, and you know sales and marketing, and the big thing is just momentum.

00:14:40.791 --> 00:14:42.995
You know, like mindset forward.

00:14:42.995 --> 00:14:47.330
You know, don't focus on a logo, don't worry about this logo and that logo, because the logo doesn't make any difference.

00:14:47.330 --> 00:14:52.985
Everyone is so busy, everyone is so stuck in their own heads, particularly these days with iPhones.

00:14:52.985 --> 00:14:59.302
Just focus on mindset, getting sales and pushing forward, pushing past the problems.

00:15:00.044 --> 00:15:03.682
Yeah, listeners, you heard it not from me, but from Andrew here in today's episode.

00:15:03.682 --> 00:15:08.631
So, Andrew, I appreciate those direct words of wisdom and encouragement and action to our listeners.

00:15:08.631 --> 00:15:16.822
I want to ask you about the role that you talk about sales, but what I really like about that last answer is how you went straight to trust and in your industry.

00:15:16.822 --> 00:15:21.764
Obviously, when we're talking about finance and investments, trust is incredibly important.

00:15:21.764 --> 00:15:24.652
Especially micro lending is a fascinating world to me.

00:15:24.652 --> 00:15:33.111
Talk to me about how the finance world is really where you found yourself with the bulk of so much of your work and so much of your investment portfolio.

00:15:33.111 --> 00:15:34.503
What is it about finance?

00:15:37.269 --> 00:15:38.390
You know it's not even finance.

00:15:38.390 --> 00:15:44.552
You know, these days, after you know having to rebuild myself, I just specialize in one particular area.

00:15:44.552 --> 00:15:46.482
I'll say what it is.

00:15:46.482 --> 00:15:48.780
It's unsecured business loans from two to a hundred K.

00:15:48.780 --> 00:15:55.553
That's all I do now and you know I think this space is my personality in a nutshell.

00:15:55.553 --> 00:16:02.717
Nutshell it's it's fast pace, it's high stress, high pressure, lots of fun.

00:16:02.717 --> 00:16:04.302
You're still helping people, which is good.

00:16:04.302 --> 00:16:09.711
You know like I still get like a million Christmas cards and hampers and everything every year, uh, but it's, it's quite.

00:16:09.711 --> 00:16:11.982
You know, it's still uh, a little bit.

00:16:11.982 --> 00:16:13.687
You know it's got a little bit of spice to it.

00:16:13.687 --> 00:16:15.030
So I like finance.

00:16:15.030 --> 00:16:23.660
Um, I've been involved in other projects like, uh, neo banks you know they're just money burners um, some fx trading websites.

00:16:23.660 --> 00:16:26.245
You know I got offered, offered work there, uh.

00:16:26.245 --> 00:16:35.812
But you know, now, after diversifying a lot and it ruining my core business, I really just focused on that unsecured business loan space.

00:16:36.620 --> 00:16:36.801

00:16:36.801 --> 00:16:44.028
Well then, I've got to ask you this because every entrepreneur has heard the phrase cash is king, but a lot of them may not be familiar with unsecured business loans.

00:16:44.028 --> 00:16:46.546
So take us there, andrew, be our guide into this wonderful new world of this.

00:16:46.546 --> 00:16:46.868
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:16:46.868 --> 00:16:47.429
So unsecured business loans.

00:16:47.429 --> 00:16:49.038
So take us there, andrew, be our guide into this wonderful new world of this.

00:16:49.058 --> 00:16:49.340
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:16:49.340 --> 00:16:55.067
So Unsecured Business Loan, or Merchant Cash Advance as you would call them in the US, has been around since 2008.

00:16:55.067 --> 00:17:03.207
There was a guy in he's based in New York who started doing it during the GFC and then post that it's just been a.

00:17:03.207 --> 00:17:10.420
It's been a big feature in all lending in pretty much every Commonwealth country throughout the world.

00:17:10.420 --> 00:17:20.851
So you know, I got a job when I was 17 doing cold calling for an unsecured business line lender and I thought as soon as I got on the phone I'm like crap, you can make money out of this.

00:17:20.851 --> 00:17:23.685
I'm going to do this, this is great and bang.

00:17:23.685 --> 00:17:24.729
Never looked back.

00:17:24.729 --> 00:17:25.811
I've only ever done that.

00:17:27.020 --> 00:17:27.603
I love that.

00:17:27.603 --> 00:17:34.181
So tell us what that looks like, because obviously for a lot of entrepreneurs, getting access to those resources is incredibly crucial.

00:17:34.181 --> 00:17:35.044
It is, as you said.

00:17:35.044 --> 00:17:37.411
That's the huge opportunity for us to make money in that area.

00:17:37.411 --> 00:17:40.011
Talk to us about what the mechanics are, how it works.

00:17:40.011 --> 00:17:44.525
For a lot of people, this is the academic understanding that they're lacking yeah, okay.

00:17:44.545 --> 00:17:57.001
So in terms of the logistics of the business, we're generally and I so I lend two from a hundred K from three to 12 months, and I'm typically lending behind a bank lender.

00:17:57.001 --> 00:18:03.864
So if you've got a first position bank lender, we'll lend second position behind that at a slightly higher rate.

00:18:03.864 --> 00:18:06.289
And it's great for bridging finance.

00:18:06.289 --> 00:18:09.648
You know people that are in the process of refinancing out all their debts into a, into a wholesale, um, and it's great for bridging finance.

00:18:09.648 --> 00:18:12.278
You know people that are in the process of refinancing out all their debts, um, into a, uh, into a wholesale facility.

00:18:12.278 --> 00:18:17.807
Or it's great for someone who might have no cash in the account for whatever reason we've all been there and needs to pay wages that day.

00:18:17.807 --> 00:18:23.484
Uh, it might be for someone who's got an inventory opportunity, like to buy inventory at half price and they need money now.

00:18:23.484 --> 00:18:30.343
Um, you know it's, it's someone who needs cash straight away and we're there to, I guess, fill that gap.

00:18:31.224 --> 00:18:41.391
Yeah, I love that, especially because talking to you about this stuff is fun for me because I know that you believe firmly in the power of cash, because you and I were talking off the air about real estate.

00:18:41.391 --> 00:18:43.940
That's an area that is of keen interest to you.

00:18:43.940 --> 00:18:48.449
Talk to us about leverage because I feel like it's scary for so many different entrepreneurs.

00:18:48.449 --> 00:18:50.353
Obviously, you help all of your clients.

00:18:50.353 --> 00:18:52.663
The word you use there that I really appreciate is the bridge.

00:18:52.663 --> 00:18:58.386
You know it is that access to resources is that bridge to whatever growth opportunities they're actively seeking.

00:18:58.386 --> 00:19:07.900
Talk to us about cash leverage and directly address for all the listeners worldwide who are thinking Andrew, this stuff can be scary who are thinking Andrew, this stuff can be scary.

00:19:08.519 --> 00:19:11.142
Yeah, look, leverage is great, use it.

00:19:11.142 --> 00:19:16.546
You know, people are mixed, like I see, like the Dave Ramseys of the world, they're like don't use leverage.

00:19:16.546 --> 00:19:19.347
And then there's other guys that say use leverage.

00:19:19.347 --> 00:19:20.929
Look, everyone is different.

00:19:21.348 --> 00:19:28.994
You know, I started out thinking make the money grant card own style, put everything into real estate and get cashflow.

00:19:28.994 --> 00:19:31.355
Now that doesn't work for me because I'm a fast guy.

00:19:31.355 --> 00:19:32.817
I need results straight away.

00:19:32.817 --> 00:19:40.465
So you know, these days I leverage my business.

00:19:40.465 --> 00:19:44.401
So everyone who offers me money, I take that money and I lend it out in my business, in these merchant cash advance loads and you know that's what works for me.

00:19:44.461 --> 00:19:47.086
But a lot of people, a lot of people aren't as fast paced as me.

00:19:47.086 --> 00:19:50.109
In fact, I'd say 99% of people aren't as fast paced as me.

00:19:50.109 --> 00:20:00.243
So that's why I think real estate's a great tool, you know, putting your money parking into something that builds in equity and gives you some rental return In terms of leverage.

00:20:00.243 --> 00:20:04.384
Back to the question of leverage, it's a great tool.

00:20:04.384 --> 00:20:08.794
If you can just remember, a lot of people can't get debt for whatever reason.

00:20:08.794 --> 00:20:23.230
So if you've got someone who's offering you leverage, take it with both hands and use it, even if you don't do so well generally most of the time with these mortgages, you've got to put 20% or 30% down anyway, so you can wait it out.

00:20:23.230 --> 00:20:23.811
You'll have enough.

00:20:23.811 --> 00:20:30.144
If there's a trough, you can just wait it out and your equity will eventually rebuild.

00:20:30.144 --> 00:20:30.886
It's just time.

00:20:31.670 --> 00:20:33.015
Yeah, I'm glad you called out.

00:20:33.015 --> 00:20:40.803
I agree with you fully that Dave Ramsey is the opposite end of this spectrum and, for a lot of people who he's one of the mainstream voices.

00:20:40.803 --> 00:20:47.496
Unfortunately, that's one of the voices that we hear the most in the world of podcasting, the radio, tv shows, online content.

00:20:47.496 --> 00:20:55.571
So, andrew, I'm going to leverage your expertise here to talk about that, because for a lot of people listening to this, they're going to wonder well, how do we use that?

00:20:55.571 --> 00:21:02.742
So give us some real life insights into your clientele, because you already mentioned those Christmas cards and it shows that you make a positive influence in their lives.

00:21:02.742 --> 00:21:05.888
Talk to us about some of those examples as to where this works out for them.

00:21:06.930 --> 00:21:09.853
Okay, I'll talk to.

00:21:09.853 --> 00:21:13.777
I'm going to talk to myself and then I'm going to talk to my clientele, because I was referring back to myself.

00:21:13.777 --> 00:21:16.326
So I had a business I was brokering.

00:21:16.326 --> 00:21:21.385
I didn't use to lend, I used to only broker, and that was a services business and that gave me a lot of cash.

00:21:21.385 --> 00:21:25.530
And I couldn't reinvest all that into the business, which was frustrating.

00:21:25.530 --> 00:21:30.806
Reinvest all that into the business, which was frustrating I'll speak to this a little bit more later.

00:21:30.806 --> 00:21:33.980
It was frustrating because I had excess cash and I was always looking for something to do with it.

00:21:33.980 --> 00:21:37.067
So that's where I started investing in real estate.

00:21:39.051 --> 00:21:42.882
I would go to the bank, I'll say it.

00:21:42.882 --> 00:21:48.506
I would get a property value before I'd even make an offer on it, I'd see if there was equity in it to be made.

00:21:48.506 --> 00:21:55.811
You know, say, if a property was two and a half million and it was valued at three, I'd buy it straight away.

00:21:55.811 --> 00:22:05.867
I put the $500,000 deposit down on it and then I would pull the equity out, the $500,000 equity out two weeks later.

00:22:05.867 --> 00:22:07.184
That's what I did with leverage.

00:22:07.184 --> 00:22:10.064
And then I'd buy another property and buy another property, and buy another property.

00:22:10.064 --> 00:22:22.186
And some were negatively geared and some were positively geared and I'll rephrase that for American viewers Some were positive cashflow, some were negative cashflow and obviously there's tax advantages.

00:22:22.186 --> 00:22:31.602
Now I was making a lot of money in my core business four, five, six, seven million bucks a year, so I could afford to have negative cashflow properties.

00:22:31.602 --> 00:22:42.875
Now, in terms of where that got me, it got me to a property portfolio of about 11 properties in Australia, which is pretty good for Australia.

00:22:42.875 --> 00:22:53.098
Australia's got very expensive real estate and I was heavily leveraged good cash flow and it was a good scenario.

00:22:53.098 --> 00:23:06.357
If I held it out for 10 years, you know, probably my equity in that property would have gone from like 4 or 5 million to 15 million, but you know that wasn't for me.

00:23:06.878 --> 00:23:17.390
In terms of my customers, um, you know like we just get so many people with great businesses that need cash straight away.

00:23:17.390 --> 00:23:22.249
So you know I get guys every day that haven't paid their wages or uh, and they've.

00:23:22.249 --> 00:23:29.372
You know they're waiting on a delayed invoice and you know they're talking to the bank and the bank needs 10 million documents and they've got a two two week turnaround time just until they call.

00:23:29.372 --> 00:23:39.652
And you know they're talking to the bank and the bank needs 10 million documents and they've got a two, two week turnaround time, just until they call you and you know we, they apply through my business and then straight away, you know, we're able to get them funding within like half an hour because it's all automated and the approval is automated.

00:23:39.652 --> 00:23:41.954
Then the stress is off their back.

00:23:42.295 --> 00:23:55.273
They've got like usually 12 months to pay it back and you know I think that means a lot to a business owner, a lot, particularly with the economy being so bad, like last year.

00:23:55.273 --> 00:24:02.277
I got like every year actually since I've started doing unsecured business loans, I get like 20 or 30 Christmas cards.

00:24:02.277 --> 00:24:04.589
You know, thank you for helping me in this situation.

00:24:04.589 --> 00:24:07.118
I can't even remember, you know, because I'm doing so much every day.

00:24:07.118 --> 00:24:15.262
One time I got a hamper and they sent it up to my holiday house in just above Newcastle in Australia and I didn't go to the holiday house for three months.

00:24:15.262 --> 00:24:19.201
I was watching the hamper on the camera for about three months.

00:24:19.201 --> 00:24:22.698
So yeah, it's all sorts of different scenarios.

00:24:23.570 --> 00:24:31.223
Yeah, I love that and, Andrew, it's so clear that it not only brings joy to your clients, but I love that they pass that on and you are at the top of their Christmas list.

00:24:31.223 --> 00:24:35.396
I want to transition a little bit and talk to you, the entrepreneur, and these episodes.

00:24:35.396 --> 00:24:44.493
It's fun for us to talk about you as the subject matter expert, but you're also one of us, you are a fellow entrepreneur, and one thing you brought up earlier in our conversation is spirituality.

00:24:44.493 --> 00:24:45.895
Obviously, personal development.

00:24:45.895 --> 00:24:49.721
It's so clear to me personal growth is such a key thing for you.

00:24:49.721 --> 00:24:58.054
Talk to us about those ways that you continue to grow, because a lot of people will think well, andrew, you've got a successful business that's thriving, that's attracting new clients.

00:24:58.054 --> 00:25:04.415
Obviously, sales and marketing is one of your fortes, but how do you continue to invest in that personal growth along the way?

00:25:05.357 --> 00:25:06.579
Look my personal growth.

00:25:06.579 --> 00:25:13.157
Still I'm working on it now, like my business is going like that, but I need my personal to go like that.

00:25:13.157 --> 00:25:15.157
You know I'm working on myself personally.

00:25:15.157 --> 00:25:22.057
I'm working on always working on building new relationships with people, building authentic relationships.

00:25:22.057 --> 00:25:25.538
You know you can never stop personally developing yourself.

00:25:25.538 --> 00:25:27.558
You know the moment you stop is the moment you go backwards.

00:25:27.558 --> 00:25:28.301
It's the moment you stop is the moment you go backwards.

00:25:28.301 --> 00:25:30.503
It's like the moment you stop fighting in your business.

00:25:30.503 --> 00:25:35.594
You know that's when you start to lose money In terms of business.

00:25:35.594 --> 00:25:42.920
What I'm teaching myself at the moment is mindset, so not letting those self-doubt thoughts go into my head at all.

00:25:42.920 --> 00:25:43.862
And it works.

00:25:44.911 --> 00:25:56.478
Yeah, for sure, go ahead, just a complete flick, nothing, no self-doubt can come in and that's what I've been training myself to do and it's starting to work.

00:25:56.478 --> 00:26:09.621
And when you learn about mindset in business and flicking thoughts of self-doubt out so they can't see them into your brain, I think you'll see your business will start to go like that, like I'm seeing that right now in my business.

00:26:10.202 --> 00:26:10.502

00:26:10.502 --> 00:26:18.517
Well then, andrew, on behalf of every single listener to this episode, I've got to ask you how are you training yourself in that regard, because that's something that plagues all of us.

00:26:18.517 --> 00:26:21.513
We all experience those self-doubts, so tell us about that training.

00:26:23.259 --> 00:26:58.871
Yeah, no-transcript issues too.

00:26:58.871 --> 00:27:04.320
But as soon as I learned mindset, you know, I was unstoppable.

00:27:05.221 --> 00:27:08.891
Yes, I love that Unstoppable.

00:27:08.891 --> 00:27:11.176
It's a really powerful word, especially knowing what you're doing in the world of business.

00:27:11.176 --> 00:27:13.162
I think that it's really relevant to you.

00:27:13.162 --> 00:27:20.691
I want to ask you about lifestyle, though, because you and I were talking off air about being a digital nomad, and obviously that's an appealing lifestyle for so many people around the world.

00:27:20.691 --> 00:27:23.234
Talk to us about how you structure that, Andrew.

00:27:23.234 --> 00:27:28.424
I've always personally wondered how you decide where you're going, when you're going, for how long.

00:27:28.424 --> 00:27:29.875
Give us some insights there.

00:27:30.971 --> 00:27:34.154
Well, I'm fortunate I've got a lot of international contacts.

00:27:34.154 --> 00:27:42.460
So, you know, I I sort of book a few meetings and then, you know, enjoy the scenery while I'm doing those meetings.

00:27:42.460 --> 00:27:46.672
So being a digital nomad is interesting.

00:27:46.672 --> 00:27:48.546
It's definitely challenging.

00:27:48.546 --> 00:27:59.413
I got stuck in Australia last year so I promised myself everything I spent on property investing or whatever, all my salary is going into being a digital nomad.

00:27:59.413 --> 00:28:02.244
I'm going to travel the world for the next year and that's what I've done this year.

00:28:04.820 --> 00:28:06.106
You know, I get bogged down in work.

00:28:06.106 --> 00:28:15.057
I'm sort of using Manila in the Philippines as a base because I've got 30 staff here and you know, then I'm just okay.

00:28:15.057 --> 00:28:15.680
I'll give you an example.

00:28:15.680 --> 00:28:18.369
I have one guy who's invited me to go to a Greek island.

00:28:18.369 --> 00:28:21.605
So I've just booked that in two weeks I'm just flying to London.

00:28:21.605 --> 00:28:23.368
They're flying to this island in Greece.

00:28:23.368 --> 00:28:29.234
It's just, you know, you just sort of everyone who hints at like an opportunity which we all get it.

00:28:29.234 --> 00:28:31.500
We all have friends that overseas come here, come there, come here.

00:28:31.500 --> 00:28:32.561
I just go now.

00:28:32.561 --> 00:28:34.483
But I act on it straight away.

00:28:34.483 --> 00:28:35.826
So it's a good life.

00:28:35.826 --> 00:28:37.287
I recommend it for a year or two.

00:28:37.287 --> 00:28:40.211
You know, sometimes it's a little frustrating.

00:28:40.211 --> 00:28:46.156
You're like, oh, I wish I was settled in a house and all that type of thing, but you know it's a good challenge.

00:28:46.156 --> 00:28:48.990
It's definitely been really good for my personal development, for sure.

00:28:49.640 --> 00:28:49.921

00:28:49.921 --> 00:28:52.970
So this is your year of saying yes Anyone who invites you on a trip.

00:28:52.970 --> 00:28:53.779
You're there, aren't you?

00:28:54.540 --> 00:28:55.843
I'm there, I'm there, yeah.

00:28:56.443 --> 00:28:56.944
I love it.

00:28:56.944 --> 00:29:01.211
Hey, it also comes with the side benefit of a lot of airline miles that you pick up along the way.

00:29:01.211 --> 00:29:02.574
So more power to you, andrew.

00:29:02.574 --> 00:29:35.000
No-transcript favorite tools, business-wise or also life-wise, because you have to be organized in so many different ways.

00:29:36.684 --> 00:29:41.192
Look, even though I'm traveling, I'm extremely rigid with my routine.

00:29:41.192 --> 00:29:43.044
You know I'm going to bed at the same time every night.

00:29:43.044 --> 00:29:50.328
I'm getting up at the same time, um, I'm having the same routine with my laptop, with my phone, um, with my calls.

00:29:50.328 --> 00:29:51.191
You know everything is.

00:29:51.191 --> 00:29:52.053
You know.

00:29:52.053 --> 00:29:53.949
You know I'm traveling like this and it looks all fun.

00:29:53.949 --> 00:30:02.820
There's still a lot of rigidity when you're running, particularly a business with investors and um, thousands of clients that are, you know, taking loans from you.

00:30:02.820 --> 00:30:04.965
It's it can get a little chaotic.

00:30:04.965 --> 00:30:07.951
So you know I've got a good team.

00:30:07.951 --> 00:30:12.686
I've still got to monitor them quite heavily just because of the nature of the business.

00:30:12.686 --> 00:30:20.045
And, yeah, the systems, you know again, it's it's not over complicatingating it.

00:30:20.045 --> 00:30:24.230
You know it's trust first of all, and then, second of all, it's good communication.

00:30:24.230 --> 00:30:32.521
And I think with those two things I don't think you need to have, you know these.

00:30:32.521 --> 00:30:34.385
You know remote viewer access into your staff's computer or be micromanaging them.

00:30:34.385 --> 00:30:38.020
You can just sit back and let them do their job while you do your job.

00:30:38.742 --> 00:30:48.185
Yeah, I love that perspective and obviously in today's world, there's more and more global teams, so managing that and creating a great environment for them, I think it's super important, which is how we keep our team.

00:30:48.185 --> 00:31:00.430
So, andrew, as we come towards the end, I don't want to let you go just yet, because, knowing that you were coming on here today, I had to pick your brain about philanthropy, because I think it's so cool that part of what you're doing is giving back.

00:31:00.430 --> 00:31:08.290
You've gone through so many hardships yourself, and one of our founding principles here at the show is a rising tide lifts all boats, and it's something that you embody in the work that you do.

00:31:08.290 --> 00:31:10.284
Talk to us about the philanthropy efforts.

00:31:12.047 --> 00:31:12.268

00:31:12.268 --> 00:31:22.593
So I always thought, you know, I lost all my wealth and rebuilt myself, and I always thought, if I do rebuild myself, I'm going to give a lot back because you know there's nothing I really want to buy anymore.

00:31:22.593 --> 00:31:28.772
Like I've already got a couple of properties that I own outright and I can go back to them at any time and I'm not really into.

00:31:28.772 --> 00:31:30.002
I've got one watch now.

00:31:30.002 --> 00:31:30.865
I used to have a lot more.

00:31:30.865 --> 00:31:33.582
I'm not really into watches or cars or owning anything anymore.

00:31:33.582 --> 00:31:34.625
I like minimalism.

00:31:34.625 --> 00:31:40.317
So I always thought I'm going to put some money back into philanthropy, which I've done.

00:31:40.317 --> 00:31:51.349
I've started my own charity, which is not charity it's not for profit, I would call it which is just giving back to people with addictions and people that lack basic life skills.

00:31:51.349 --> 00:32:08.026
You know, again, people overcomplicate what people, what, what, what we actually need, what recovering addicts need, what people that are struggling with basic life skills, uh, basically need, and it all goes back to food, water, shelter, uh, and that's what I help people.

00:32:08.026 --> 00:32:17.792
I help people get a job, get a rental property, get into a routine, build healthy relationships, and then the rest is the rest is history.

00:32:17.792 --> 00:32:19.483
You know, doors just open up for you.

00:32:19.483 --> 00:32:21.830
So, um, you know I've got a?

00:32:21.830 --> 00:32:26.208
Uh, a business now it's it's named after me, andrew spiro dot me.

00:32:26.208 --> 00:32:29.773
Um, we've got 350 people signed up.

00:32:29.773 --> 00:32:31.846
Uh, they've all got direct access to me.

00:32:31.846 --> 00:32:37.361
Don't worry, they're not coming through to my not everyone's coming through to my work phone, otherwise I'd be getting like a thousand calls a day.

00:32:37.361 --> 00:32:44.748
But I've got a phone for that business and, um, you know, I'm helping some guys at the moment in northern territory.

00:32:45.589 --> 00:32:48.799
Um, you know, this is a story I'll point to in particular.

00:32:48.799 --> 00:32:54.817
And you know they just got out of jail, uh, you know, just released back into the community.

00:32:54.817 --> 00:32:56.020
No money, no, nothing.

00:32:56.020 --> 00:32:58.165
I've helped them get into crisis accommodation.

00:32:58.165 --> 00:33:01.192
I've helped them start applying for laboring jobs.

00:33:01.192 --> 00:33:09.105
These guys are quite, you know, big guys and I've, you know, showed them where to apply for rentals or how to get a share house.

00:33:09.180 --> 00:33:12.885
You know, it's just basic life skills which I'm teaching people.

00:33:12.885 --> 00:33:25.104
I'm doing a weekly mail out with how I'm going on my recovery journey and I'm, you know, regularly checking in with you know I'm a bit ADD, like we all are.

00:33:25.104 --> 00:33:29.703
I'm regularly checking in with like 10 to 15 people and then the next week it'll go to another 10 to 15 people.

00:33:29.703 --> 00:33:50.510
It's sort of like bouncing around people and you know, keeping them up to date with my recovery journey, giving some basic pointers, and you know the big focus for that is not curing the trauma, just giving people basic life skills so then they can go on to cure the trauma, because you can't cure the trauma while you're still in that same environment, which a lot of these people you know.

00:33:50.510 --> 00:33:52.595
A lot of people can't start businesses, like us.

00:33:52.595 --> 00:33:53.744
A lot of people can't even get jobs.

00:33:53.744 --> 00:33:59.631
They don't even know how to get off government welfare and I think that's the first step to curing trauma for a lot of people.

00:34:00.700 --> 00:34:03.026
Yeah, giving them that foundation.

00:34:03.026 --> 00:34:07.288
Andrew, I'm going to publicly give you kudos and props and really appreciate the work that you're doing there.

00:34:07.288 --> 00:34:11.831
But even above and beyond that, one thing that really stands out to me about you is leading by example.

00:34:11.831 --> 00:34:15.826
I think that you're uniquely positioned to be that helping and that guiding force.

00:34:15.826 --> 00:34:23.369
So huge kudos to you for taking action there, because I know you've got a lot on your plate, so adding to it to give back is really awesome to see for all of us.

00:34:23.369 --> 00:34:28.166
I think it inspires all of us to be more active and giving back to people who we know that we can help.

00:34:28.248 --> 00:34:31.545
So, andrew, with all of that in mind, you've been a wealth of knowledge here today.

00:34:31.545 --> 00:34:47.471
But the last question that I always ask guests on these episodes it's a super broad one, so you can take in any direction that you want, and that is your one best piece of advice knowing that our listeners are entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs at all different stages of their business journey.

00:34:47.471 --> 00:34:51.264
What's that one thing that, if you can impart, you've got a direct line to all of them around the world right now.

00:34:51.264 --> 00:34:53.800
What's that one takeaway that you want to leave them with?

00:34:55.043 --> 00:34:56.264
Never give up and keep fighting.

00:34:56.264 --> 00:34:59.090
I'm sure you've heard that before, but that is one thing you know.

00:34:59.090 --> 00:35:04.307
If I gave up um I was speaking to someone about it he actually ended up investing in my company.

00:35:04.307 --> 00:35:11.612
I called him every day, three times a day, until I got the investment every day and I go well, what do you think?

00:35:11.612 --> 00:35:12.621
And he goes.

00:35:12.621 --> 00:35:19.070
Sometimes I don't like you, but it's the best thing I've ever uh seen.

00:35:19.070 --> 00:35:22.896
You know your follow-ups and and I go.

00:35:22.896 --> 00:35:26.362
I'm not going to say his name, it starts with the name I go, mate.

00:35:26.382 --> 00:35:29.681
You know what happens to guys like me If we give up, we end up on the street.

00:35:29.681 --> 00:35:35.740
You know, like I was talking to my parents said years, you know, and if I give up, I end up on the street.

00:35:35.740 --> 00:35:38.248
So you know that's why I'm so persistent.

00:35:38.248 --> 00:35:44.065
And you know I could hear the you know light bulb and he's like wow, you're, like, you're impressive, um.

00:35:44.065 --> 00:35:45.268
So you just never give up.

00:35:45.268 --> 00:35:48.262
Keep fighting, um, and the world's not that cruel.

00:35:48.262 --> 00:35:51.728
You know people get into bad situations.

00:35:51.728 --> 00:36:02.155
I genuinely believe god is real and people get into bad situations by um, by generally recklessness.

00:36:02.155 --> 00:36:08.751
Sometimes few people are unlucky, but recklessness in life will get you into bad situations.

00:36:08.751 --> 00:36:12.608
If you're putting good things out there, life's not that cruel and good things will happen to you.

00:36:12.608 --> 00:36:13.784
That's what I generally believe.

00:36:14.480 --> 00:36:18.782
Yes, I love those words of wisdom from you here today to wrap up this session.

00:36:18.782 --> 00:36:19.726
It's been so much fun.

00:36:19.726 --> 00:36:21.010
You're such an inspiration.

00:36:21.010 --> 00:36:32.972
I know that listeners are going to be keen to learn more, especially about all the incredible topics that you're talking about with regards to access to cash, those micro lending opportunities to bridge that gap between where we are and where we want to be with resources.

00:36:32.972 --> 00:36:40.612
So, Andrew, as far as your links your business, you've already dropped a link for your nonprofit, but I will ask you to drop that link again for us.

00:36:40.612 --> 00:36:41.574
So drop the links.

00:36:44.802 --> 00:36:46.463
Where should listeners go from here?

00:36:46.463 --> 00:36:53.250
My nonprofit is AndrewSpyrome and I encourage everyone to go and have a look.

00:36:53.250 --> 00:37:04.605
If you want me to speak up a few people have asked me to speak at events which I'm open to and if you just want to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, feel free as well.

00:37:04.605 --> 00:37:12.331
Um, and in terms of my business, you know you can have a look at pineapplefundingcomau yes, listeners, you already know the drill.

00:37:12.371 --> 00:37:19.021
We are making it as easy as possible for you to find all of andrew's links to his businesses, as well as to his non-profit, as well as a link to his personal linkedin.

00:37:19.021 --> 00:37:20.847
If you want to reach out to him, connect to him.

00:37:20.847 --> 00:37:21.449
You heard it there.

00:37:21.449 --> 00:37:25.985
This is someone who's all over the world, probably in a city near you, as long as someone invites him.

00:37:25.985 --> 00:37:39.668
So if you want to have him speak at an event or any of these other opportunities, it's always awesome to have great and impactful entrepreneurs in your network, so wherever it is that you can click right on through to.

00:37:39.668 --> 00:37:53.123
So, andrew, on behalf of myself and all the listeners worldwide, thanks so much for coming on the show today thank you hey, it's brian here, and thanks for tuning in to yet another episode of the entrepreneur to entrepreneur podcast.

00:37:53.204 --> 00:37:57.121
If you haven't checked us out online, there's so much good stuff there.

00:37:57.121 --> 00:38:03.871
Check out the show's website and all the show notes that we talked about in today's episode at the entrepreneur showcom.

00:38:03.871 --> 00:38:06.342
And I just want to give a shout out to our amazing guests.

00:38:06.342 --> 00:38:15.130
There's a reason why we are ad free and have produced so many incredible episodes five days a week for you, and it's because our guests step up to the plate.

00:38:15.130 --> 00:38:17.163
These are not sponsored episodes.

00:38:17.163 --> 00:38:18.766
These are not infomercials.

00:38:18.907 --> 00:38:22.260
Our guests help us cover the costs of our productions.

00:38:22.260 --> 00:38:33.222
They so deeply believe in the power of getting their message out in front of you, awesome entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, that they contribute to help us make these productions possible.

00:38:33.222 --> 00:38:41.699
So thank you to not only today's guests, but all of our guests in general, and I just want to invite you check out our website because you can send us a voicemail there.

00:38:41.699 --> 00:38:43.043
We also have live chat.

00:38:43.043 --> 00:38:46.891
If you want to interact directly with me, go to thewantrepreneurshowcom.

00:38:46.891 --> 00:38:49.083
Initiate a live chat.

00:38:49.083 --> 00:38:58.490
It's for real me, and I'm excited because I'll see you, as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.