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Nov. 8, 2023

710: Networking and mastering your ZOOM LENS as essential skills to succeed in today’s marketplace w/ Jacob Kendall

Today on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Podcast we have an episode you won't want to miss. Our guest is Jacob Kendall, founder of The Versatile Social Worker, a program that helps social workers pivot their careers by optimizing their education and skills. Jacob's unique background as a former professor and global health expert gives him valuable insight into the world of social work and entrepreneurship. Join us as we delve into Jacob's journey, discussing the importance of networking, personal branding, and the power of mastering the "zoom lens" approach. Get ready to be inspired and gain valuable tips for navigating your own entrepreneurial path.


Jacob Kendall currently lives in coastal Alabama, his home state, with his wife Emily, and their son Simon. He grew up with the goal of being a certifiable Renaissance Person, and he is well on his way with a truly interdisciplinary background. It explains why he created The Versatile Social Worker, in which he loves helping social workers squeeze all the juice out of their education and multifarious skills. Specifically, he designed his program to help social workers pivot their careers by learning to market their transferable skills with razor-sharp precision. Jacob has also studied biology, public health, gerontology, and theology. As a former professor, he has taught social work, public health, and global health. Jacob has passport stamps for 25 countries (so far), enjoys birdwatching, and plays various musical instruments. His favorite reading topics include evolution, animal behavior, quantum mechanics, ancient history, geography, and fiction.


- Connect with Jacob on LinkedIn

- Visit The Versatile Social Worker’s Website