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Oct. 21, 2024

959: TRUE success in business, health, wealth, and LIFE w/ Maureen Considine

Can changing your mindset truly transform your business success? In this episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Podcast, we promise you'll discover the profound impact a positive attitude can have on your entrepreneurial journey. We're excited to host Maureen Considine, the dynamic founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching, who shares her incredible story of turning a job loss into an opportunity to master sales, marketing, and coaching. Maureen's holistic approach integrates business success with personal well-being and health, making this episode a goldmine for anyone looking to grow both professionally and personally.

Why do some business strategies fail while others thrive? Maureen helps us uncover the secret that lies in recognizing and altering repetitive patterns. She emphasizes the importance of collaboration, bold experimentation, and breaking free from self-imposed limitations like perfectionism. Maureen’s insights encourage us to think big and trust our intuition, especially in a rapidly changing world. By shifting from traditional SMART goals to a vision-oriented approach, you can tap into greater flexibility and creativity, setting the stage for transformative business outcomes.

How can you balance growing your business without burning out? Maureen dives deep into the art of achieving work-life harmony by aligning your calendar with your core values and priorities. She also sheds light on blending business logistics with spiritual principles, advocating for a balance of strategy with trust and faith. From overcoming money-related mindset blocks to taking decisive action, Maureen’s coaching process is designed to provide you with the tools to succeed. Tune in for actionable advice and inspiration that will empower you on your entrepreneurial journey!


Maureen Considine helps entrepreneurs, executives and other high performers to organize and grow their business so they can work less, create more™ of what they truly want such as money, time, freedom and joy. Maureen also helps them to heal and regain their health, even when nothing else has worked, whether they are nearby or far away, to create balance and to be in their true creativity.

We use business strategy and mindset together, along with spiritual principles through private coaching and special curated events called Luxury Transformational Experiences for individuals and groups.



00:00 - The Power of Mindset in Business

09:57 - Identifying Patterns for Success

14:19 - Embracing Vision Over Smart Goals

20:03 - Achieving Balance for Business Growth

26:55 - Deep Coaching for Business Growth

36:03 - Supporting Guests on Wantrepreneur Podcast



00:00:00.119 --> 00:00:01.122
Hey, what is up?

00:00:01.122 --> 00:00:04.350
Welcome to this episode of the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.

00:00:04.350 --> 00:00:17.446
As always, I'm your host, brian Lofermento, and I am personally very excited about today's guest, because this is someone that is brilliant in so many ways, from the mindset stuff behind business to the actual business strategy.

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This is an entrepreneur who understands the ins and outs of business, of revenue growth, of living a life that's worth living to go along with that business that we all work so hard on.

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And I will say, before I tell you more about her, that as soon as we saw her website URL, I said to myself we need to have her on the show because her website I have no idea how she got this domain, but it's worklesscreatemorecom which I think is such a cool way to express the vision and the mission that she's on.

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So let me tell you all about today's guest.

00:00:47.929 --> 00:00:49.475
Her name is Maureen Considine.

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She's the founder and CEO of Finding your Way Coaching.

00:00:53.045 --> 00:01:03.228
She's a master coach with expertise in income acceleration, business development, sales and mindset, health and healing, and she's also the wealth health creation strategist for entrepreneurs, executives and other high performers.

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She's also the wealth health creation strategist for entrepreneurs, executives and other high performers.

00:01:05.760 --> 00:01:07.906
She's a master manifester.

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That's what I'm saying.

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We're going to learn so much from her about how to bring in all the things that we want today.

00:01:12.239 --> 00:01:18.746
She's a spiritual teacher and gifted healer, using mindset and faith to heal herself and others, including her son.

00:01:18.746 --> 00:01:22.430
What's really cool about Maureen's background, which I'll let her share even more about it?

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But she's over 35 years of experience in sales and marketing, really tying that business strategy and those tactics to our own personal growth journeys.

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She's helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive and holistic approach.

00:01:38.609 --> 00:01:42.623
I'm super excited to learn from Maureen here today, so I'm not going to say anything else.

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Let's dive straight into my interview with Maureen Considine.

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All right, maureen, I'm honestly so excited and grateful for you to join us today.

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First things first.

00:01:54.186 --> 00:01:55.090
Welcome to the show.

00:01:56.174 --> 00:02:00.986
Thank you so much, I'm happy to be here, heck, yes, I am so excited to learn from you.

00:02:00.986 --> 00:02:05.881
But before we get into all the nitty-gritty of your brilliance, take us beyond the bio.

00:02:05.881 --> 00:02:06.522
Who's maureen?

00:02:06.522 --> 00:02:08.425
How'd you start doing all these amazing things?

00:02:10.308 --> 00:02:10.609

00:02:10.609 --> 00:02:18.429
So I, I honestly, I just I don't want to say I fell into it, but it was like one step, then the next step.

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So way back in the beginning in 2009, I had a very like simple part-time job.

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Okay that it really was not that interesting, it was just the right hours and it allowed me freedom to be at home when I wanted to be at home, until one day it got eliminated.

00:02:38.361 --> 00:02:45.246
And so you get this call from one of the managers saying we just don't need your job anymore.

00:02:45.246 --> 00:02:53.350
And it wasn't about the performance at all, but it still kind of hits you in a weird spot, right, it just says, well, that you know, it still feels funny.

00:02:53.439 --> 00:02:55.848
So at that moment it was kind of like all right, now, what do I do?

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And I started to take a look at things, like, all right, what have I been doing?

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What are some common denominators?

00:03:02.387 --> 00:03:11.729
What are my things I've been doing?

00:03:11.729 --> 00:03:12.973
And it was sales in all different environments.

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So inside sales, outside sales, different companies, an eyeglass lens company, payroll construction, all different industries and all different types of sales and marketing.

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And then it was also coaching, like I had been coaching people in the companies that I was working for as well as outside, so personal and professional.

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And that's when I noticed like, okay, so here's a pattern, and then I decided to create something for myself.

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That's really what was the driving factor is I wanted to create something for myself.

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I was certified, or I became certified, in life coaching, business coaching and health coaching.

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And then you know you started the or I started the business and you kind of go, ok, now what?

00:03:57.112 --> 00:04:10.591
And then you learn well, marketing, and then even still it's kind of a lot of information, so it kind of started from there and you get out and start talking to people and you start networking and the business grows.

00:04:10.591 --> 00:04:19.302
And that's really how it started for me and it has evolved ever since into some of the things you were talking about.

00:04:20.404 --> 00:04:31.086
Yeah, I love that overview, Maureen, especially because to me, it's that triumvirate that you're talking about of business success and well-being, as well as health, and that's so important.

00:04:31.086 --> 00:04:34.528
We always say health is wealth, and then, obviously, that personal development journey.

00:04:34.528 --> 00:04:37.370
I think it's so important the fact that you marry all three of those.

00:04:37.370 --> 00:04:43.755
It's something as I've gotten older, it's the more I appreciate that these things, they have a tendency to move in tandem.

00:04:43.755 --> 00:04:50.172
It's very rare for someone to just be crushing it in business and really struggling in different aspects of life.

00:04:50.172 --> 00:04:57.627
I found that the more we focus and invest in ourselves if I can get my health better my business tends to follow, which is a very fortunate pattern.

00:04:57.627 --> 00:04:59.541
So talk to us about that recognition.

00:04:59.541 --> 00:05:05.384
I feel like it took me personally a long time to understand that we just want to hammer at that stone and work on our businesses.

00:05:05.384 --> 00:05:10.904
But when and where did you realize that all of these work together and that's the service you want to bring to the world?

00:05:12.468 --> 00:05:13.872
Oh, it took me a little while to get there.

00:05:13.872 --> 00:05:16.785
I'm not going to lie, I, you know, we do.

00:05:16.785 --> 00:05:19.271
We, we think it's about doing what can I do?

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What can I do?

00:05:20.613 --> 00:05:26.742
What kind of strategy do I need?

00:05:26.742 --> 00:05:29.108
But really it it is about we're going to have to grow if we want our business to grow, and it was.

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I mean, I had my own mentor, I was learning things and it's finally I think we struggle long enough.

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When we finally go, there has to be something besides the doing part, otherwise this isn't going to work.

00:05:40.608 --> 00:05:48.045
And so I started to realize that, all right, right, it has to be more about who I'm being, and really it had to do with the mindset.

00:05:48.045 --> 00:05:49.588
I think that's the key.

00:05:49.588 --> 00:06:10.728
I started to realize it's about the way we think, the things we learn, the conditioning we have, the things that are going on in our head that tells us we can't do it, we shouldn't do it, those kinds of things that keeps us focusing on doing, rather than the things that, the other things we need to be paying attention to, like you said, the health aspect and the mindset piece.

00:06:11.571 --> 00:06:20.928
Yeah, even hearing you say that out loud in my head, I always think like the listeners and I wish that I could interject all of them into this conversation, but I hope to represent them on the air here today.

00:06:20.928 --> 00:06:29.548
And when I hear you talking about thinking, I feel like all too often we just we discount the fact that thinking is a proactive process.

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We have control over our thoughts and we can tap into those.

00:06:33.384 --> 00:06:45.886
Talk to us about that importance, because, as entrepreneurs, I would argue that we face all the real life dilemmas and thoughts that everybody else does, but also we have all of these things that we are responsible for as business owners.

00:06:45.886 --> 00:06:56.762
So where does that proactive versus reactive versus recognition how does that start to come into play when we want to take control of those thoughts and manifest them in a positive way?

00:06:58.045 --> 00:07:00.089
Well, first you have to have awareness around it.

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You have to realize that that's the thing you have to know, to start paying attention to patterns.

00:07:04.946 --> 00:07:11.295
And most of us don't know that, most of us can't see it in ourselves, and so we don't really understand that that's the thing that's happening.

00:07:11.295 --> 00:07:19.199
And then, to compound that, a lot of the things that show up in business we learned as a child, right?

00:07:19.199 --> 00:07:24.471
So those are things that we heard about business or money or what it takes to be successful.

00:07:24.471 --> 00:07:37.783
We learned a long time ago and so now they're just coming out, and one of the greatest things I learned which is super interesting is that what you learned as a kid on the playground is not going to make you successful as an entrepreneur.

00:07:38.584 --> 00:07:41.350
So if I give you an example about that, think about.

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Some of the things you learn on the playground with other kids is about you have to be nice, and if you think about that even more, having to be nice means you don't want to upset anyone, or you don't want to talk about money, or you don't want to try to sell them something, because all those things make someone feel like you're not nice.

00:08:03.014 --> 00:08:05.148
But as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to do all those things.

00:08:05.148 --> 00:08:07.836
You have to look at those things make someone feel like you're not nice, but as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to do all those things.

00:08:07.836 --> 00:08:08.492
You have to look at those things differently.

00:08:08.492 --> 00:08:17.064
You have to look at sales as service, as something that is more of a gift than something that you're doing something to them.

00:08:17.564 --> 00:08:33.501
And so for me and for what I realized is that it's that small shift that, as soon as you make that and go, okay, wait a second, something like selling someone something or offering to solve a problem is being nice to them.

00:08:33.501 --> 00:08:44.705
But that's the shift that needs to happen and it's about learning that it's really about having a mentor or reading books or having someone to really listen to, to start to shift that way of thinking.

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And then you go out and take the action.

00:08:50.884 --> 00:09:04.288
Yeah, I love that you point that out as someone who I've been into marketing since I was a teenager, and I always tell entrepreneurs with great products and services you have an obligation to get great at marketing, because if your product or service helps people, then you're crazy and selfish, I would argue, to not get it in front of them.

00:09:04.327 --> 00:09:08.695
So I think that's a really powerful point and, you're right, a mindset shift for people to embrace.

00:09:08.695 --> 00:09:27.543
But I want to ask you this, maureen, because when you talk about when we learn these things as children, I can't help but think about tennis, because, as a tennis player recreational tennis player when I was working on my forehand with my tennis coach, my technique was terrible and he said, okay, we need to break it down, we need to do it this way, and he shows me.

00:09:27.543 --> 00:09:32.605
But it's easier said than done, maureen, because I've got thousands of reps of doing it the wrong way.

00:09:32.605 --> 00:09:35.509
It's going to take me thousands of reps to do it the right way.

00:09:35.509 --> 00:09:40.365
And so, when you talk about awareness, seeing it is one thing, but what are the steps we can take?

00:09:40.365 --> 00:09:46.235
Because we're undoing for all of us decades of bad habits, bad behaviors, bad reps?

00:09:46.235 --> 00:09:49.900

00:09:52.230 --> 00:09:54.860
do we even start to address those things once we have that awareness?

00:09:54.860 --> 00:09:57.321
Oh, that's a good question.

00:09:57.321 --> 00:10:01.750
You, sometimes you need some help, sometimes you need to have an outside perspective or someone to help you point it out.

00:10:01.750 --> 00:10:13.822
Uh, you know, there's a lot of books that you can read, like thinking grow rich or the science of getting rich, those kinds of things that start to put different ideas into your mind that caused you to go.

00:10:13.822 --> 00:10:14.524
Wait a second.

00:10:14.524 --> 00:10:21.245
This actually could be a small shift or that actually starts the awareness down the road down to start to come in.

00:10:21.245 --> 00:10:34.363
And then you can take a look at what can I do, for example, learning a sales technique or learning marketing, like you said, or learning tennis and just being able to approach it from a way you know what I can do.

00:10:34.363 --> 00:10:38.913
This, rather than this is hard or I'm never going to get there.

00:10:38.913 --> 00:10:42.787
You literally just take the first step and get going.

00:10:43.969 --> 00:10:48.384
Yeah, it reminds me my favorite Henry Ford quote ever is whether you think you can or you can't.

00:10:48.384 --> 00:10:53.029
You're right, and I think that that's so powerful, and it shows in so much of the work that you do.

00:10:53.029 --> 00:10:56.865
But it leads me right to a word that you've already raised here in this conversation.

00:10:56.865 --> 00:11:00.900
It shows up so much in your work is patterns, and recognizing those patterns.

00:11:00.900 --> 00:11:02.764
Where does that come about, maureen?

00:11:02.764 --> 00:11:10.705
Because obviously, as a really powerful coach and someone who helps others, you have a bit of an unfair advantage that you have a great vantage point when you work with others.

00:11:10.705 --> 00:11:13.871
How do we start identifying those patterns, though?

00:11:13.871 --> 00:11:19.510
Is it something that, once a week, you take a step back and you have reflection time?

00:11:19.510 --> 00:11:21.421
Like what do you journal about it?

00:11:21.421 --> 00:11:24.525
What are some of those ways that we can start to identify those patterns?

00:11:24.525 --> 00:11:30.541
And I'm going to make this question even deeper for you is what types of patterns are you even looking for?

00:11:30.541 --> 00:11:33.365
What questions can we ask to start identifying them?

00:11:35.668 --> 00:11:41.243
you know, okay, so you can look at what's the same result.

00:11:41.243 --> 00:11:42.466
I get over and over.

00:11:42.466 --> 00:11:43.707
And why is that?

00:11:43.707 --> 00:11:56.332
And you reverse engineer it and you look back and you go well, I'm doing this, or I'm calling on these people, or I do the same thing every single time in marketing.

00:11:56.332 --> 00:11:58.787
I hire the same person.

00:11:58.787 --> 00:12:03.528
You'll start to notice them if you take a look at what do I keep doing.

00:12:03.528 --> 00:12:08.489
That's getting me the same result.

00:12:08.489 --> 00:12:12.229
You're then gonna start to go okay, so how can I approach this differently?

00:12:13.934 --> 00:12:18.327
You know, a lot of times it's having a collaborator to look at.

00:12:18.327 --> 00:12:19.610
Why don't we try this?

00:12:19.610 --> 00:12:29.009
It's literally about trying something like not to be afraid to fail and let's just try what we think might work.

00:12:29.009 --> 00:12:37.364
You know, we look at some of the greatest entrepreneurs and they've done that, and then you start to look at patterns so you become become aware of them.

00:12:37.364 --> 00:12:44.888
You have to take note of them, you have to be willing to try something else and you also have to be willing to show up differently.

00:12:44.888 --> 00:12:49.104
So you've got to be bold, you've got to be willing to make that next step.

00:12:49.104 --> 00:12:58.034
You have to be willing to set up a business with strategy and, for example, like programs and packages.

00:12:58.355 --> 00:12:59.923
What exactly does that look like?

00:12:59.923 --> 00:13:01.096
What are you offering?

00:13:01.096 --> 00:13:02.461
What are your results?

00:13:02.461 --> 00:13:04.886
What are the results that people are getting?

00:13:04.886 --> 00:13:07.303
And a lot of times people dismiss them.

00:13:07.303 --> 00:13:15.376
So you can have a business owner doing these amazing things in their business and they don't talk about them and all of a sudden they just go oh you know what?

00:13:15.376 --> 00:13:17.865
My client just doubled their income last month.

00:13:17.865 --> 00:13:23.556
And you're like, wait a second, hold on.

00:13:23.556 --> 00:13:23.897
They did what.

00:13:23.897 --> 00:13:31.542
And so you start paying attention to the results that show up and then automatically, over and over, you're going to go here's the sweet spot, right there, let's pay attention to that, and then you can go.

00:13:31.542 --> 00:13:36.671
Okay, so how do I get to where I can do that again, or even teach people how to do that?

00:13:37.653 --> 00:13:56.379
Yeah, I love that and obviously it's a big part of what you can bring to the table, because you've seen it from the other side, which, even hearing the way you talk about it here today, what I'm really what's coming through to me is that the way you identify yourself, the labels that you adopt, is that of an experimenter, of someone who is just willing to try things.

00:13:56.399 --> 00:13:57.402
You said the word bold.

00:13:57.402 --> 00:14:08.217
You said it's important for us to be bold, and I think about all the entrepreneurs and so many entrepreneurs that we're so grateful to hear from in our audience all around the world at all different growth phases.

00:14:08.217 --> 00:14:19.067
And, maureen, what always pops up for me is the labels that they apply to themselves, and I think one of the more common ones that I hear is oh, I'm a perfectionist and these labels become barriers.

00:14:19.067 --> 00:14:25.148
I'm going to also call out maybe excuses for people to maybe not take action, to not try things.

00:14:25.148 --> 00:14:36.518
Talk to us about identity and those labels and the importance of them and how you've managed, over the course of your career and life, to really shape it in a way that serves you as opposed to holding you back.

00:14:43.235 --> 00:14:49.961
I actually teach the importance of not using labels, because you're going to identify with something that's going to actually become a deterrent rather than a motivator.

00:14:49.961 --> 00:14:55.106
So if you have someone, for example, say, well, I'm an introvert, it's like okay.

00:14:55.106 --> 00:15:00.038
However, what that means then is that you don't want to go to networking and talk about your business.

00:15:00.038 --> 00:15:11.660
So let's remove that for a minute and see if we can't help you to be the person who needs to at least go talk about the business somewhere, otherwise you're not going to move forward.

00:15:11.660 --> 00:15:14.322
You can use that same with an extrovert.

00:15:14.322 --> 00:15:20.518
Right, they can be very outgoing, but then at the same time, they don't necessarily take the time for wellbeing or to recharge.

00:15:20.518 --> 00:15:29.421
So I actually learned but I also integrated that into who I am into the business and to go.

00:15:30.082 --> 00:15:37.669
It's not really helpful for us to claim an identity that isn't going to help us, so let's claim one that is right.

00:15:37.669 --> 00:15:43.065
Like a successful entrepreneur is amazing, and we get to define what that looks like.

00:15:43.065 --> 00:15:45.037
Same like we would with success.

00:15:45.037 --> 00:15:47.381
We get to claim what that looks like for ourselves.

00:15:48.464 --> 00:15:58.585
Yeah, I love that perspective, especially because I just feel like so much in the world of entrepreneurship, we're pushed towards accepting these global norms, and that's not always the case.

00:15:58.585 --> 00:16:02.462
One thing that I'll throw a little bit of shade at here in today's conversation is smart goals.

00:16:02.462 --> 00:16:08.284
Specific, measurable, actionable has a result tied to it and the timeline tied to it.

00:16:08.284 --> 00:16:23.638
It just seems to me like so often I went to business school and I remember sitting in business classrooms and these professors were saying you need to have a five-year plan and a 10-year plan, and it just felt like I got overwhelmed in those moments of well, holy cow, I can't control what's going to happen 10 years from now.

00:16:23.638 --> 00:16:25.000
Just look at 2020.

00:16:25.000 --> 00:16:32.687
When COVID rolled around, it threw a lot of different shifts in the way the world works, let alone how our businesses work.

00:16:32.687 --> 00:16:39.546
So I'd love to hear your perspective on goal setting or results or objectives or visions.

00:16:39.546 --> 00:16:43.778
How do you even start to begin to manifest the things that we want in life?

00:16:47.163 --> 00:16:56.917
So you know, a lot of people don't really know how to set a goal or what that actually looks like, and then they get caught up in the things, like you said, making them a smart goal.

00:16:57.477 --> 00:17:00.743
So for me, what I like to do is have a vision.

00:17:00.743 --> 00:17:10.182
It's actually more intuitive and it actually allows me to take a look at the longer term for what I want to create.

00:17:10.182 --> 00:17:16.486
And then I can take a look at Alright, so if I move it shorter, right into a shorter timeframe, I can go.

00:17:16.486 --> 00:17:21.661
Here's the vision of what I'm working towards and here's what I can then work on today.

00:17:21.661 --> 00:17:24.507
That actually is going to get me there.

00:17:24.666 --> 00:17:31.076
And it isn't necessarily about a smart goal and I don't necessarily get hung up in in is it needs to be measurable.

00:17:31.076 --> 00:17:34.304
I need to be able to see that I'm making progress for sure.

00:17:34.304 --> 00:17:44.983
I have to change my mindset around the word progress so that I can actually see it as a positive thing rather than a thing that's telling me I'm still so far away.

00:17:44.983 --> 00:17:57.076
I actually really like to work with my clients on a vision because it allows them to think bigger and create amazing things.

00:17:57.076 --> 00:18:26.337
Like goals can do the same thing, but for me and the experience that I found I was much more successful when I looked at things from the vision which says I look at this part of my life and I want this to happen over here and I want to be looking at health and business and relationships and family and all these things, rather than just setting a goal for the business, which actually makes it much more fun for me, I think, and for the business owner when you look at it that way.

00:18:27.140 --> 00:18:39.306
Yeah, I love that you pointed that out for our audience there about the fact that we actually, if we expand it to thinking about our vision rather than just these small goals, thinking bigger is always the solution.

00:18:39.306 --> 00:18:52.324
When I started flying a drone just for fun, for drone photography and videography, what I realized was your natural tendency is you want to fly that thing so low so that it's right there, it looks like it's within your grasp, you can protect it.

00:18:52.324 --> 00:18:55.518
But actually the truth is it's actually dangerous to fly low.

00:18:55.518 --> 00:18:58.006
There's electrical wires, there's buildings.

00:18:58.006 --> 00:19:02.541
It's way safer actually to fly high and it's intimidating at first.

00:19:02.541 --> 00:19:04.643
But I think that you hit the nail on the head there.

00:19:04.694 --> 00:19:07.484
In life and in business, it's dangerous to think small.

00:19:07.484 --> 00:19:13.025
We'll always rise to the occasion of how big we think or we'll shrink to how small our immediate goals are.

00:19:13.025 --> 00:19:27.342
So, maureen, I love that insight from you and it makes me wanna ask you because you said the word intuition and, maureen, probably a lot of listeners are going to be listening to this thinking well, you're very fortunate if you can follow your intuition, because you trust it and clearly you have good intuition.

00:19:27.342 --> 00:19:28.859
Where does that come from?

00:19:28.859 --> 00:19:31.660
For all those people who are afraid to listen to their intuition.

00:19:31.660 --> 00:19:32.902
What's your response to that?

00:19:34.505 --> 00:19:36.669
Oh gosh, you learn.

00:19:36.669 --> 00:20:03.384
Now I trust it and I teach my clients it, and it, honestly, is something you have to learn.

00:20:03.384 --> 00:20:09.529
And when your mindset is changing and you're growing and your business is going to grow, your intuition is too, and sometimes it's hard to discern what is the intuition and what isn't, and it takes practice right, and so for me now it's just something that I normally do and it's something that I teach other people, but it wasn't always like that.

00:20:09.529 --> 00:20:10.951
It was something that I had to learn.

00:20:12.236 --> 00:20:19.078
Yeah which that in and of itself is a powerful lesson that your intuition is just like a muscle with everything else it can get better over time.

00:20:19.078 --> 00:20:23.376
There's no such thing as, oh, my intuition is off or I don't have good intuition.

00:20:23.376 --> 00:20:25.520
So I love that perspective, Maureen.

00:20:25.520 --> 00:20:33.037
But it leads me to ask because all of this is easier said than done, of course, I think about it in so many conversations that I have with amazing entrepreneurs.

00:20:33.037 --> 00:20:38.405
Is the listeners thinking I've got a full-time job, I've got a family, I've got kids, I've got to take care of?

00:20:38.405 --> 00:20:40.089
Whatever their life situation may be?

00:20:40.089 --> 00:20:47.547
They're probably wondering, Maureen, you're telling me to take care of business, of my health, of my wealth, of my life, of all of these things.

00:20:47.547 --> 00:20:49.721
How do we find that balance?

00:20:49.721 --> 00:20:53.236
I know work-life balance here in the United States is a common term.

00:20:53.236 --> 00:20:58.788
What's your approach to finding that balance in life, or is it even about finding balance?

00:21:02.805 --> 00:21:04.511
I guess that's the real question.

00:21:04.511 --> 00:21:21.474
I think it's more about creating it and knowing that it's going to change and evolve and it might be a moving target, and it's something that you look at over time so it gets built and you might have a piece that comes in or a piece that goes out, and I also think that it's really important.

00:21:21.474 --> 00:21:37.208
So some of the things I teach is we take a look at balance, based on what your values or what your priorities are, and then you have to trickle those down into your life, all the way down into your calendar.

00:21:37.208 --> 00:21:46.516
And a lot of people don't do that and they don't necessarily use a calendar as well as they could, and so then you have to stick to it right.

00:21:46.516 --> 00:21:55.280
So you have to be committed to actually creating the balance so that when something shows up, you're actually going to stick to it.

00:21:55.300 --> 00:21:57.388
For example, you know if you're sick and you have a doctor's appointment, you're not going to skip that.

00:21:57.388 --> 00:22:00.921
But, for example, you know if you're sick and you have a doctor's appointment, you're not going to skip that.

00:22:00.921 --> 00:22:10.708
But if you have something set up, say with a colleague or someone at home, and something shows up, it's important to not drop that thing right away.

00:22:10.708 --> 00:22:21.259
Like you want to spend time with a family member or your colleague needs something from you, you want to make sure that you keep that, like you would a doctor's appointment.

00:22:21.259 --> 00:22:26.419
You can also shift something if something does come up like an emergency to be taken care of.

00:22:26.419 --> 00:22:38.605
But then you want to make sure you come back to that piece that you dropped and actually take care of it, because otherwise pieces do get dropped and then you're going to not put entirely too much pressure on yourself to try to have it be perfect.

00:22:38.605 --> 00:22:45.726
It's more like a continuum than anything else that actually is going to grow with you.

00:22:46.748 --> 00:22:55.575
Yeah, maureen, hearing you talk about I mean you just put a lot of importance on our calendars, for example, and for me in my life, if it's not in my calendar it's not going to happen, I'm not going to be there.

00:22:55.575 --> 00:22:58.601
So I think that's such a powerful perspective.

00:22:58.601 --> 00:23:22.142
But I'm going to add a big observation, from the outside looking in, is that what I think is really unique and powerful about your approach and it shows in so many of the amazing results that you get your clients is that you do combine the just pure business, logistics and experience with also the things that we traditionally separate from all of that which is manifestation, which is the spiritual side, which is the mindset side of it.

00:23:22.142 --> 00:23:27.285
Talk to us about why it seems like societally we separate these two so much.

00:23:27.285 --> 00:23:37.778
We've got the you know, one side of the brain strictly thinking about business and calendars and logistics and operations and we separate that from the spiritual side of our world and our own personal development.

00:23:40.001 --> 00:23:41.403
I think we've been trained to do that.

00:23:41.403 --> 00:23:52.395
I think business has been set up to be strategy work harder.

00:23:52.395 --> 00:23:54.280
It takes a long time to get there.

00:23:54.280 --> 00:24:09.740
I think that's what we've been trained to see until recently, where we started to bring in spiritual aspects for sales or the spiritual principles into it, and they are going to become more and more important because you're going to have to have both.

00:24:10.040 --> 00:24:21.176
If you're just in the business strategy that sort of focus you're going to, you know you're going to burn out, you're not going to get the results you want.

00:24:21.176 --> 00:24:26.278
It's going to just get harder and eventually you're going to not be able to work any harder.

00:24:26.278 --> 00:24:28.624
Eventually you won't be able to have any more time.

00:24:28.624 --> 00:24:39.390
You need to bring in spiritual principles of things like trust and faith and I will admit admit I was doing it before.

00:24:39.390 --> 00:24:52.363
I realized I was doing it and I was a little resistant to actually instilling it into the business because it took me a little while to see exactly how it fit and now there's just no other way.

00:24:52.363 --> 00:25:07.579
If you actually then take someone who is stuck, say, in a pattern like we were talking about before, or their mindset is about lack or scarcity, and you're trying to teach them about abundance or making more money than they've ever had.

00:25:07.579 --> 00:25:10.027
Part of that is going to require faith.

00:25:11.375 --> 00:25:35.378
Yeah, for sure, and for me it's really fun to get to talk to you today because I mean, obviously I've gone through your website, read so many of your testimonials and then seeing it and hearing it in action here today, when you talk about implementing all of these things, from spirituality to faith, to the business principles, everything we're talking about today, it leads me to ask you this question about your clients is what's that spark, what's that catalyst For most people when they eventually reach out to you?

00:25:35.378 --> 00:25:37.845
We talk about breaking through to that next level.

00:25:37.845 --> 00:25:39.868
Where's that recognition come from them?

00:25:39.868 --> 00:25:48.743
What's the breaking point where they say, all right, Maureen, I need you, I need your help, Because a lot of people experience it, but not everyone actually takes that step to get help.

00:25:49.666 --> 00:25:50.048
You're right.

00:25:50.048 --> 00:25:52.273
Usually it's about money.

00:25:52.273 --> 00:26:07.796
Usually it's about they don't have enough money to pay for their life currently, and they know people reach a point where they know that they could be doing so much more and have greater success than they currently have.

00:26:07.796 --> 00:26:23.486
They just can't get there, and usually it has to do with money, and then the other things come in first, or they come in after that, like the health shows up later or relationships will show up in a conversation.

00:26:23.486 --> 00:26:30.644
The majority of the time it has to do with money or it has to do with they don't understand how to run the business.

00:26:30.644 --> 00:26:33.117
They don't understand the strategy part.

00:26:33.117 --> 00:26:38.313
They don't understand the strategy part.

00:26:38.313 --> 00:26:45.696
They don't understand the change in thinking that has to happen from having a job to becoming an entrepreneur, and so they need someone then to help them with those things yeah, it makes sense.

00:26:45.737 --> 00:26:55.440
These are huge transition moments where we're figuring all the things out, so that's really cool that they find you and that you're able to guide them through that, which a lot of people probably have never experienced.

00:26:55.440 --> 00:27:06.300
Coaching on such a deep and intimate level, like the deep work that you do with your clients, paint that picture for us, for people who have heard coaches talk whether it be on podcasts or YouTube videos and they're thinking what are these like?

00:27:06.300 --> 00:27:07.692
Are these like therapy sessions?

00:27:07.692 --> 00:27:11.241
Do I sit on a couch on a Zoom call and talk to Maureen about my problems?

00:27:15.829 --> 00:27:16.734
What does coaching actually look like, maen?

00:27:16.734 --> 00:27:22.580
Okay, so it's a little bit different from therapy, and really what this is is you and I are going to be partners in creating what it is you want to create.

00:27:22.580 --> 00:27:33.554
So I have a one-on-one coaching program where we're gonna meet every week, and what that looks like is I'm gonna bring something that to the table for you and you're gonna bring something to the table for me.

00:27:33.554 --> 00:27:35.419
You'll have a question, you'll have an objective.

00:27:35.419 --> 00:27:50.905
You might have a problem that you keep bumping up against that you can't see a solution to, and then I'll take something intuitively or from a previous call and come with to the call with it as well could be a question, could be a hey, what about this?

00:27:50.905 --> 00:27:54.175
Or something that I notice that you keep repeating.

00:27:54.277 --> 00:27:56.201
That is an amazing result for a client.

00:27:56.201 --> 00:28:09.157
We'll talk about that, and it then can evolve from there into talking about a problem, talking about, okay, here's something that's going amazing.

00:28:09.157 --> 00:28:10.923
How do we build upon it?

00:28:10.923 --> 00:28:12.768
But it's it's.

00:28:12.768 --> 00:28:28.019
You might bring up something from childhood, you might bring up something from a past relationship, but we really are focusing on how do I get you from where you are to where you want to go, and that really is the point for us.

00:28:28.943 --> 00:28:29.224

00:28:29.224 --> 00:28:40.500
Well then, maureen, I have to ask you this question while we're on the air, because not only do I know that you're brilliant at all of these things, but I also know you have a brilliant business mind, and so, with that, how the heck do you keep track of all this stuff?

00:28:40.500 --> 00:28:49.855
Just from a logistics perspective, it sounds like you've got so many notes and files and ways to recognize these patterns for all of your clients and with all of your clients.

00:28:49.855 --> 00:28:53.383
Do you have tools that keep all of this in track for you?

00:28:53.383 --> 00:28:57.931
What is the way that you?

00:28:57.971 --> 00:28:59.212
find to be organized in service of your clients.

00:28:59.212 --> 00:29:01.416
So I do have some tools, I have some worksheets.

00:29:01.416 --> 00:29:03.680
I also have a system that I use.

00:29:03.680 --> 00:29:06.724
There's 12 steps in the system.

00:29:06.724 --> 00:29:16.942
Not everyone will go through all of them because they don't need them, and it is actually kind of varies for each client kind of where they are when they come in.

00:29:16.942 --> 00:29:18.997
I take really good notes.

00:29:18.997 --> 00:29:21.617
I have a computer.

00:29:21.617 --> 00:29:23.836
A lot of it's on the computer.

00:29:23.836 --> 00:29:27.079
The client actually does some of that as well.

00:29:27.079 --> 00:29:31.481
So there'll be not necessarily an intake form but there'll be a form every week.

00:29:31.481 --> 00:29:40.713
So there is a log there and I just make sure I keep track as best I can for what's developed.

00:29:41.576 --> 00:29:42.858
Yeah for sure, gosh.

00:29:43.359 --> 00:30:06.589
A lot that goes on in your mind, I'm sure, maureen, and the fact that you keep it all in line is truly incredible and remarkable, especially seeing the results that you get for people I'll just say it for listeners, because we're obviously going to drop your link at the end of today's episode but it just sounds to me like you genuinely go deep with them, whether it comes to business, whether it comes to life, but also what I see is even people in their executive careers.

00:30:06.589 --> 00:30:08.272
You help them become high performers.

00:30:08.272 --> 00:30:17.387
So I want to ask you this and I know there's probably not one way to answer this specifically, but what's the top thing, especially in the scope of entrepreneurship that we're talking about here today?

00:30:17.387 --> 00:30:19.993
What's the thing that you see people struggling with the most?

00:30:19.993 --> 00:30:26.578
Because it's easy for me to imagine you have very sound sales principles and the mindset to go along with it.

00:30:26.578 --> 00:30:35.258
I know we receive a lot of questions from listeners about sales related things, but from your perspective, working with so many people, what are the common things that people struggle with?

00:30:38.875 --> 00:30:42.682
But from your perspective, working with so many people, what are the common things that people struggle with?

00:30:42.682 --> 00:30:45.488
Well, there would be closing a sale, for sure.

00:30:45.488 --> 00:30:52.701
There would be things like marketing, meaning how do I talk about my business so I can set it up in a certain way?

00:30:52.701 --> 00:30:54.269
That doesn't necessarily mean I know how to communicate about it.

00:30:54.269 --> 00:30:58.373
That doesn't necessarily mean I know how to communicate about it.

00:30:58.373 --> 00:31:13.924
They have oh gosh, I don't want to say problems, challenges in their relationships that affect the way they do business, but usually it has to do with the business side of it setting it up, framing it correctly.

00:31:15.185 --> 00:31:16.346
How do I do the sales?

00:31:16.346 --> 00:31:17.446
How do I ask for money?

00:31:17.446 --> 00:31:26.553
How do I feel okay about asking for money?

00:31:26.553 --> 00:31:29.077
How do I set my rates so that I'm getting what I need and what I'm worth and then feel good about it?

00:31:29.077 --> 00:31:58.714
We have a lot of beliefs around money that keep us from asking for what we deserve or asking for what we need when it comes to that, and so those are some of the things that people struggle with, and a lot of it isn't necessarily taught, like the things we're taught in school aren't necessarily you know what we need to know to run a business, and there's a lot of information on social media now, which is really great, but it also can be a deterrent.

00:31:58.714 --> 00:32:16.201
So I tell people, like you get a 15 minute, you get a 15 minute limit, go search for something and you get 15 minutes, because otherwise you're going to go down a rabbit hole and really what you want to do is find your way to make a different decision rather than getting stuck and analyzing the one you just made before.

00:32:17.050 --> 00:32:18.534
Yeah, super important.

00:32:18.534 --> 00:32:19.936
Action over motion.

00:32:19.936 --> 00:32:22.222
It's a topic I've long been obsessed with.

00:32:22.222 --> 00:32:26.401
James Clear talks about it a lot in a lot of his writings and I think it's so important.

00:32:26.401 --> 00:32:32.633
But what I really love about your answer there is that you brought it somewhere, that you're right we talked about it earlier in our conversation.

00:32:32.633 --> 00:32:33.795
Most people don't want to go there.

00:32:33.795 --> 00:32:35.759
Most people don't want to talk about money.

00:32:35.759 --> 00:32:40.901
It's coached out of us and I love the fact that you are coaching it right back into people, Maureen.

00:32:40.901 --> 00:32:48.852
So we're going to drop your links in just a minute, but I always love closing these conversations with a super broad question so you can take it in any direction that you want.

00:32:48.852 --> 00:33:02.816
And that is what's your one piece of advice knowing that we're being listened to by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs all over the globe at different stages of their growth journeys, what's the one thing that you want to impart on them after dropping so much amazing wisdom with us here today?

00:33:04.118 --> 00:33:05.761
oh gosh, there's so many.

00:33:05.761 --> 00:33:11.859
I will say this start before you're ready and learn along the way.

00:33:11.859 --> 00:33:15.112
So many people get hung up on I gotta be prepared.

00:33:15.112 --> 00:33:17.796
I gotta get on my ducks in a row, I got to have this and I got to have that.

00:33:17.796 --> 00:33:19.996
That's just a stall tactic.

00:33:19.996 --> 00:33:23.396
Just start, just get going and just start.

00:33:23.396 --> 00:33:26.496
You know more than you think you do, and so start before you're ready.

00:33:27.450 --> 00:33:34.857
Yes, I love that Super important advice and I would actually argue that part of being ready is just to start doing.

00:33:34.857 --> 00:33:38.163
It's actually a step in the process, not a step before the process.

00:33:38.163 --> 00:33:39.876
So huge kudos to you, Maureen.

00:33:39.876 --> 00:33:58.443
I think it's a solid reminder for all of us and before I throw it back to you to drop those links on us on where listeners should go from here, I just want to directly tell listeners on your website is so much of the powerful stuff that we talked about here today, with really direct language and messaging inviting us to think bigger, to be better.

00:33:58.443 --> 00:34:04.131
I think it's so cool the way that you've articulated the powerful and transformational work that you've done Listeners.

00:34:04.352 --> 00:34:10.880
One of my favorite things there's a box right on Maureen's website that says our target areas that set us apart from other coaches.

00:34:10.880 --> 00:34:13.253
Here's a sampling of them and it lists out.

00:34:13.253 --> 00:34:16.579
And wealth building, for example, is one of those things that Maureen touches on.

00:34:16.579 --> 00:34:25.630
So if you've never gone deep into someone because it's been coached out of you to talk about money, Maureen has shared so much with us here today in today's episode.

00:34:25.630 --> 00:34:29.159
So, Maureen, for listeners who want to go deeper, drop those links on us.

00:34:29.159 --> 00:34:30.291
My favorite link of all.

00:34:30.291 --> 00:34:34.081
Especially, I love your website domain, so where should listeners go from here?

00:34:35.637 --> 00:34:38.289
especially, I love your website domain, so where should listeners go from here?

00:34:38.289 --> 00:34:42.693
So the website is a great spot and you mentioned it.

00:34:42.693 --> 00:34:42.974
Uh, workless.

00:34:42.974 --> 00:34:43.755
Create morecom and also LinkedIn.

00:34:43.755 --> 00:34:46.099
They can find me Maureen Considine on LinkedIn.

00:34:46.099 --> 00:34:48.411
It's probably the best two places.

00:34:49.172 --> 00:34:51.018
Yes, listeners, you already know the drill.

00:34:51.018 --> 00:34:55.521
We were making it as easy as possible for you to find Maureen's business website, as well as her personal LinkedIn.

00:34:55.521 --> 00:35:06.916
If you want to reach out to her, don't be shy because spoiler alert 99% of listeners are shy and are afraid to reach out to any creators and guests that they ever listened to on any platform.

00:35:06.916 --> 00:35:21.431
So you see how much Maureen loves this, and if you want to tap into her intuition, which is comprised of all of her experience, not only for herself, but with all of her clients, check out her business website at worklesscreatemorecom, as well as her personal LinkedIn.

00:35:21.431 --> 00:35:23.617
You'll find those links down below in the show notes.

00:35:23.617 --> 00:35:29.661
Otherwise, Maureen, on behalf of myself and all the listeners worldwide, thanks so much for joining us on the show today.

00:35:31.010 --> 00:35:32.454
Thank you so much for having me.

00:35:32.454 --> 00:35:33.920
I really enjoyed it.

00:35:47.199 --> 00:35:49.742
Hey, it's Brian here, and thanks for tuning in to yet another episode of the.

00:35:49.742 --> 00:35:50.543
Thank you so much for having me.

00:35:50.543 --> 00:35:54.286
I really enjoyed it, showcom, and I just want to give a shout out to our amazing guests.

00:35:54.286 --> 00:36:03.054
There's a reason why we are ad free and have produced so many incredible episodes five days a week for you, and it's because our guests step up to the plate.

00:36:03.114 --> 00:36:05.119
These are not sponsored episodes.

00:36:05.119 --> 00:36:06.702
These are not infomercials.

00:36:06.702 --> 00:36:10.202
Our guests help us cover the costs of our productions.

00:36:10.202 --> 00:36:21.143
They so deeply believe in the power of getting their message out in front of you, awesome wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, that they contribute to help us make these productions possible.

00:36:21.143 --> 00:36:29.641
So thank you to not only today's guests but all of our guests in general, and I just want to invite you check out our website because you can send us a voicemail there.

00:36:29.641 --> 00:36:30.974
We also have live chat.

00:36:30.974 --> 00:36:34.800
If you want to interact directly with me, go to thewantrepreneurshowcom.

00:36:34.800 --> 00:36:37.032
Initiate a live chat.

00:36:37.032 --> 00:36:46.451
It's for real me and I'm excited because I'll see you, as always every Monday, wednesday, friday, saturday and Sunday here on the Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur podcast.