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Mindset & Motivation Episodes

Sept. 1, 2017

118: How to become confident in yourself and your business w/ Mia Hew…

There's no denying that people love confident people. When people buy your product or service, they buy a little bit of you and your confidence, so as entrepreneurs it's important to have confidence in yourself, your business...

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Aug. 28, 2017

116: How to remove the doubt in your head w/ some help from Conor McG…

The #1 killer of most dreams is doubt . It's not easy to eliminate doubt from your mind... after all, every single person doubts themselves from time to time, especially at the beginning of a new project or business. In today...

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Aug. 21, 2017

113: You have NO CLUE how much can change in a few months

If you're listening to this podcast, you have a mission , and you have goals. And the reality is... with consistent and focused action, you have no clue how much your life can change in just a few months . In today's episode ...

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April 17, 2017

099: You didn't get fat in a week

When it comes to gaining and losing weight, it doesn't happen in a day or in a week... it happens through consistent actions over the course of months or years. In business, the same is true. In today's episode you'll hear ab...

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April 3, 2017

093: Vision without execution is hallucination

Thomas Edison once pointed out that vision without execution is just hallucination. For most wantrepreneurs, their dream business - and their dream vision - never becomes reality, because it's missing that one crucial ingredi...

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March 20, 2017

087: If you can't answer this, you won't get different results

Q1 2017 is almost in the books... and chances are you haven't gotten the results you wanted (yet). In today's episode you'll learn the ONE question that you HAVE TO ask yourself if you're serious about getting different resul...

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Feb. 27, 2017

078: You HAVE TO do this in order to grow

Entrepreneurship is all about growth. In order to grow your business, you have to grow personally and professionally, and doing that isn't always the easiest when you have years - and decades - of habits in doing things the w...

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Feb. 20, 2017

075: Action expresses priority

One of the most common things I hear from wantrepreneurs and beginning entrepreneurs is "I don't have enough time." Some even claim "growing my business is my #1 priority," yet they aren't acting like it. In today's episode y...

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Jan. 30, 2017

066: Are you a HO or a BO?

Mindset is the biggest determinant in your success or failure as an entrepreneur, and in today's episode you'll learn about the two very distinct mindset camps. HOs (Hobby Owners) have specific habits and views that hold them...

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Jan. 23, 2017

063: Are you a victim of your circumstances? Here's the hard truth...

We all have been given certain cards and circumstances in life. Fortunately for us, our futures and our fates are decided not by what cards we were given, but by what we do with them. In this episode you'll hear about how you...

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Dec. 30, 2016

053: The one entrepreneurial lesson that got me through 2016

2016 had plenty of ups and plenty of downs, but ONE lesson that I learned as an entrepreneur back in 2008 helped guide me to the next level personally and professionally. In this episode we get personal and I share with you h...

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Dec. 12, 2016

045: GO FOR IT! when it comes to being exceptional

Average people can't teach you to be exceptional. In today's episode you'll hear about how to GO FOR IT as an entrepreneur, and how to learn from exceptional people.

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Nov. 28, 2016

039: Stop saying "it didn't work for me!"

A lot of entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs have the tendency of saying a marketing strategy or a business model or a sales method "didn't work for them." In today's episode I'll break down the four reasons why things "don't wo...

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Nov. 25, 2016

038: What I'm thankful for as an entrepreneur (Thanksgiving Special)

In this Thanksgiving episode, I reveal six things I'm thankful for as an entrepreneur. Many of the six things are some of the greatest lessons I've learned in my decade of being an entrepreneur, and things that can help YOU i...

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Nov. 21, 2016

036: How your family and friends can threaten your success as an entr…

As entrepreneurs sometimes it might feel like your closest family and friends are doubting you or questioning you... or not supporting you in your journey. In today's episode you'll learn WHY they're doubting you and how to d...

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