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Mindset & Motivation Episodes

Nov. 2, 2020

382: You and I need to talk...

In today's episode we're having an important check-in about YOUR progress over the past six, 12, or 18 months. I invite you to email me at with your revelations!

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Oct. 26, 2020

380: THIS separates you from the best of the best!

We've all got access to the same information... we've all got access to the same technology and tools... so what actually separates the best of the best from the rest? In today's episode we'll talk about how YOU can start get...

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Oct. 5, 2020

378: Use the seasons to YOUR advantage!

Motivation can come internally but also externally, and in today's episode we'll talk about how to use the calendar and natural time transitions to your advantage as an entrepreneur.

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 21, 2020

373: Is it HARD or EASY to build a business?

Some people think it's HARD to build a business. Some people think it's EASY to build a business. Rather than looking at who's right, it's more important to look at how those varying beliefs and attitudes shape our results an...

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Sept. 14, 2020

370: How much you should be INVESTED in your biz

"I'll be more invested when I start making more money with my business" is a common misnomer... so in today's episode we'll talk about how it's the OTHER way around if you're serious about building a business.

Listen to the Episode
July 22, 2020

368: Ask yourself THIS question today!

If you ask small questions, you'll get small answers... and in today's episode you'll be challenged to ask yourself a BIG question so you can start getting BIG results.

Listen to the Episode
July 20, 2020

367: What a Nobel Peace Prize winner's daughter taught me...

As entrepreneurs, we like to think that we are forging our own path and building our own business... but in today's episode you'll get a reminder about the tribe that really lifts you up and helps you succeed!

Listen to the Episode
July 13, 2020

364: The #1 type of confidence you need as an entrepreneur

As entrepreneurs we face a lot of questions, but we don't always have the answers. In today's episode we'll talk about how to have confidence in the face of so much uncertainty.

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July 10, 2020

363: The mindset of a successful entrepreneur w/ AJ Mihrzad

AJ Mihrzad is a former personal trainer turned 7-figure entrepreneur. He's the bestselling author of “Master Your Inner Game” and “The Mind Body Solution: Train Your Brain for Permanent Weight Loss.” AJ was recently inducted ...

Listen to the Episode
July 7, 2020

361: If you don't have THIS, you're more likely to quit

Every successful entrepreneur has this ONE powerful asset in their repertoire, but it's not talked about often enough. In today's episode we'll talk about the key ingredient to entrepreneurial success... COMMUNITY!

Listen to the Episode
June 29, 2020

359: The truth about ANY business you choose to start...

No matter what business you choose to start, it'll take way longer and be way harder than you initially thought... so rather than letting this discourage you, let it motivate you to start a business you REALLY care about!

Listen to the Episode
June 26, 2020

358: You MUST fight for THIS cause!!

In today's episode we'll talk about the cause that YOU (and only you!) MUST be fighting for... no matter which side of the aisle you're on!

Listen to the Episode
May 11, 2020

354: Let's talk about your WORST!

It's no secret... your first time doing ANYTHING will be the worst, so in today's episode you'll get yet another reason why you might as well just start NOW!

Listen to the Episode
May 4, 2020

351: Why ships sink! (And why yours doesn't have to)

We are BACK! Today's episode features the quote of "ships don't sink because of the water around them; they sink because of the water that gets in them."

Listen to the Episode
March 17, 2020

350: What to focus on in times of crisis

EVERYONE IS PANICKING! instead, on today's episode we'll talk about what YOU should be focusing on as an entrepreneur during this (and any) crisis.

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