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Mindset & Motivation Episodes

Feb. 24, 2020

346: FIVE words to become mentally resilient!

In today's episode you'll learn FIVE simple words to repeat to yourself that will make you mentally resilient no matter what happens during your entrepreneurial journey!

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Feb. 21, 2020

345: The FIVE types of entrepreneurs (which type are you?)

There are FIVE types of entrepreneurs... find YOUR type by taking the quiz at

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Feb. 10, 2020

340: The difference between SCHOOL and BUSINESS!

In today's episode we'll talk about the quote from Tom Bodett that says "The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson....

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Feb. 5, 2020

338: 10 Biz + Life Lessons from Clayton Christensen w/ Nat Harward

In today's episode you'll hear Nat Harward share 10 of the best life and business lessons he learned from the late and great Clayton Christensen.

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Feb. 3, 2020

337: Are you on OFFENSE or DEFENSE? Here's the answer...

In today's episode Nat Harward and Brian Lofrumento talk about how the concept of 1, 5, and 10 foot balls in tennis relate to YOUR own "phases of play" in entrepreneurship... and how recognizing which phase of play you're in ...

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Jan. 24, 2020

333: Every new entrepreneur should STOP this!

"If you ask for criticism you'll get it..." and in today's episode we talk about whether that's helping or hurting you as an entrepreneur.

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Jan. 20, 2020

331: How many books should you read?

In today's episode we'll directly address CONTENT CONSUMPTION and goal setting for entrepreneurs.

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Dec. 20, 2019

319: My ONE WORD for 2020

Picking ONE WORD for your year is your chance to set the tone. It's one word that overarches all aspects of your life and gives you focus and clarity on what decisions to make. In this episode you'll hear my one word... and r...

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 16, 2019

317: Is the juice worth the squeeze?

In today's episode we'll examine and consider all of the hardships of entrepreneurship and decide if the juice is worth the squeeze.

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Dec. 2, 2019

311: Be ready to move FAST... or slow!

In today's episode we'll talk about how as entrepreneurs we sometimes can move FAST... or sometimes we're forced to move SLOW... and how we need to be ready for either!

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Sept. 30, 2019

306: If you're not good at something, do this!

Life is about getting better, and there's only ONE way to do that. In today's episode you'll get a reminder about what to do if you're looking to improve at anything.

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Sept. 23, 2019

303: This ONE thing can turn your life around...

Most people underestimate the power of just hitting PUBLISH and starting to pursue their dreams. In today's episode you'll learn how that small and simple act can spark so many things... all by hitting PUBLISH!

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 22, 2019

298: What I do when I want to pound my head on the table

Doing the work doesn't always feel good... sometimes projects drag on and are painful to complete. In today's episode we'll talk about a mindset shift that will get you through those projects, and how that is your biggest adv...

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Aug. 16, 2019

297: What to do if you can't afford to invest in yourself

Can't afford that course or coaching or event you so badly know will help you grow your business? In today's episode you'll get a dose of reality about how that potential investment is NOT what's holding you back!

Listen to the Episode
July 29, 2019

289: Be impatient for profit and patient for growth w/ Nat Harward

In today's episode you'll learn the power of adopting the mindset of being "impatient for profit and patient for growth." Guest host Nat Harward breaks down this concept coined by Clayton Christensen and how it can help entre...

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