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Practical Business Skills & Tools Episodes

Feb. 15, 2021

400: ALL happy people have this trait... use it as an entrepreneur!

When it comes to fostering deep and successful relationships, there's one trait that ALWAYS benefits all parties involved: giving the other person the benefit of the doubt! In today's episode we'll talk about how that will wo...

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Feb. 10, 2021

398: Always know EVERYTHING about your industry with this crazy simpl…

Success leaves clues, and in today's episode you're going to learn about a crazy simple and FREE tool that will reveal ALL the clues of your industry and its leaders to you... in just 60 seconds!

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Oct. 2, 2020

377: The DEBATE and POLITICS for us as entrepreneurs

Politics... what does it mean for us as entrepreneurs? In today's episode you'll hear host Brian Lofrumento's perspective on what politics and the upcoming election mean for entrepreneurs, and how it changes our priorities.

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July 27, 2020

369: Make THESE decisions!

As entrepreneurs, we're faced with a million different decisions... but what plagues most entrepreneurs isn't making the WRONG decisions, it's NOT making decisions! In today's episode we'll talk about how to avoid this plague...

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May 13, 2020

355: ONLY invest in a tool if it does THIS!

As entrepreneurs we have to decide where to invest our money, so in today's episode we'll talk about whether a tool is "worth it" or not.

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Feb. 17, 2020

343: Don't let your echo chamber scare you!

Ever felt like there's already too many people doing your thing and that they have more market penetration than you could ever have? Don't fall victim to your own echo chambers... in today's episode you'll hear about how ther...

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Jan. 27, 2020

334: How to get people to EXCITEDLY help you!

In today's episode you'll hear two pieces of wisdom about how to get people willing and excited to help you... all by helping yourself!

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 17, 2020

330: Every tool I pay for (see under the hood of my biz!)

In today's episode you'll get an exclusive look at every tool that powers my business!

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Dec. 6, 2019

313: The WORST business idea is the BEST business!

In today's episode you'll hear how even the WORST business idea can be the BEST business for you to start.

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 4, 2019

312: How to be a good podcast guest

Appearing as a guest on someone else's podcast is a fast way to get in front of an audience. In today's episode you'll get five tips on how to be a good podcast guest!

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 27, 2019

309: What to do when you've been gone too long

It's official... the podcast is BACK! In today's episode we'll get to talk about what to do when you've been gone too long... and how you get to make the decision to come back.

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Sept. 25, 2019

304: SOMEONE has to tell you this about your business idea...

Picking a business idea to pursue sets the tone for your entrepreneurial journey, so in today's episode you'll get a different perspective on what your first objective should be when it comes to identifying the RIGHT business...

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Sept. 17, 2019

300: THREE years of lessons... steal these from me!

The Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur Podcast turns 300 episodes today! Tune in to hear the five (or six) biggest lessons learned throughout three years of recording 300 episodes. Also... thank YOU for tuning in, listening, carin...

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 7, 2019

293: PLEASE don't make this mistake... it will ruin your business!

In today's episode you'll learn about the single biggest mistake entrepreneurs make as their business is gaining momentum... and how to prevent that momentum from being lost!

Listen to the Episode
May 3, 2019

273: 5 things I wish I knew before I started my first business

In today's episode you'll hear the five things I wish I knew before I started my first business... from what to focus on to how to pick a first business to start working on.

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