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Marketing & Sales Strategies Episodes

Jan. 22, 2021

390: How to become (micro) famous to the RIGHT people and become in d…

Have you ever wondered if you have to be like GaryVee and be hustling and marketing around the clock on every social media platform? In today's episode Matt Johnson, the author of MicroFamous: Become Famously Influential to t...

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Jan. 20, 2021

389: Get the low hanging fruit to succeed FASTER!

In today's topic we'll talk about making marketing and sales harder than it should be... and acknowledge the low-hanging fruit that will make your life easier and more profitable!

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Jan. 13, 2021

386: This strategy ALWAYS works!

The worst response to any marketing you can do is silence... and in today's episode we'll talk about how to get your audience to start engaging with you, whether it's over email, social media, or in person.

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Oct. 28, 2020

381: It doesn't have to be sexy!

Getting your first customer or client is THE most important thing when you start your business, and in today's episode we'll talk about how to make it happen... without any funnels, ad campaigns, or fancy marketing stuff!

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Oct. 7, 2020

379: You'll make more money if you do THIS!

As entrepreneurs we often get pulled in many different directions, but in today's episode we'll talk about the ONE activity you can do this month to start making more money!

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Sept. 18, 2020

372: Running Facebook Ads PROFITABLY w/ Brandon Hendrix

In today's episode you're going to hear directly from Brandon Hendrix, the VP of Marketing at Thrasio (the world's FASTEST company to reach a $1b+ valuation while being profitable). Brandon spoke to Launch Coalition members L...

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July 17, 2020

366: Get more sales by UNSELLING w/ Tiji Thomas

Tiji Thomas is the creator of the "Unselling System" and is a 7-figure sales expert. He's personally produced over a half BILLION dollars in sales, and teaches a highly effective integrity-based conversational sales approach....

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July 16, 2020

365: Where are you closing sales?

Sales don't appear out of thin air, so in today's episode we'll talk about the different close points that your business might use.

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July 8, 2020

362: Don't make this big sales mistake!

Getting sales isn't always easy as an entrepreneur, so in today's episode we'll talk about a simple concept that can increase your sales by selling what people WANT but giving them what they NEED!

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July 1, 2020

360: The ONE setting that determines the success of your FB Ad campai…

Facebook Ads... whether you love them or hate them, it's the quickest way to get in front of your perfect customers and clients, so it's an essential skill for entrepreneurs to have. In today's episode we'll talk about one of...

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May 6, 2020

352: Do NOT run an ad campaign without THIS!

When it comes to running successful ad campaigns, there's one free tool that will either guarantee the success or failure of your campaign, so in today's episode we talk about that!

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March 5, 2020

349: You WON'T make money if you're working on this...

In today's episode you'll learn about a real life conversation I had with an entrepreneur who is struggling to generate sales... and my answer when she asked why no one is telling her how to actually get in front of her ideal...

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Feb. 19, 2020

344: Are you making this HUGE sales mistake!?

In today's episode we'll talk about FRICTION in your sales process.

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Feb. 14, 2020

342: Always look for the low-hanging fruit!

In today's episode we'll talk about how to make everything you do when it comes to sales, marketing, content, and more easier by just looking for the low-hanging fruit.

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Feb. 12, 2020

341: The most unlikely (and free) source for learning great copywriti…

There's one huge source of incredible copywriting and marketing lessons staring directly at you every time you go to the grocery store... so in this lesson you'll learn how to steal their examples to start getting more ATTENT...

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