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Marketing & Sales Strategies Episodes

Jan. 29, 2020

335: Think of these five words for EVERYTHING!

There's an acronym that every marketer and copywriter knows: WIIFM. In today's episode you'll learn how those five words can start making your marketing, your sales pitches, and your advertising much more successful.

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Jan. 22, 2020

332: DON'T serve this audience!

Serving an audience takes energy, effort, and resources... so in today's episode you'll get a reminder about which audience TO serve and which audience to NOT serve.

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 15, 2020

329: The hidden tool EVERY great marketer keeps a secret

There's ONE tool that every great marketer has in their arsenal, yet NO ONE talks about it publicly. In today's episode you'll learn what that tool is... and you'll get encouragement to start yours TODAY!

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Jan. 13, 2020

328: Are you certified? YES! (and a better question to ask...)

In today's episode we'll talk about where to focus your energies to prove that you're "certified," and the best way to incorporate that into your sales and marketing.

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 8, 2020

326: 12 months of marketing planned out in front of you!

In today's episode you'll get a behind the scenes look into exactly how Brian plans out his entire 12 month marketing strategy... including his entire content strategy!

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 25, 2019

321: Everyone else is doing it... YOU SHOULD TOO!

It's the holiday season... and the BUYING and SELLING season! In today's Strategy Wednesday episode we'll talk about how you should be looking for any – and EVERY – excuse to be selling.

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 11, 2019

315: Don't make this HUGE mistake on sales calls!

In today's episode you'll hear the easiest way to overcoming the biggest mistake that most entrepreneurs make on sales calls.

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 29, 2019

310: The Attachment Method... and how it can COMPLETELY change the ga…

In today's episode you'll hear how the Attachment Method can completely transform your marketing, your sales process, your follow-ups, and rapidly build an audience who is ready and EXCITED to work with you. Get the Attachmen...

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 9, 2019

294: The FASTEST Instagram hack for 20K followers!

In today's episode you'll learn about how an Instagram hack can get more than 20,000 people to find your viral posts on Instagram, and how that can help your business... with a slight twist.

Listen to the Episode
June 21, 2019

285: Important answers to launching your first online course!

Today's episode features answers to a listener's question about launching her first course.

Listen to the Episode
June 19, 2019

284: How Nike sold its first 50,000 shoes... and how YOU can copy the…

In today's episode you'll hear about how Nike prioritized a non-scalable sales strategy to sell its first 50,000 shoes... and how not worrying about scale can – and will – benefit you as an entrepreneur.

Listen to the Episode
May 24, 2019

281: The ONE question that will make all of your marketing better

In today's episode you'll learn the ONE question to ask yourself to instantly make your marketing, your copywriting, and your advertising better by focusing on your audience rather than yourself!

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May 17, 2019

279: If you build it, will they come?

Every entrepreneurs loves to build things... whether it's a website, a podcast, an app, a blog, or social media profiles... but in today's episode you'll hear the obvious answer to the question "if you build it, will they com...

Listen to the Episode
May 15, 2019

278: The one sentence persuasion in sales and marketing

In today's episode you'll learn about the FIVE components to be more persuasive in your sales and marketing efforts.

Listen to the Episode
May 8, 2019

275: Facebook Ad Targeting 101 (explained in simple terms at long las…

The most important component of any ad campaign is targeting . In today's episode you'll learn about Facebook's targeting options, and most importantly, how to make sure that the targeting you choose sets you up for success.

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